Peter, make sure to wear gloves when working with poisonous animals, especially spiders and women...

>Peter, make sure to wear gloves when working with poisonous animals, especially spiders and women. They like to stab you with thier fangs and suck out all the life and happiness right out of you. That's all a woman is - a hideous, poison-filled parasite.
>Now I know what you're thinking, "But Uncle Ben, you're married to a woman." Shut the fuck up Peter, don't talk about May that way. You think I'd marry a real woman? Why do you think we don't have any kids of our own? Trust me Peter, beneath "her" dress is a cock and pair of balls as old and wrinlky as a month-old zuccini and a pair of avocados. Her asshole is like a used rubber band now but back when she was young, goddamn she was as tight as a infant and just as smooth.
>Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, spiders. Wear gloves. I saw on the news a farmer got bit by a wolf and turned into a werewolf. His brother got his finger slammed in the front door of his house and now he's a werehouse. Has to have forklifts drive into his recieving dock every day, unloading boxes.
>Anyway, I wanted to tell you all this before the Alzheimers gets me.

Boooooo you suck!

I don't even remember this part.

Maybe because I was still bluepilled back then.

Yet another dimension never seen. Raimi is an auteur

Saw this in cinemas. Called up to projectionist to record scratch and play it again like 5 times.

It's a deleted scene

>and now he's a werehouse

le different time
Raimi meme

>His brother got his finger slammed in the front door of his house and now he's a werehouse

>Harry, please. Look at her. You think a woman like that's sniffing around because she likes your personality? Your mother was beautiful too, they're all beautiful - until they're snarling after your trust fund like a pack of ravening wolves!
>A word to the not-so-wise about your little girlfriend: do what you need to with her, then broom her fast!

I'm not even memeing.

Is this how the meme started?

>That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?
This movie was problematic af

fuck you Uncle Ben you said the same thing when I won't eat my vegetables

Norman Osborn was right and did nothing wrong.

All of his cartooniishly evil speeches would sound tame by today's standards. Writers on breitbart would probably call him a cuck.

Really tickles my pickle

It truly was a different time

For those who want to be part of this epic Sup Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.

Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what movie this epic Sup Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Sam Raimi Spiderman movies but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other movies now. This thread however uses the Raimi Spiderman meme. Please pay attention.

Step 2: Take a iconic scene in the movie, any will do as long as people remember the scene. Greentext a quote from the scene and twist the words to use anti semitisim, racism, homophobia or any other edgy as fuck topic. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more vulgar it is the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....

Step 3: Make a regular post, taking the position of a normal person and pretend to be disgusted by that scene. I know, I know, this is Sup Forums, a site where gore flows like fine wine but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to be offended by that fake scene. Funny huh?

Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing

>The Holocaust Parker! Get me pictures of the Holocaust!
Jesus christ Raimie

He was just trying to make his way in a corrupt world and help his son.

>Wouldn't you rather have pictures of something that actually happened?
Jesus Raimi that's illegal all over europe

>s brother got his finger slammed in the front door of his house and now he's a werehouse. Has to have forklifts drive into his recieving dock every day, unloading boxes.
>>Anyway, I wanted to tell you all this before the Alzheimers gets me.

Everyone already knew that you moron

>His brother got his finger slammed in the front door of his house and now he's a werehouse

What if it bit his arm?

> I saw on the news a farmer got bit by a wolf and turned into a werewolf. His brother got his finger slammed in the front door of his house and now he's a werehouse.

>peter..kill them all...

It was improved too.

>His brother got his finger slammed in the front door of his house and now he's a werehouse. Has to have forklifts drive into his recieving dock every day, unloading boxes.

Overly long, needs editing, but a fresh take on the meme, 5/10