Who was exactly this show aimed at? On one hand it's too dark and creepy for female audience...

Who was exactly this show aimed at? On one hand it's too dark and creepy for female audience, but on the other it has too much strong womyn and LGBT pandering for CIS white males to enjoy

>On one hand it's too dark and creepy for female audience
What makes you think that?

Because I am female, silly 4chaner xDDDD

The show was carried by the excellent depiction of the psychopath villain.

>but on the other it has too much strong womyn and LGBT pandering for CIS white males to enjoy
No it doesn't. Jessica is a fucked up alcoholic head case and the lesbian relationship as portrayed realistically as abusive and dysfunctional.


I am worried about next season if the virtue signalling leaks in though.

>Too much strong womyn and LGBT pandering
>Jessica gets CAGED in the first episode

>too much strong womyn and LGBT pandering
if you think this you're fucking dumb, it was shitting all over the strong womyn trope

>polerina SJW projects his emotional frailty and pathological, neurotic obsession with identity politics onto other people episode

This rerun is getting a bit stale

Look at all the nonstop fucking in this show and tell me it's not geared toward women

The blonde woman falling in love with the cop guy who tried to fucking kill her really pissed me off. Was it just stupid and unrealistic or do women actually subconsciously want to be dominated by men? Which angle were they going for?

>Was it just stupid and unrealistic or do women actually subconsciously want to be dominated by men?
It's the latter. But the guy was pretty good when he wasn't being mind controlled or abusing his super-meds. And it took her awhile to get comfortable with him.

But yes, most women like men who can be dominant. It's hot during sex and it makes them feel safe in every day life.

>how am I supposed to watch a show if I don't relate to the main character

That's what I thought but didn't want to come across as 'misogynistic'.

>on the other it has too much strong womyn and LGBT pandering for CIS white males to enjoy
You sound like the stupid feminists and black people who say they can't enjoy a film/show unless the main character is the same race/gender/sexual orientation as them.

This is literally the kind of thinking that leads to forced diversity.

I enjoyed it but now with the lack of David Tennant next season I am concerned I wont enjoy it

No it's not. He's calling out the show for being shit on Sup Forums and it's themes being tonally different. He's not writing to show writers demanding they pander to him and force diversity or else he'll call them out as being 'bigoted'.

> le anti-sjws are just as bad as sjws! XDD

>It has a strong female character
>Therefore I can't enjoy it
Literally the same thing as feminists saying they need more women in films in order to enjoy them.

I started to watch it, gave up, and then plowed my way through it all in the days before Luke Cage in case there was anything important about Luke that I could miss. What a miserable experience.

David Tenant was great though.

Only virgin tumblrinas think reality is misogynistic.

>how am I supposed to relate to the main character if they're not exactly like me
Thought process of SJW's, bizarro-SJW's, and coincidentally, the autistic.

Liberals of course.

>No it's not. He's calling out the show for being shit on Sup Forums and it's themes being tonally different.
The show's theme is abuse and dependency. It shows a wide sample of varieties not just evil patriarch rapist vs innocent tuff girl. Hell, most of it was woman abusing woman or woman abusing man.

Does this mean I have to throw away my MAGA hat?

>not being attracted to strong women

Get off my board

>muh pol

You're the reason 90% of black characters are high ranking officials with 0 personality.

Bendis' black daughters

Look at her lips. Bet she could suck a tennis ball through a garden hose.

the only good thing was the Purple man

>on the other it has too much strong womyn and LGBT pandering for CIS white males to enjoy
nah bruh

I'm not that sensitive that I get triggered by it

I put off watching this rather excellent show because I fell for Sup Forums's Jessica Jones is sjw meme.

It's not.

Apart from the obvious Killgrave is a rapist plotline it's pretty hard on women as a whole.

No woman escapes into power fantasy. Even Jessica is a fucked up mess, as well as her friend Trish. Then there's the frankly psychopathicly evil boss lesbian character too.the only one who comes across with any sympathy is the nurse from Daredevil.

Also, all this BLACKED shit? Nah, Cage fucks her on the rebound and that's it. Jessica thinks it means something but Luke himself brushes it off in his own series.

She was just a place to put his dick for a while. Someone he didn't have to hold back on during sex. Hardly pro-feminist.

I liked Jessica and Patsy. Nuke was cool but didn't amount to much.

Y'know, a character can be tough and female/gay without it being pandering. The only part that stood out to me as "SJW" was
>episode 4 or 5
>woman makes some comparison of metahumans to retards
>"Uh, what did we or the mentally challenged ever do to you?"
JJ doesn't seem like the type to be offended by that term, so that line seemed off to me. But was the entire show SJW LGBT pandering? Absolutely not. In fact, the cheating subplot is anti-pandering if anything (turns out gay couples aren't perfect either).

desu I watched it just cause I like David Tennant and want to fuck Krysten Ritter in the ass.

Pretty good series, doesn't come close to Daredevil though.

>Then there's the frankly psychopathicly evil boss lesbian character too.
The original character was male so if anything they purposefully changed the source material to not give the appearance of being man-bashing.

All in all I enjoyed the series. It's one of those how to handle superheroes realistically tv shows and it works well.

Jessica makes some really stupid divisions and the show is brave enough to constantly call her out on it. She's not a feminist hero at all. Neither is she a walking pair of tits.

Impressive. But without Killgrave I'm wondering where they're going to take her character. Or if they're just going to hold off until the Cage/Iron fist/Jones Defenders teamup show.

Season 2 is already in the works. I'm a bit worried because the Purple Man is JJ's signature story. There's not a lot left. Plus they made a big deal about having nothing but female directors this time around. I'd understand if it was by coincidence, and given the focus it might be proper that most of the directors an writers be women, but going out of your way to have just women sounds like putting politics before quality.

I don't know but the purple man was fucking great. Almost as good as the punisher in daredevil.