Daily reminder that polish girls are the best girls!

Daily reminder that polish girls are the best girls!

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can confirm, they aren't as degenerate as everybody else



Call me a retard, but I just realized this is kinda sexual. I always thought that she just enjoys her milk.

Lol this is kinda sexual you know now when you said that!



>kinda sexual


polen grills

I second this notion, dating a polish girl currently who is hot as fuck and can handler her vodka. That hot slav accent too.

Her entire family is Sup Forums approved racists aswell, meme magic was definitely in my favor this time.

You can keep sending the women over here Polack.

this room needs some diversity

how does one move to poland

One on the far right takes it up the pooper and will call you daddy, I guarantee it.

Well not by moving to the UK that is for sure


>posting 2/10's

There is a large community of Polish here in Chicago. All of my neighbors (with the exception of one American) are Polish. One of my neighbor's daughters is an extremely beautiful blonde qt with perfect natural titties, and jogs every day in the tightest yoga pants. One day I invited her over to my house for a few drinks and we ended up breaking out the Spirytus from her house, she outdrank the shit out of me. It got to a point where we were at our 19th or 20th shot and I passed out. Woke up with a note from her saying she had a great time drinking with me at 1 pm in the afternoon and wants to do it again.


Izabella Scorupco is still my favorite Bond girl.


Gib me the pics of at least 7/10 and higher Polish gurls

Holy shit that one on the right fuck me I want her.

>degenerate in KORWiN
Like a bernout at a trump rally

get the fuck out

You kidding? If not then good for you, congratulations friend, take good care of her :)

Have some american

>baba go najebała
top kek,

had you been drinking >pic related?

Ham it up den

British people are just low test faggots for getting rid of the polish girls.

Seriously, bunch of faggots in love with their gorilla commonwealth women from africa and india.

Too bad the turn into this...

Why not?

I drank vodka with you burgers once on a business trip, fucking lol I love you people but you can't drink for shit :D
yummy I'd invite her for a drink and clean her toilet good afterwards

How about a real American?

I puked a little.

haha top kek
you know what the sign says right?
>poland only for poles
I don't exactly agree with this shit because I am all for people from the anglosphere since they are the superior race, just no shitskins

Sure have a couple of whole hogs for your collection

>posting sexy american girls with guns
by all means

Thanks polanon, i treat her well. I dont know what i was thinking dating non-slav women before.

Trying to learn polish at the moment aswell

Reverse poland here, you can eat shit

Man, they really don't teach history over there do they?

What exactly do you have in mind?

>literally 30% of american women

is it even forth being around this filth to find a qt who is inevitably being pounded by dozens of other men due to the fat degeneracy that plagues your country?

i know plenty, but i think i shouldn't post pics of my friends on vietnamese origami board, but why wouldn't i post friends friend, co nie mati?
ta jest dosyć ładna


Poland's flag would look better with some blue and a star


pls gibe polish girlfriend so we can settle down and have 1d10 chirrun

Polish women burn just as much coal as Viennaese women, which is a lot. That's why Polish hate enrichers so much, they literally steal their women.

Nawet, nawet, dzięki [spoiler]Seba.[Spoiler]

Holy crap wtf?!

True and the right to have as much guns as you want.

I have fetish for girls in folk dresses. And Polish are top tier.

>eating so much that your body starts storing fat in your forehead

JDIMS of apnea

Too bad you don't see them except some folk parades, would love to see more of them too.

The dangers of trusting the UK, France, or Germany.

Also that whole bit about ultra-nationalism that killed millions of Poles in the '40s.

>dał zdjęcie zwykłej kurwy, podczas gdy ja chujowi szukałem specjalnie na ryjbuku
Jak kurwa może cię to nie odrażać do chuja Pana. Mnie podobają się tylko skromne dziewczyny, ciche, ale też coś z tsundere w nich. Odrazu mnie odrzuca jak widzę wyzwoloną, albo kurewkę, albo jakąś wyszpachlowaną w piździec raszplę.

I was looking for polish girls on a dating site and came across an ad where one was looking for a shitskin. She said finding one in Poland was like finding a diamond, no joke.

>made me puke in my mouth a little

How do you become this fat and not die of a stroke along the way? It just seems impossible.

Photoshopped, and indeterminate country.

she isnt polish guys....nice try.


Szanuję patrycjuszowski gust.

3rd world people disgust me. They act like animals sometimes and are not as civilized as western european. Slavs are 3rd world.

I want to pet that dog.

>le snek flag


Ah I see, you may say I am deluding myself, but I believe those were different and tougher times. Look I'm not saying we should trust others with our independence since it's solely our responsibility, I just think that you're decent people.


nice gets

I apologize, sometimes they are born with serious brain damage.

Lol Muhammad and from all people in Europe France was not able to conquer just one of them - slavs. Isn't like France a 3rd world now? With all those shitskins you took.

oh, nah, it happens,Sup Forumse-bro. I ended up meeting a Serbian grill and getting engaged. Poland looks amazing, though.


she's just using you

>patrycjuszowski gust
kurwa googluję i i tak nie mogę kurwa nic znaleźć? Co to znaczy że gust kurwa szlachecki czy co? Użyj w zdaniu jakim albo co. Masz drugie zdjęcie tej panny na zachętę.

Most excellent choice good sir! Have a long a happy life together :)


Well, I am of Polish stock, so yes, but the entirety of Polish history is the covetous German/Russian trying to steal your clay.

Also, the UK just proved that when push comes to shove, they'll always put themselves first.

My dick almost fell off when I went to Krakow

Thanks m8! You live in one of the last remaining decent countries on earth. Trust, our "wealth" means nothing compared to the homogenous society you have....for a burger, going to that part of the world is like going back in time 60 years....stay strong, friend!

she has a great life in Serbia

...there's no magazine, is there?

Przetłumaczyłem "Patrician taste" 1:1 na polski dla beki.


>Ruger SR9


Krzychu to się piszę osobno. Kurwa masz ból dupy o słownictwo? Tsundere lepiej oddaje sens niż "z charakterkiem", bo jeszcze zawiera w sobie "nieśmiałość", lepiej oddając sens, bo pokazuje że charakterek jest wynikiem reakcji na zawstydzenie. Niestety nie znam polskiego słowa na taki charakter (o ile istnieje takie słowo), a i jeśli nie jesteś multilingualny to jak dajesz radę ogarniać chana, przecież to jest niemożliwe jeśli nie umiesz myśleć w innych językach, byś się zajebał chyba musząc non stop tłumaczyć wszystko w dwie strony.

Oh, don't SURRENDER yourself to that kind of stereotypes.

Mówiąc szczerze mamy podobny gust i nie wiem co mnie napadło.
Bije sie w klatę i proszę o wybaczenie mego krnąbrnego zachowania.

can confirm
i married a polish girl. she is 1/8 jewish too.
what now stormfags?

There clearly is.

Our leaders throughout the course of history were not always the brightest and toughest in the neighborhood, we had our own issues as a society. Poles were always too quarrelsome so it's our fault. Sure the geopolitics and lying between Germany and Russia made our last 300 years of history very, very miserable.

Probably syphilis.

yeah its just a short one. probably 20 rounds.

hanz we know you're cucked. no need to confirm it.

pics or it didn't happen

>posting your face on Sup Forums

nice try

Non of these Polish whores are even remotely attractive.

Thank you kindly :) You too!

Yeah I'm not even that Polish and I almost never drink but I can still out-drink my friends