Implying brexit wasn't part of the jewish globalists' plan the whole time

>implying brexit wasn't part of the jewish globalists' plan the whole time

i remember in 2012 when the lefties were going on and on about the koch brothers controlling politics while completely ignoring this slimy fuck

No surprise, he already said he would if it happened in his op-ed 4 days ago.

Mr. SOROS is just a clever pal who loves to make money and used the chance Brexit offered to him.

There is no "plan".

Best regards,


He's a hedge fund manager. He makes money either way the market goes.

That's why it's called a hedge fund.

His positions are hedged.


Soros is a brilliant, ruthless Jew. He knows everything there is to know about shekels. He will always profit from whatever happens, whether it fits his personal ideology or not.

They are both misdirections.

Do you tards really not understand how currency markets work?


Jews always play both sides and hedge their bets.

I think soros is pretty much the devil but sorry op everyone who isn't a retard is profiting off brexit.

Those pigs bidding up prices all day yesterday on vuage unreliable polls deserve just what they got.

His only ideology is collecting jewgold

Is there any way to ever beat the Jew? They win no matter what.

>implying soros doesn't hedge his bets

It really came down to choices that puts you between a rock and a hard place:

a) Die a slow an agonizing death as the EU sucks away your life, watching everything you know and love wither away

b) Suck it up and rip the globalist parasite from your neck and hope the wound closes before you bleed out

Choice a) guarantees decline with no hope of recovery. It just seems less painful. A choice for cowards.

Choice b) takes balls of steel. It's a hail Mary pass into the unknown, but if you make it, there's nothing stopping you from achieving levels of greatness that you will never see if you picked a).

Much respect and good luck Brits! The worst thing you can do now is falter and go crawling back. Don't listen to the shills and cowards and do what you do best: keep calm and carry on.

>Is there any way to ever beat the Jew?

The problem is that the playing field itself was built by the jew to benefit the jew no matter what. It's like a casino; in the end, the house always wins. The smart thing to do is to not play, but in terms of real-world application, that would mean creating a new economic system independent of any world bank controls. Nearly impossible with all the stakeholder countries refusing to deal with you and embargoing everything that goes out of your border.

The only choice you're left with is to burn down the casino.



So who is behind the Kochs and Soros then?

the lizard people duh

Honestly I believed from the start that this vote would be rigged. Once the results came out I was shocked until I realized that all it meant was that it wasn't rigged for the reasons I thought it would be.
Also, while I'm here does anyone have the original quality of this ridiculously rare Jeb!?

It was a fuckup. They didn't rig it enough. Either couldn't rig enough or misunderestimated or lazy. There are too many longer term effects that go against the agenda for a minor reversal-for-profit blip to be sensible. Like the aura of invincibility for example.

or a frog god?

How about to invent better financial-information system on online games?
I mean if we prove other system works fine on simulators, stakeholders may consider to accept it like bitcoin.

master race

He's like the Rothchilds, they always have a plan to benefit even in the face of defeat.