What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


he was a dumbass complaining about immigrants when he lives in a country composed entirely of immigrants

He wanted to make America great again

You're a moron.

Mouth was gunked up with cunny juice

The potatoniggers were encroaching on his territory.

He was the last Mohican, user.

He wanted mother-whoring Irish niggers to speak English in his country

He couldn't get funding to build a wall around Ellis Island.

He wasn't actually a butcher.

he hated the Irish more than blacks



He saw the future and knew the score.

When you sit down to play a board game, there are only two real rules.
1- Don't get caught
2- Winning is winning, no matter how it was done

This is how human history works and he knew it. That's why when papists started showing up on his shores he immediately took action, knowing that if he didn't play dirty to establish dominance they eventually would.

Guy was just trying to win the game for his team. You can't really blame anyone in history for doing that. Especially when they're doing it on a scale as small as Bill's.

This is an excellent theory, btw.

Combine it with Lincoln and There Will Be Blood and you get a Man from Earth theme going.

This is repeated often, and I think it's based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what an "immigrant" is. The US was founded by people of British descent, they weren't immigrants to the United States because the United States didn't exist before them.

Saying that the country is composed entirely of immigrants is on par with saying that Japan is composed entirely of immigrants because they're nearly all descended from migrants from Eastern Asia instead of the "native" Ainu people. British-descended people and African-descended people who founded this country are the Native "Americans" (for lack of a better word, I'm trying to say people of the United States). All the rest of us, Irish, Germans, Italians, Swedes, Dutch, Chinese, Cubans, Mexicans-we're immigrants. But the Jacksons/Johnsons/Williams/Jeffersons who make up the majority of the people in this country are not.

>kill original owners
>settle down
>immigrants show up
What kind of retard doesn't recognize when they're being played at their own game?

This guy knows.

Fuck the niave.

easiest (you)s in my fucking life

The Native American Party, renamed the American Party in 1855 and commonly known as the Know Nothing movement, was an American political party that operated nationally in the mid-1850s.

The movement arose in response to an influx of migrants and promised to "purify" American politics by limiting or ending the influence of Irish Catholics and other immigrants, thus reflecting nativist and anti-Catholic sentiment. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, whom they saw as hostile to Republican values and as being controlled by the Pope. Mainly active from 1854 to 1856, the movement strove to curb immigration and naturalization but met with little success. Membership was limited to Protestant men. There were few prominent leaders, and the largely middle-class membership was divided over the issue of slavery.

>Republican values
so they were always racist. makes sense.

He didn't really have one, typical mob boss who's racism was perfectly in keeping with mainstream views of the time.

Shit, he wasn't even that racist. He was just a Protestant and at least could still respect a man even if he were Irish or Catholic. In fact, the man he revered the most was both of those things.

That's basically part of the story. One of the points made.

His actions towards Amsterdam were nothing but fatherly from the moment of their meeting to the moment of death. It was like he longed to be killed by a man he respected. His brutality towards Amsterdam and his traitorous cuck friend is just because he felt betrayed and hurt by Amsterdam, and also disappointed in his underhanded methods. The beating and scarring was a corrective measure handed down from father to son.

Amsterdam even acknowledges this and sees that Bill is buried next to his fucking biological father.

He loved his country.

Thanks for the (You) :)


Pick one

He had a code of ethics. Something the politicians, the police, and the immigrants didn't.

No depth perception

niggers are more "native" than fucking germans, dutch, and irish? are you serious? they didn't found this country, they were fucking farm equipment. they weren't even allowed to be US citizens until a century after the country's founding.

meanwhile the dutch founded new york, the pennsylvania dutch (germans) have been in this country since the 17th century, and the fucking primary ethnic group of the southern colonies was scots-irish, not even going into their presence in the northeast i.e. boston. charles carroll was an irishman and he signed the god damned declaration of independence. martin van buren was dutch and he was president of the united states. and you're saying fucking NIGGERS of all people are more "real" americans than those people? go fuck yourself, you illiterate, historically ignorant nigger apologist.

