Are we done pretending this matters?

Are we done pretending this matters?

I'm sorry that you can't afford a blu ray player op

Top looks much better

I'll bite

I really dont understand people that freak out about getting Blu rays or the highest quality movie ever

It's a waste of money. And I'm not poor, I make 75k as a software dev

I mean, if you have a current gen video game console or a decent computer they all come with built in blu ray players

I have an Xbone but I still just download whatever from pirate bay

I don't care about the quality of the movie as long as it's high def

blu ray really shines in cropped 730x500 and compressed.

Get a bigger hd tv

It is a waste of money, that's why I torrent Bluray rips :^)

>buy highest quality
>freak out
pick one

It would only look worse if you stretched it out to show all the flaws


OP confirmed for having a small display



Bluray is okay.

but 4K was a mistake


4k isnt a mistake when you have a large screen

>have enormous screen
>3 UHD movies
>rest of your old stuff looks like ass

What the fuck kind of picture is this? Both of the display pictures are in the corners and both of the format labels are in the corners. How the fuck am I supposed to know which is which? Eat shit.

what kind of software developer are you? what do you work on? just curious

you're an idiot