Tucker Appreciation Thread

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Will Dom Tullipso ever recover?

oy vey

So funny that you ineffectual dweebs see yourself in him, so fitting.

And you already know John Stewart did cuck him brutally.

He's annoying and his face is stupid. Also, seemingly taking a page out of Sean Hannity's playbook, he tries to "win" arguments by interrupting people. He should be more like Bill O'Reilly or John Stossel.

>gets made fun of once by Leibowitz for bowtie
>switches to tie-tie

>Literally got cuck'd so hard on national television by kike scum Jon (((LIEBOWITZ))) that it is all he is known for to most people that aren't fat alt-right retards and now does a show where he brings on libcuck punching bags so he can act like he's smart and still sometimes gets his shit pushed in by those drooling retards

Pretty sure you an cuck that faggot, and pretty sure he literally got circumcised on TV by a king kike, OP.

i don't like him because he supports the orange meanie


>Literally cucked into changing his personal style by Heebowitz

He's the most perfect example of modern conservatism alive today. He's weak, stupid, easily confounded with history. He's the meek beta conservative that tries to be assertive but when confronted with anyone knowledgeable he folds like the cheap suit he's wearing.

He is literally the bacteria that created the Trump era.

John Stewart had sex with tuckers girlfriend while tucker masturbated in the room?

ok kurt

A cuckservative but one that triggers liberals


lol Sup Forums still mad that trump won.

is tuck at the deploraball?


provide one example.

He's like a Quantum Pussy. He has no real moral backbone or first principles.

Oh look, it's another kike shill the retarded right supports like their faggot kikeloving president. Glad I get to watch America burn and smell your fat corpses before actual white Americans with a brain take back this great country.

Hi jon

tucker isn't a cuckservative

watch his interview with lindsay graham yesterday, a real cuckservative


Based Tuck, slayer of Cucks.

He looks WASP af

He's anti-racist he says that white nationalists hurt the Trump campaign and the (((Civic)))) nationalism is much better

And there for not conservative and anti-white

Hi Jon. Ready for the shoah?

Original. Very Tuckerlike. You using your old bowties to dry your tears right now or is your wife too busy using them to clean the niggercum out of her pussy?

white nationalists did hurt the trump campaign that's a fact. america is no longer a "white country" and civic nationalism is the next best thing we can support.

O'Reilly? The guy who doesn't let his guests get a word in and yammers about himself at the top of his lungs before they can answer a question?

The great thing about you people being low born, low educated poverty cases is that cognitive dissonance is pretty much taught to you by your ignorant parents and that self perpetuating lifestyle will talk you dumb white southerners into modern slavery. You're the foxconn children of Alabama. You'll be leaping into suicide nets and yelling weeeeeee!

You mean the Trump approved annexation of the United States into Israeli territory? I find it hilarious you kike bootlickers are so anti kike when your LE GUY TRUMPSTEIN XD is the biggest kike shill in the world and literally made his first call as president to Netanyahu. Enjoy dying in """"""Israel""""" for whatever war he sends you fat dorks to fight in.

it's almost as if you can't be openly "gas the kikes race war now" and have a tv show

imagine that

>(((Moves goalposts instead of admitting the truth)))

Hmmm, what a very Jewish thing to do.

Thats the most cuck thing I've ever seen

America is and always will be a white county

Non-whites are either subjugated or invaders imo

Would Nigeria fucking take MILLIONS of foreigners in its country? no

Neither should we. Whites for whites anything else is libtard bullshit

We can't because everyone is a pussy

take a stand and be a man. Make it the new norm.

I typed this realizing that none of you morons know anything I'm talking about.

>libcucks get triggered by a single picture

As much as I dislike Jews, I hate sandniggers far more. Trump at least has his priorities straight.

This is like chatting with the shrubbery around your home. You don't read, you don't keep up, you just react like dogs.

america is 60% white at most and rapidly declining. it is no longer a white country and will only get worse as more of them pour in.

guess you're just too intelligent for us

>capitalizing "hahaha"

How triggered are you right now?

So triggered I'm laughing at how you got triggered by a single picture.

Imma keep laughing for the next 8 years too.

Just baseline. Not smart, just not educated under the Common Core. You people are profoundly fucking stupid. I'm not putting EM drives into space, but you people are trying to keep yourselves from fucking your sister most of the day.

You mean an entire speech in front of AIPAC, and the fact that "Jews for Trump" was one of the biggest donators for his campaign, or the fact that he went to his grandson's cock mutilating ceremony during his campaign, or the fact he was giving Israeli's trips on his private jet going all the way back to the 80's, or the fact that he expounds how much he loves Israel and hired a kike shill to lead his foreign affairs, or any of the other myriad of facts you dumb fucking uneducated faggot piece of subhuman kikeloving garbage?

Tucker is a fucking tool and it's funny that his PR team is attempting to latch this neverwas onto the "altright memesters."

Fuck off boomer


>A single picture

Way to show how uneducated you are. If you really think you'll live through the next eight years that's quite laughable too. I put the odds at about 15% you survive through the next five.

Don't you see that, in this thread? People are fucking skewed. They say that domesticated animals start to lose their intelligence quite quickly every decade. What do you think happens to homo sapiens sapiens when the wealthy are encouraged not to breed because education costs are so high while the poor are so they aren't left to die alone in their elder years?

>>A single picture
That's all it took you to flip your shit in this thread.


8 years, goatfucker, 8 years!

i think you might have autism

>A single picture

Again, you're an idiot. Keep laughing all the way to the grave and poorhouse. I'm just waiting for it to be legal to shoot you trash.

doesn't that 60% white statistic also include spics?

Absolutely, Autism caused your family. Keep on keeping on. Then you can read the research.

A SINGLE PICTURE, and you are still flipping your shit! HAHAHAHAHA

Also, it's never legal for sandniggers to own guns, they can't pass any sort of background checks.

No, America is 65% + white Hispanics, whatever that % is. Most of them are 4 foot tool mongrels though.

>A single picture

Again, proving how stupid you are. I don't even know what picture you are talking about.

And sand niggers can own guns, sadly. But thank God so can white people like me (not you, you obviously aren't white considering how much you support kikes) so they can put mudtrash like you down.

As of 2015, America is about 73% white

>stormnigger thinks anyone ever cared about or will care about what he has to say

lmaoing at ur life, i hope you're pure german because adolf would've had you stuffed in an oven along with the rest eventually

real nazis didn't even think the swiss were worthy

>Again, proving how stupid you are. I don't even know what picture you are talking about.
So triggered he doesn't even know HAHAHAHA

>i'm white
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, maybe you can fool someone after bleaching your skin Ahmed

Hey, that's not fair. I'm half-black, half-latino, and I have gained a lot of respect recently for Carlson. I only knew him as the guy who got blindsided by Stewart a while back, but he's seriously improved.

>real nazis didn't even think the swiss were worthy

And time has shown that they were right. Enjoy your death.