How can Ukrainians be fascist if we're not even white people?

How can Ukrainians be fascist if we're not even white people?

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I have no idea why you are facists
Hitler wanted to kill you all

Since when fascism is a white-only ideology?

Italians aren't white either, fascism isn't racist. National Socialism is.

yes, you fucking are!

Why do you insult him like that?

As if you couldn't be a fascist without being white. It has nothing to do with it.

gratz bro. you dodged a bullet in there. better dead than wh*Te

Since always.

Ever heard of Holodomor?
She's probably Polish or Russian or Belarusian or even all of the above but definitely not Ukrainian.

She's from Kharkiv. The second largest ethnicity over there are Russians (43.2%).

-ova implies that she's ethnically Russian

checkmate... m8

I like Укpaїнa!

Since fascism comes from an Italian word and movement, ukranians must be as white as Italians.



Funny thing is... Russians know what I'm talking about yet racist Americans don't want to accept reality the way it is.
"Europe is white" meme has got to end sooner or later.

Уyyyy Бaндepa eбaнaя


fascism was developed by a bunch of meddi wineos

Urinekrians are not even human.

You're not even people

When Russians use the word fascist they mean something entirely different than when the rest of the world uses it. For a Russian fascist is simply a synonym for antirussian. It doesn't matter to them that Russia itself is a fascist state in the original sense of the word.