Google No!

Anyone else notice Google sneaking this in here today?

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Not surprised the kikes would try to sneak this in..

what the hell is that. why's it on a map?

they replaced the "google street view guy" with a caped rainbow fag.

>gays trying to be relevant

Just ignore it

I identify as a transexual vape god attack sheboon. Do you think I would be welcomed here?

I bet this doesn't appear on Google Syria or Google Libya

If something was so good, then why does it have to be shoved down people's throat? If something was naturally good, then wouldn't people be normally attracted to it?

Looks like jewgle is trying to make our kids gay again, dang it.

Exactly. It's not good, it's a mental illness, that's why they have to keep reminding you they think it isn't at the most inopportune times... like on a street map for example.

>that in itself is a form of mental illness... convincing mentally stable people that a mental illness is good

>owned and operated by jews
>surprised to see Jewgle sneak in social marxism

Why are you still using Jewgle? There are alternatives to everything Jewgle offers. Startpage is the search engine you should be using. If you are a Jewgle Chrome user, kill yourself. If you still browse to Jewgle's JewTube, kill yourself.

>Anno Domini 2016
>Still not having early-warning jewdar

> #prideforeveryone

White pride is ok now!

Google has been on a kike run for the past week or so. From refugeeday, the lgbta video, women working together celebration, and now this.

In all fairness google is crawling with these retarded sjw fucktards and kek will take care of them soon.

>pride for everyone
You realize they've just given us the go ahead for white pride.

Whites aren't people goy.

Whites have only shame.

jewgle at it again.

My kids pointed this out earlier and started cracking off the Jeff Dunham's "Gayman" sketch.
>starts at 2:00
>2:28 "Ooh! And when he flies, his butt whistles."

why would you even let children on the internet people like you are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums

>pride for everyone
>even the fucking white male
I'm actually kind of convinced Google is on our side, but habitually pretends otherwise for reasons.

IE they censored Hilary indictment only so the democrats still had a chance at winning allowing for a somewhat fair election. They'd absolutely uncensor after the American election.

Despite being part of the pseudo intellectual honesty movement, they actually do tend towards absolute equality of opportunity and natural social eugenics, which is basically rational Sup Forums's position.

There's a level of red pill most people here haven't achieved, not even your favourite YouTuber has.

Appeasement of shallow people is so easy, then you don't have to worry about them. Besides, homosexuals have been on our side since Orlando.

Good goy detected.

>Sup Forums goes on about tumblr getting upset over stupid shit
>manages to get buttblasted over even more asinine shit than tumblr does

Youngest is 14. Oldest is 20. 16 year old is the one that pointed it out. All are getting exposed to the red pill, like it or not.

I'm so red pilled I have slightly less red pilled people misunderstanding.

My transcendence must confuse you, there is a war being wages, not over your minds or for any certain position, but to preserve "the conversation" and stability. The war is how this shall be achieved, despite everyone having similar goals, the methods are intrinsically different and some methods arguably have the reverse effect.

If "they" stopped shilling the left wing, the innate rationality that's currently sitting on the right wing will make being left wing as sensible as being a theist after Dawkins wrote the God delusion and before the next prophet. If everyone is right wing, right wing governments will have too much power and will necessarily corrupt, which history has proven can lead to world war, which in our reality means nuclear war.

There is more at stake here than being butthurt over appeasing homosexuals and being limited to a covert implied shout out to our movement.

We need to meme an American anti trust case against them. Don't push a narrative of jew tactics, but how they have an unfair advantage with the phone market since the software is designed to work with their services.

>tfw i could be your oldest son

>google no
when will you faggots learn when its YES and when NO?