He was in a bad movie

He just wanted a milkshake.

Sup Forums: THE THREAD

At least when imperialists took the land away from the native population, they at least made the effort to rationalize their brutality and theft (i.e. white man's burden, the savage's weren't commercializing the land, etcetera).
This idea of a "fundamental misunderstanding" is just fucking ridiculous, though no less dangerous.

Roman Popary.

This is the true black pill

>Composed entirely of immigrants

That statement is false or incorrect.

damn beat me to it

Every complaint he had about the Irish turned out to be true, too.

>These Irish are coming in, getting organized and will take over. They just need more numbers.

>Leo proudly states that so many Irish are migrating at such a large pace that they now no longer have a gang, but an army.

>Bill is convinced the politicians will sell out the natives to secure easy votes from the migrants, which they do.

I mean, same shit happened to the Injuns a couple hundred years previous, so Bill didn't have to be psychic.

>politics are mentioned in a thread about a film whose subject is politics

Why does this upset the redditor?

>same shit happened to his tribe less than a hundred years previous

I grew up near Boston and up until the 1840's, it was actually pretty WASP. Boston, Salem, and other ports in Massachusetts engaged in trade all over the world. Boston was considered to be a true British city during the colonial era.

The advent of Irish fleeing the famine radically changed the demographics and political outlook of Boston and Massachusetts in general. There was a significant backlash by US citizens and particularly by Americans of Scots-Irish Presbyterian stock who took great pains to distance themselves from being associated with Catholic Irish.

These Catholic Irish were not educated and the fact that they subscribed to the Pope made Protestant Americans feel that they had dual loyalty. So for a "Nativist" like Bill the Butcher, he was pissed that the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture and demographics were being swamped by people who had no affinity or cultural background to the US or its institutions.

My mom's ancestors hails from German Texans who had to contemplate what nationality meant when the Civil War broke out. Quite a few German Texans didn't see the need to secession and paid for it dearly. This is the tip of the iceberg when considering racial and cultural relations between non-WASP Americans and ones from predominantly Catholic areas or Central/Eastern Europe.

But that land was not the land of the United States. This is exactly what I'm talking about. People talk about how "oh, everyone is an immigrant" as though the 50 states were up and running in 1600.

Have you read Albion's Seed, user? I think you might be interested in it.

SSC review here: slatestarcodex.com/2016/04/27/book-review-albions-seed/

Also I read this as
>I grew up near Boston up until the 1840's
and thought "holy fuck how old are you?"

What pisses me off about a lot of Irish immigrants in the late 1800's to early 1900's is how they bankrolled anti-British activities. Look, if you want to fight the British and liberate Ireland do it someplace else. Don't bring your shit to our shores.

They actually had the affront to launch the Fenian raids into Canada after the Civil War ended. That's autism at its finest.

Thanks I'll read it when I get the chance.

A lot of what that link mentions is stuff I'm aware of. My ancestors hail from the Borderers and there's a great book called The Other Irish which details how the Scots-Irish shaped the early US.

You know, it's funny how nobody gives Australia shit for colonizing from the aborigines. I agree that Western settlement in the New World and Oceania was brutal and oppressive to the natives, but technically, everybody did this shit back then. Was it right? Of course not, but what do people expect? Rewind the clock?

no, republicans were the liberals back then. not kidding, look it up. Lincoln was a republican.

Australian colonization wasn't particularly brutal. It was benign in the grand scheme of things. Plus we get constant shit for it.

But Lincoln didn't like niggers either. Wanted them all to go back to Africa.

They also tried to stop the US from helping Britain in WWI and in WWII. Real loyal bunch, it's funny to see their descendants complaining about chicanos waving Mexican flags in parades when the Irish-Americans were basically advocating treason at one point.

He was a patriot.