So some people say Quebec is socialist while the others say it is quasi-fascist tier nationalist

So some people say Quebec is socialist while the others say it is quasi-fascist tier nationalist

Which statement is true?

Other urls found in this thread:

they're pussies like all the french

I think they're "fascist-tier" when it comes to identity, culture, language...

Fascists and nazis were socialists, btw

Well, anglos are not really manly, but Canadians are just the faggiest anglos so I really can't take this post seriously


some of us are pussies cos your frog kind is here, so yes u are partially correct

Socialism and nationalism can go together despite what jews say

>tfw no gay socialist ginger quebec bf

They're a minority

You, you're a majority of faggots

nono, is majority
if we removed frogs from canada there would be no faggots here, and we wouldn't have to speak your language also invented by fags

>Québecois are a majority in Canada

kek, I wish.

they make the best black metal nowadays

You had a chance and you traded all of Canada for Guadeloupe

they pretty much are though, and they are the worst people in canada you will meet, worse than chinks and indians combined
i have never met one québecois who wasn't a pompous self entitled shit who only wants to talk about independence and how oppressed they are, when we have given them literally fucking everything they want

Well, I was talking about French canadians, not 'québécois' : anglos, chinks, mudshits, haitians etc...

They're like 5M people, brits are like...15 or 20M people...?

>and they are the worst people in canada you will meet, worse than chinks and indians combined

Sorry but I don't really know if I can trust you.

>it's the guy who always posts the same reaction images again thread

tasse-toi, ptit con

>it's the one autist who recognizes my images months after I last posted them

most are just cultural nationalists/regionalists, only a small minority are full blown revolutionary socialists

>literally most of these masked thugs are anglos

social democratic nationalists.

Pretty sure they lead every independence movement in democratic countries.

They're cucks

Is it true that Quebec is Canada's equivalent of the South in the US?

I apologise to Canada for not deporting all the frogs back to France when we had the chance


I support Quebec tbqh

Well people treat flags as though you speak for your whole country and its entire history anyway so you might as well act the part

In what way? Stupid accents? Ignorant about the outside world? Lazy welfare trash? Smokers everywhere?

>stupid accent
>probably only knows how to say "bonjour"
yes we shall trust you to comment on this

Don't forget historical butthurts nobody else cares about anymore

I was thinking more along the lines of the inbreeding, corruption, and petty provincialism 2bh


yes if you pretend to not care or that it didn't happen it'll all go away

this is the mindset of anglo-canadians

wow, an obviously facetious anonymous post on an imageboard that's well known for shitposting

>le inbreeding meme if you dont have 70% of greater nonwhite population

This meme got old

>In population genetics, the founder effect is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population

>The French Canadians of Quebec are a classical example of founder population

Everyone knows the French don't like the Quebecois accent, calm your tits. They fight about every accent over there.

is that why so many move here in droves

You don't need genetic variation unless you have a bunch of diseases and shit

>not moving to a country based on accents
Only a mega-retard would let something so trivial affect their decision of where to live

it probably does for a lot of them

>You don't need genetic variation unless you have a bunch of diseases and shit

Yeah ask the Finns how that's working out for them, Jacques

IF you post any of the Jewish ones that's anti-semitic and I'll get your former PM after you nazi.

they make good music


don't ever post that first link again, i don't think you understand of often this was on the air in 2007, it triggers me when i hear it

at least post harmonium

the first link was what got me into quebecian neo-trad and french music in general

the Boers are the same

Only idiot can live in Canada and don't speak French.

Why tho? Outside of Québec and government jobs in Ottawa nobody speaks French. I live in Central Ontario and I dont think I've ever heard of a single person speak French casually to date.

i'm sure you've heard plenty of punjabi and arabic though kek

Because it's the state language of your country. And very cool and nice language.

Same about knowing Ukrainian in Ukraine.

I think quebecians should speak French even if a person talks to them in English.

>I think quebecians should speak French even if a person talks to them in English.
i did this once and it's because i live in such a rural area, hearing english irl actually destabilized me

Not really actually I live in a very white area tbqh. 86% was White in 2006.

That's not an explanation. There's many "cool" languages but there's no practical value for me to know them. LITERALLY no one speaks French aside from Quebec and Ottawa here.

That guy is an autist who spams this gimmick don't bother replying

>outside Quebec
lolno.jpg use chink next time

literally have met only one muslim in my entire life, nice try zhang

>a language with official status in your country
>not a value to know it

>i-i'll just learn chinese! it has more value
>doesn't ever learn any other language
anglo-canadians in a nutshell

I just told you that no one speaks it aside from two parts of the country.

I dont intend to work for the government. Give me one reason to learn French if I do not intend to ever step foot in Quebec.

Who will I talk to in French? My friends who dont speak it? My coworkers who dont speak it? My family who doesn't speak it? My neighbors who don't speak it?

Random NEETs on the internet? Ah yes that seems useful then.

speaking of music here's something cheesy but good:

if you're talking about pic related, then yes.
but every other mannerism that the south is associated with, has been adopted by Alberta.

Give me one reason to learn a language I have no ethnic ties to and has absolutely zero practical application in my daily life.

Why do I have to learn a language YOU like?I don't want to learn it, I dont give a fuck about it. Why do I have to learn a language some Russian I've never met or hears of before wants me to?

The amount of Arabs in Quebec has surpassed the amount in Ontario, lrn2demographics

>still eating his b8

It's hard to tell when someone is only pretending to be retarded online

why can't anglos learn state language of their own country?

Why dont you learn some Caucasian language they speak in Chechnya or Dagestan?

Because it's a regional and hard language, which is closer (I'm not joking) to Chinese

But I'm learning Polish and like Ukrainian

Ja troszeczku mówię po polsku i chcę powiedzieć że żaden Polak nie zapomni o tym co anglo pedały zrobili i robią

French to English like Latvian to Russian

>anglos hate this

You call Qeuebecians "language nazis", but honestly you are language nazis, because you non-ironically think that the whole world has to speak English.

Russians from theese regions can speak it. Every Russian has to learn a language of minority if he is living in a national republic.

Who's 'you'? I don't call Quebec anything, I support their independence and I dont believe anyone should speak English besides Anglos if they dont want to do so in order for trade negotiations to occur between countries.


He does this every night

Who would do such a thing


I apologise to the world for not killing all anglos when we had the chance.

i don't know why people blame the trudeaus on us when it's a known fact that we rioted when trudeau sr. dared to show up on st-jean-baptiste day in the 60's and we threw rocks and glass bottles at him

Этo вceгдa нaм пpиятнo кoгдa кaкoй-тo инocтpaнec гoвopит пo-пoльcки,
90% Aнглoпидapoв дaжe нac нe пoймёт

Bullshit, frenchies make the best black metal now

>a canadian calling someone else a pussy

You never had the chance, onion sucker

That's what you think...