Sup Forumstards I need a good laugh. What are your opinions on universal healthcare?

Sup Forumstards I need a good laugh. What are your opinions on universal healthcare?

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Healthcare is unnatural and lets the weak survive, we should let people die.

stonk get stronker

A system which maintains parasites alive and attracts foreigner parasites.
Sometimes, productive people can take advantage of it but it costs a huge debt the future generations are supposed to pay because of the greediness of pharmaceutical companies.

very good idea that helps everyone

Only basic and emergency care should be provided by the state without the affected person paying the bills, and only to citizens.
Anyone not able to prove citizenship should pay for any kind of treatment, no matter their circumstances or situation, or be treated as a criminal. Treatments that are not basic should be paid for by the affected person.
If the affected can't afford it or is in no condition to provide payment, their most immediate family should make the decision instead.

Okay idea, but it tends to be very expensive and it causes people to make retarded political choices to prop it up. If you don't believe this, go watch UK news or politics. Every third fucking word is something about the NHS, every single justification for any stupid idea is "we need to prop up the NHS," from mass immigration to ridiculous taxes, it's all about the NHS.

The US's system works very well. We have the highest cancer survival rate in the world, which runs directly against the retarded liberal narrative that people in the US "put off" treatments to their detriment. In point of fact, our hospitals are the best staffed and funded in the world, and our system, though expensive, produces 80% of the new treatments and drugs globally.

You get what you pay for.

Better quality and taste of people but fewer people dying.

So I don't know, kind of neutral.

Paul Ryan, is that you?

is it true that if you get shot you have to pay for it yourself

Give it to everyone, make the rich pay for it.

yea good idea

Any system where payment and service are uncorrelated can never ever go wrong, obviously.

In fact it's the future, [current year] demands it.


Because nothing worth having in life is free.
The US has the best healthcare on earth BECAUSE it's expensive.
>cue commie faggots screeching at me
And also Because private healthcare encourages competition, which results in innovations and breakthroughs. If you want a cure to be discovered, this system pushes research over the edge.

Plus theres no such thing as "free" healthcare. One way or another, you are paying for it through taxes.

And finally Because American doctors are the best in the world and therefore demand the most money in the world.

Every rich and influential person from around the world goes to America for medical treatment not Europe.

Hell, even the Criminal Underworld, knows America has the best doctors.

For example, Japanese Yakuza Leaders traveled all the way to UCLA for Liver Transplants

The only way Free Healthcare becomes Reality is through AI and advances in Robotics.

Robot Doctors won't need money or vacations and don't need sleep either.

Robot Doctors will also be much easier to Sterelize.

Human Doctors always needs to wear gloves and constantly wash their hands.

Robot Doctors on the other hand can be Blasted with high doses of UV Radiation, a much more thorough effective sterilization compared to washing hands since UV Radiation kills everything at a high enough dose but Inorganic Beings like Robots don't need to be scared of UV Radiation since Robots don't need to worry about Skin Cancer

It's good if you have controlled immigration and homogeneous population.

>tfw made OPs image 6 or 7 years ago
>board went from friend efforts to out-do each other in parodying absurd political positions to actual retards attempting to tear Europe apart so the arabs, orientals and russians can pick at its pieces

how do i take it all back

The only healthcare that should exist has word "free" in a sentence "free market healthcare", which means that healthcare system has to be private. Taxation should be lowered to allow people freely choose to either spend money on entertainment, or save it just in case.

If they need significant help, they should ask for assistance of the Church, community or private charity foundations.

Trust me, I know what I talk about. I live in country with free universal healthcare. It is a fat piece of shit. According to recent surveys, 34% of russians now prefer using private healthcare and private insurance, and the number is growing for a reason. Unfortunately, we still have to pay for this "free healthcare", but this will change sooner than later.

i've got free healthcare and i enjoy it desu

It depends if you have health insurance, but they'll treat you no matter what. If you're poor, there are government services to provide care for you for free--like MediCal in California.

The USA doesn't have free-market healthcare, they have a medical cartel monopoly.

Socialized healthcare should exist to prevent healthcare monopolies from forming.

