So they're now admitting that "selfish" is a synonym for "gay"

so they're now admitting that "selfish" is a synonym for "gay"

Trumps america wins again

Do we know that Sir Ian McKellen isn't getting side pussy?

Name one non-selfish reason why actual real people breed rather than adopt. You can't.



what did they mean by this?

That should probably be "too old."


To help increase population growth

fucking queers...

why would we wanna do that

Only cucks want to raise nigglets

he's too swedish fish for kids? what?

I said ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE. Also overpopulation.

I want to have my own kid for both selfish and non-selfish. Selfish because I want MY kid and I feel like I wouldn't care for an adopted kid the same. Non-selfish because I have really good genetics and I'll have a good career in the future, so I'd want to supply the world with a potentially great person.

Or a potentially terrible one. Most people, especially those in the first world, consume more than they contribute. We're a parasitic species.

To accelerate the downfall of humanity, of course.

>people this laughably retarded and misinformed actually do exist


Wanting a constant source of narcissistic supply isn't a non-selfish reason, user.

Probably for the best

He's also too fucking old

To destroy the white race through miscegenation.