Who here INTJ+Left Handed?

This came up in a thread awhile ago and it got me thinking. How many people here are the INTJ personality type and a lefty? Do you think it has something to do with the way we think about life and politics?

INTJ and right-wing here. Get fucked.


But a bit envious of ENTJs

Left handed Hans. I'm also right wing, so is a lot of Sup Forums it seems.


INTJ here, right-wing.

ENTJ master race

The problem is that even though you have the INTJ personality type it doesn't dictate who you are.

For example I am INTJ but I boarder on introvert/extrovert and boarder on perceiving/ judging.

I am a complete slob but mostly because I am lazy when it comes to cleaning. I'm unorganized but only cause I don't push myself to be.

I would say that many people who consider themselves intellectual pick liberal belief systems not because they thought of it themselves but because they are told or taught what to think by those they think are smarter than themselves

Can you fuck off with this shit please? It's literally tumblr tier, why don't we also talk about zogiac signs while we're at it?

Oh, alright, sorry. Some people commented that I seem to do a lot of things with my left hand. Don't know what the cause could be.

I am. Left handed too, what the fuck?

INTJ with Aspergers here.

I support left wing politics, but I hate the whole community around them - SJW's and all these who supposedly feel "oppressed". There are so much more important things in this world, and all these faggots try to do is force more useless fake view of the world onto people.

INTJ's want to have time to do the stuff they care about, and society indirectly forces them to do other things since they have to earn money. Social reform's don't change that, but make life for INTJ's easier since this pressure is lowered.

However, it is understandable why others, especially right-wing'ers would hate this since you will be seen as a leech/useless. Also, this is Sup Forums, so expect memes and shittalking, not any sort of semi-intelectual discussion. Still far better than reddit though.

I'm INTP and left handed, if that means anything. also an artfag (but i make a living).

not that these kike tests are accurate or anything

here OP

Not sure about the whole Myers-Briggs thing but I know your mom's left-handed.

INTP Master Race

INTJ but 70% right wing and 30% liberal.
What jobs do you INTJs have? I work in Internet Marketing, I was a former Co-CEO, and now I plan to open my own company here in Romania.

ENTJ here. Superior to INTJ in the way that I can actually speak and improvise in front of a large audience. Also, left handed people are twins with their right handed counterpart being absorbed in the womb.

ENTJ center-right master race reporting in, stealing women from the introverts.

INTP and left handed. I am neither organised nor particularly excellent, INTJ sounds slightly superior heh.

t. Pugsly

I'm mostly an INTJ but I can actually adapt to any social situation and switch to ENTJ if the situation forces me. I still prefer to be INTJ though. INTJs are mysterious and people like that.

Far right INTJ Canadian here. Where the suicide booths at senpai.

I can do that too.
my only problem is working with teams.
Fuck people man.


Forgot to mention that I read some books on social skills, manipulation, etc.

INTP I'm real bad with politics and red tape but I'm trying to learn

I'm ENTP. Did I fuck up?

Who /datamining/ here

It's because you have the "P" instead of "J" (judging). That's what makes us analytical persons

Reminder that INTJ (and INTP) is literal autism. Very few of you are actual INTJs and non-autistic.

ENTJ is good though.

>>All these people not reading the OP properly.

Sorry to tell you bad you're just a tryhard INTJ

I'm INTJ and left handed too

Although I use my right hand for sports and shit.

Are you me?

INTP is awesome.

INTJ are autists that sperg out on forums.


/bitcoinmining/ here. I have a pretty complex method to make money out of nowhere, hehe
What makes you think so? I took the test about 5 times on different websites and also a real paper test.

reporting in


>not sperging out on forums
Fucking normalfags.


>i took the test 5 times
>reading books on social skills, manipulation, etc.
>INTJs are mysterious and people like that.
nuff said.

>INTJ with Aspergers

you only need to mention one Hans

y can't u into functions you (j)ipsy

What's wrong with trying to improve your social skills you dumb fuck? And I'm not talking about "how to pick up a girl" shit.

Forgot to mention that INTJs have a constant need for learning. So if you are weak in a certain field of expertise, you start learning about it

Mfw I'm an imtj and studying economics


>caring about jewish pseudoscience

sorry bro didnt wanna hurt you feelings.its just my 2 cents.

INTJ right-wing. Wait, INTJ can be left-winged?