>le pol is satire meme



healthcare is a privilege not a right. you have a right to own as many weapons as you want but dont you goddamn expect antibiotics on the taxpayers dime. being healthy is a choice. look at all the fats. do they have a right to rekt themselves and be kept alive by pumping hard earned cash into their clogged arteries?

Many antic philosophers thought the same....
Only productive members of society should be let alive via healthcare,or youngs.

The best system is a mix public/private where a part is reimbursed by the State and the other covered by your insurances.

Considering the patent system and the monopoly on substances that it generates, the price of drugs should be negotiated between the State and the companies to make a fair deal before its introduction on the market, the higher the ratio efficiency/cost, the higher the State cover it.

Medical professionals can choose between working in the public and being paid by the state or working in the private.


government should not be involved in healthcare

free market all the way

>anything I don't like is communism
>the USA has the best healthcare on Earth
Highly debatable. Definitely up there though.
>every rich and influential person in the world goes to the USA for treatment
You can cherrypick all you want, but it's totally untrue.

Are you going to make the same argument for people who smoke? What about somewhat overweight people? What about people who eat tons of salt and refined sugar (aka 95% of the population)?

Free Healthcare is something Hitler would want.
I thought you people agreed with him.

for some odd reason government bureaucracy and medical emergencies don't mix

example: my dad having to wait 2 weeks to get a change of medication from the NHS that's keeping his heart beating and almost died

>b-but muh poor cant afford health insurance!

maybe stop taxing them for pointless bullshit and they'd have more money


if you cant survive on your own then you arent fit to live

if you need healthcare to carry on then your time here ought to be over

If the borders were as secure and immigration as tight as law actually says they're supposed to be and it only works for those who pay into it, you'd probably find a lot more support.

Yeah well ,that's a given. What about free healthcare system per states in USA? Maybe that can be a testing ground. Kinda like what they did with legalized marijuana.

>the us has the best healthcare on earth


Fully sick!
(Especially in the USA)

I think the other reply is saying "if you are NOT poor, you better have insurance, or you will BECOME poor" -

What is your reference for "the best funded and staffed" claim? Because I think I recall several nations making the same claim, including mine: Australia.

How did you make the jump from universal healthcare to payment and service being uncorrelated?

'Universal' is not 'free', did anyone say it was?
Private (in US model) also encourages collusion as well as competition; and cover-ups and law suits and ... a lot of things that aren't good for a society.
And, tax is NOT theft, it is a social means for a social end. Or are you going to live like Robinson Crusoe, but with no Friday?

>you get sick
>don't worry bro, I got your back
>I get sick
>no worry, you got my back

Only problem I have with it is fatties getting treatment, when all they should get is a coupon to the fucking gym kkthxcya.
At least the smokers pay for their treatment because of the double tax on tobacco.

Well at least you weren't at tardish levels and say it is free...sure is fucking expensive for free. People who want free are cowards who want their cowardice covered all under the security blanket of 'i care'.

Universal healthcare is about control. It allows the government to tell you how to live. It does this by saying if you don't do everything we like, ie stop eating this stop drinking that... then you won't get your 'free' healthcare.

That's why you get the total bullshit 5 a day veg and you don't get cancer. Er get cancer from a whole range of reasons and eating 5 vegetables will do fuck all to stop that. In fact the 5 a day is actually an agreement between the veg growers of california and the anti cancer groups in govt. It's a fucking meme. It was about getting people to do as their told. Also it was government telling us to eat low fat only to find out that too is bollox and it's carbs. Government is filled with tards who know better then you...namely little fascist pricks, the type of little cunts everyone hated at school.
All public healthcare is..control. look if you want to eat MC Donald's all your life ...go for it and die early..what fucking business is it of public healthcare it is my business because I'm paying for your fat fucking ass. Public healthcare is about jobs and unions and politics of control. It means they always have you under for me and I will make the guy next door pay for your fat fucking kids. It has nothing to do with are just required as the meat to power the whole edifice...but of course you sound like a total cunt liberal (I know you care so much it hurts you to see the 'poor' idiots make bad life choices, at least according to you fascist view, rather than how about you fuck off and mind your own business) so no doubt will have a cute cool comeback, a one liner you heard in school or college that makes you feel superior...could be wrong of course but when you reply we will know...

Rand would be proud of you despicable cunts.