The entire Leave issue was built around xenophobia; fear of foreign government...

>The entire Leave issue was built around xenophobia; fear of foreign government, fear of immigrants swamping over non-existent borders, fear of a trifling sum we have to pay for continued support, security and stability. Trying to sink the boat, with no plan at all for how we might be able to swim regardless of how many millions of lives will be ruined, jeopardised or upset does in fact goes beyond xenophobia. It's sheer bloody-minded pettiness.

>Forgive me for likewise being a little upset right now. Yesterday I was citizen in the European Union who hoped to go into a career in academia. Today that dream appears to have gone down the plug hole.

Could Sup Forums elucidate me on why my friend, who's doing a PHD in byzantium studies at Birmingham univserity, and planned to enter academia, is now unable to do so?

How would Brexit affect this?

He's a whiny baby who can't overcome even a little adversity for something he's supposed to be passionate about.

Fear works. His Remain campaign did the same with the economy. Just shows how little us common folk give a shit about economists in the last 8 years.

>11 billion is a "trifling sum"
>only get 6 billion in return from being in EU

The UK basically flushed 5 billion dollars down the toilet every year

of course he is able to do so. There is no reason that he would loose his Phd program just like that. Deals are to be made. Being out of the EU doesnt mean being an hermit state. I'm sure the media tries to scaremonger everyone into believing this, but this is simply not true at all
Its just histeria.

People seem to have forgotten that not so long ago the European Union was a trade block and nothing more.
now they make it like its part of a fundamental piece of everyones existence, and nobody could ever live without the ingerence of the EU has an entity
Its pathetic

>Another worthless leftist will not be able to have a worthless "academic" career

0 fucks given

>PHD in byzantium studies

kek, I'm going to use that one

Why can't he do so? Brexit won't officially happen for like 2 years.

>Could Sup Forums elucidate me on why my friend, who's doing a PHD in byzantium studies at Birmingham univserity, and planned to enter academia, is now unable to do so?
He has no backbone,student Visa aren't hard to get.

He's a liar. You can finish a PhD in 2 years and us leaving the UAEU does not preclude him from getting the fuck out of england and staying there

That's what I thought. I considered him a good friend before this. He was liberal but reasonably so, and very logical. I could have quite in depth debates with him for hours without any animosity developing, and now for some reason he seems to think the sky is falling because we've left the EU. I cannot see how this would impact him, since he already has his funding agreed, and since Birmingham university is actually good.

He seems to have finally fallen off the deep end.

Ok faggots, here's how you counter this sort of thing

Really, just say the following

>that's an extremely shallow argument
>the immigration issue has serious economic and cultural implications that need to be looked at responsibly. The media is not being honest with you.

That's literally it. But emphasize the shallow nature of their point of view.

guess you should have voted then faggotron

He's British and studying at a British university, in the city he lives in.

The only thing I can think of is that he may not have finalised his funding yet.

Then he's a complete idiot, or he knew he would never get a job and hoped for them EU program.


People need to get real jobs that actually generate wealth and stop fucking around demanding government money for 30,000 word reports on mid sixteenth century Vietnamese basket weaving politics.

>Yesterday I was citizen in the European Union who hoped to go into a career in academia.

The European Union still has academia. I'm sure he can still shill for them if that's his goal in life.

>byzantium studies
What a fucking waste. He should change majors. What a faggot.

>all the brexiters are racist xenophobes!! only america would do something like this!!

bremainers right now

Does the UK not having universities and Academia? Besides, life does not always turn out how you would like. Wanting to do something does not mean jack shit.

Deal with it.

We both studied history together at university, though he did it half and half with English literature.

I do not begrudge him furthering his knowledge in a field he is passionate about, and cannot fault learning about the past.

However, he shouldn't view it as any sort of right. Especially a PHD. And quite frankly, he should have been intelligent enough to work around the referendum vote.

I'm going to Vegas in september and changed some pounds to dollars on wednesday just in case brexit happened and lowered the value of the pound. It seems as though that was more preparation than this man did, and this is apparently his life.

>non-existent borders

Only non-existent if leftist trash have their way.

if he is a arab, he can fuckoff right back home to muzzieland

People have spoken ad-nauseum about how the current market blip is meaningless in the long run. the UK will find trading partners, and they'll no longer be under the thumb of sniveling EU bureaucrats.

So I'll focus on this:

> Yesterday I was citizen in the European Union who hoped to go into a career in academia

Bingo. That's it. SO MANY of the coal cucks wanting to stay in the EU are pursuing cushy, rent-seeking careers in academia or "diplomacy".

Oh no he'll have to get a real job. Oh no there are no real jobs left.