INTJ is a nice way of saying autistic

INTJ here
As far right as you can be

I'm INTJ, left-handed, and an artist. Sometimes I don't think I'm INTJ, but whenever I take a test that's what comes up.

uh huh
of course
>creative solver
that is me
no shit
>work alone
all the time
no I am not on the autistic spectrum

You analytical types forgot to read what the thread was about. He's asking if you are left or right handed.

I am ambidextrous ENTP, though I don't write with right hand because I never learned to.

INTJ, but *very* weak I. I was 1 point towards I on the I-E scale. I am firmly Nat Soc right wing.

INTPs shit in your mouth bitch. Lmao one of your examples is strapped to a wheelchair typical INTJ.
Pictured is the rare ENTP master race

What is your face like?

Yeah, not sure how this many people got this confused.

I did not forgot. I never read them

ENTP left hand masterrace reporting
>all the pros of NTP
>actually charming so people don't think I'm weird

We're autists, we overthink this shit

Was ESTJ, took the test again just now, got ISTP

Left handed, right wing

INTJ here, and I fucking love speaking to large audience whether its debate, presentation or speech. I dont think it has to do a lot with being intro-/extravertic, it doesnt involve interaction on a personal level.

Wrong, autism is INTP and ISTP. xNTJs are noemalfags, even INTJs.

ISTP Master Race

INTJ but im right handed

INTJs have autism and they don't even try to hide it, in fact they're proud of it. ISTPs are comsidered cool and competent, INTP has autism but tries to hide it most of the time.

I honestly do not give a fuck who thinks i have autism. Just be yourself

My dude.

Right on, brother!

INTJ, right handed, right wing.


Wrong, aspergers/mild autism correlates with the Ti cognitive function, which the xNTJs don't use. INTJs are reserved but very neurotypical in how they relate to the world.

checking in, right wing and right hand.

INTJ, right handed but working on ambidextrous

I guess I am some sort of autistic cause I shut down, get quiet, and secretly scream inside when I'm around blue pilled people, which is all day every day at work. I don't even want to talk to them, not because I beleive I am superior, but because they're self destructive and ignorant.

Banter is cool but when I want to have a serious conversation, the banter is more important to them and it never goes anywhere. I almost get paranoid and wonder if people are real at all. I often apply philosophy and science to make sense of what the fuck is going on in my perceived reality because other people are fucking wreckless.

I did the test and im not INTJ but ISTJ and left handed

entj here, anyone else?

ISTP lefty mustard race reporting for duty.

intp lefty reporting

Daily reminder that all INTJs are depressed, autistic pussies.
ESTP Master Race!

Holy shit, I relate to this as well germanbro.

INTJ normally, ENTJ on drugs or when drunk

INFJ master race here

Someone tell my how ENTJ's aren't superior to INTJ's?

>Ability to recharge off of others
>Able to express ideas with others
>Can influence others into thinking their way without being an autist
>Literally Donald Trump

You realize this shit is all just confirmation bias right? Or do you actually believe you are special?

You aren't. No one special would fall for this shit. "Oh hey that's me, I 'recharge my energy in solitude'". No faggot you just have no friends. "Hey I often work alone" yeah faggot, you have no friends. "Hey I make logical and objective decisions" You realize that every human being on the planet, regardless of whether they are or are not, believe they are also doing this?

The very fucking second you label yourself as special you are not. Take a look around. Do you think we are all just intj's? Or do you believe that hey, some people say they are but really aren't and at that point how do you know that you aren't one of those people?

tl;dr this shit is dumb and you should feel dumb for falling for it. It's no different than all that starsign shit you see teenage girls post facebook. You are not an INTJ, you are you.

No, those are Ti and Ne users, Ni and Te keeps you going and is not easily to depress.

>Angela Merkel

Just kill yourself.

God I wish I was an E so I could recharge off of others. I'm just constantly, sometimes I even wonder if I'm awake or dreaming.

Reporting in.

who here closet slut INFP

>Warren Buffer,Georg Washington too

you first

Trump is a walking ESTP stereotype. He has no Ni, he leads with Se and organizes with Ti.

ISTP isn't autistic. Autistic people don't like spontaneity which is what ISTPs are all about.

Righ-handed INTJ

Your words hurt but have merit.


That debunks the Trump myth, but tell me about the other ones my slavnig

Sounds like depression, not introversion