There are 100s of different ethnic groups spread across mountains of western china and south east asia

>there are 100s of different ethnic groups spread across mountains of western china and south east asia
>all speak various different languages, have various different religions from paganism to asiatic and protestantism (CIA helped to convert them lmao)
>entirely different cultures, much more culturally and linguistically diverse than europe
>most will disappear and get replaced by a national south east asian/chinese culture
>no reason they will be preserved
>this trend is happening across every major country throughout the world

how do we preserve ethnic, regional and cultural diversity? should the world just get replaced with a national culture or monoculture?

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It's too late goy

I don't know, we formally recognized 54 ethnic groups, but mostly for census purpose. Whenever they come the Vietnamese majority areas, they get assimilated pretty fast, and their descendants become nothing more than wewuzzers.
They are already assimilated

Imagine how meaningless for you to sepak your own language that is hardly spoken by someone outside of 2-3 villages if your were a native minority.

In Russia we have programms preserving native languages but people themselve don't want to learn it since everyone speak the language of majority.

Yeah, it's in the same situation here. If it's spoken by >100.000 people than it's pretty safe. But we also have a bunch of languages with

they are protestant cucks and have weird last names.

i've met obscure as shit ones in the midwest (random tai/zhuang/etc. people) for some reason though. midwest contains a weird sample of random hill tribes and SEA ethnic minorities back from when they were working for the CIA since ameriniggers felt bad about abandoning them to commies.

>how do we preserve ethnic, regional and cultural diversity?
By setting up museums. Nothing more.

Not here through, all minorities in Vietnam are uniformly animists/traditional religion followers, with some Buddhist clusters here and there.

>Bceгo: 6400
Пиздeц нaхyй, кaк oни тaм нe pacтвopилиcь cpeди cлaвян

not really. chechens do speak their own language most of the time. apparently tatars are also interested in preserving and using their own language in everyday life

It's sad but what can you do? It's been happening since forever.

There are a lot of chechens though.
They also don't assimilate properly.

в paхe yжe дaвнo нeт пpинyдитeльнoгo oпpeдeлeния нaциoнaльнocти/этнoca, тaк чтo эти люли пpocтo cчитaют ceбя вeпcaми, нo нe фaкт, чтo гeнeтичecки ими являютcя

Plus nowadays we can record their languages and traditions too. Even if they disappear at least we have them on record.

good, buddhism is a mistake. worshipping your own gods is the way to go.

it surprises me that asia still has basically african/amazon tier untouched tribes and shit though.

Europeans were probably the biggest fans of monoculturalism and the nation-state in modern times. it's funny that later on they suddenly wanted to preserve linguistic and ethnic minorities, especially when it came to other countries

eh i think everyone kinda realized you need a monoculturalism nation-state with strong central government to survive in this modern world of jet planes, guns and fast-travel.

places without good ones (random semi-tribal places in afric and elsewhere) end up getting fucked by organized nation-states all the time.

Funny how those countries and Russia are better examples at multiculti that works than us Western countries.

Actually it's more like "shut up and i will let you preserve your culture, if not, get rekt".

A тe ктo "являютcя" тaкoвыми cчитaют ceбя pyccкими и кeм-нибyдь дpyгим

>Bunch of villagers in some remote region
Those cultures are doomed to go extinct sooner or later.

Wow, Cambodia relatively homogeneous.


My mother fucking boy!!!