Fly to a country I don't have citizenship in

>fly to a country I don't have citizenship in
>burn all identification
>pretend I have amnesia
What would happen?

We would check your bio metrics to see if you apear in the national voting registry

locked to mental asylum

>become a hobo because nobody would hire you
>get shaken down and detained
>get booted into neighboring cunt and repeat
>become prostitute and/or criminal

Depends where you went. I'm assuming no matter what happens I would still have my American accent

Inmigration Voleyball

Unless you literally get smuggled into such country, there will be always a way to track your origin if you get in in a normal way (airport, check points).

How orwellian. Here your biometrics can't be used to check your identity, only that the document which holds biometric data matches the holder. Although, there is a registry, and I have no doubt they'll pass a law in a few years which allows any agency to access your biometrics. Shame I was a dumbass some time ago when I willingly gave them my fingerprints.

They would keep you in detention until they figured out your country of origin, then ship you to that country for them to deal with.

>find out what country you come from by your accent/spoken language
>toss you to that country's embassy
>you are now theur problem

It's easy to overstay in a country but the biggest problem is you can't get a job

The Gringo accent would fuck any American. Whereever one of us lands they'll either send us back promptly or put us in prison.

>fly to a country
You can't burn this.

You can burn the front of your fingers so that your fingerprints are unreadable.

This. Some people here did that just to avoid having to register their fingerprints for the biometrics used in passports.

I'm tempted to do the same just to fuck up the registry they have on me.

>Doctors quickly realize you don't have amnesia
>you're arrested

How can you test for amnesia?

I've heard of people trying this and regenerating their prints. The Yakuza straight up cut their fingertips off.

there's a special place for those kinds of people

>cut fingertips off
>realize there are other ways to identify you

That's a honour thing.