Train to busan

Leave zombies to me

good film

Leave closing doors to me

>Even gookkino does zombies better than the west

I've had a lot of bad dreams where I'm holding a door closed against zombies, and something like their fingers is preventing me from shutting it. This movie captured that sense of terror perfectly.

>cunty businessman has obviously been bitten and is slowly walking toward me on a thin walkway
>i have seen plenty of people turn zombie in the past and can easily recognize the behaviour he is exhibiting
"whoah dude you alright?" *let him turn before engaging him instead of just throwing him off onto the tracks*
*get bitten*
*have to kill myself*

>he watches zombie flicks for the realism

>he doesn't

i thought they were going to headshot the little girl

I thought the first 2/3 of this movie were great, but then the ending sort of falls prey to every Zombie Movie Trope known to man.

Still better than WWZ

>not calling it korino

This is korean right? I can't remember lel

It was good until they killed off all the good characters

korino is reserved for spring breakers, sorry bud

Fuck that grandmother desu.

>waaah you deserve to die cause you protected yourselves :ppppppppp

Heavens no, not the book at least.
But better than the Brad Pitt fan-fiction, yes.

Bless the wide angle jew
y'all niggas don't have any ideas how these trains are small

Leave zombkino to me.

>how these trains are small
Well if Korean trains are anything in similarity with the trains we have in France, then yes it'd be also impossible to run, and even less to fight in their hallways.

really makes you think

thats what I liked about 28 weeks later
they just said "fuck it" and killed everyone instead of risking to spread the virus again
I dont remember who fucked up though
if I recall correctly it spread to france

>New sincerity

I don't understand the reference, but crack on lad

>"fuck it" and killed everyone instead of risking to spread the virus again
WWZ, and do forgive that I'll be biding the rest of my time on this thread shilling for the book, also had pretty kino chapter in which the Ukrainian authorities were being submerged by fleeing refugees, of which they were unable to weed out the infected from the healthy, so they start killing refugees indiscriminately to see who reanimates or not.
The best thing about Zombie movies really is about humans betraying their morals and going shitty to survive.

Last a lot longer than he should. Seriously, fuck that guy.

Please don't read this. You will be kissed by the love of your life on the nearest Friday. However, if you do not repost this on 3 other threads, you will die within 2 days

This movie was way too over dramatic

if i'm not dead in 2 days, i'm going to hunt you down

If that user is dead in 2 days, I'll hunt you down instead.