Who are you going to vote tomorrow, fellow spanish mates?

Who are you going to vote tomorrow, fellow spanish mates?

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Unidos Podemos
>I always wanted to visit Venezuela

The one that is willing to give us our gold back.


I'm probably not going to vote, since I'm not a liberal.

.>La heteropatriarquia

Vote is secret.

C's i guess... Psoe and Potemos no way, so it's the only "decent" choice.


Unidos podemos of course it's the only logical choice

When are you guys leaving the EU, or atleast take in the traitorous Gibraltar?

No way, we give it to the Soviet Union


>traitorous Gibraltar
Even after this show, the leaders of Gib have vowed to stand with the UK and reject Spain.

Ok tier
>PP, C'S
Shit tier
Ok tier, a bit better than Podemos

when did the canaries move to the mediterranean

They should be inside a rectangle, as Alaska and Hawaii in US maps

Since when are there Podemos supporters on Sup Forums?

Dude Gibraltar are just 30k andalusian spaniards living on a tax heaven. They're just dumb andalusians believing they're "british". They're a laughting stock. There's nothing patrotic or imperial about you having gibraltar. It's not like the falklands, which are genuinely british. When we close the fence they'll scream for a spanish flag in seconds.


Ty for the argument commie.


>since when are there dissenting opinions in my echo chamber

Genuinely wondering why PP isn't the top pick for Sup Forums. I thought this was a right-wing website.

Isn't Podemos the SJW party?

Give it to me straight Spainbros, Is Spain going full Venezuela?

Say hi to your new Prime Minister
Pablo Iglesias
-Is a fan of Cuban and Venezuelan Socialism
-Jokes about Christmas yet praises Ramadan
-Advocates for Open Borders vows to tear down the borders in North African enclaves
-Vows to never wave the Spanish flag broke that promise to appeal to more centre leftist
-Previous political party afflictions are the young Spanish communist party

Wew Lad

since Sup Forums has been raided by SJWs and jews

I'm not complaining m8, I'm just surprised to see it, given all the shitposting the left gets

I'm the cook

Let me explain it the best I can. Most Spanish are bluepilled as fuck. The most bluepilled of all votes PP/C's believing they're "right wing" or something.

On the other hand, "rojos" aren't as bluepilled but they are dumb low IQ fags, they're like in a middle term, let's say purple-pilled (the colours of Podemos, preciselly).

As sad as it sounds, Pablo Iglesias is the most similar thing we've had to a new José Antonio Primo de Rivera since 1936.

Spain is this fucked.

Podemos es un puto cáncer, no sólo en si de donde viene sino las personas que están dentro. Ni siquiera se sienten españoles. Votar a Podemos es votar contra España, contra el pueblo español y contra todo lo que representa un oportunidad para salir de la mierda. Porque si estos rojos ganan, entonces si que nos vamos a hundir más en la mierda. Esta pandilla de subnormales, encabenzados por Iglesias un mal imitador de Lenin.

Sorry m8. It's probably that young Spaniards (ie the type on Sup Forums) care more about their futures than SJW boogeyman and immigrant memes.

Don't know man, it is sad to see our Iberian neighbors to self destruct like that.

We currently only have two factions: eurocucks ("center right" PSD and CDS, "center left" PS) and full blown Marxists (BE and CDU).

The only thing preventing us from going full Podemos is that we already spent all the money on gibemedats since the 1974 revolution so now we have to suck EU cock for that money instead.

Votar a podemos es votar a Chávez

No. Spain is just one decade behind you. Podemos is just the SJW full retard phase. We're gonna end like you probably, balkanized but out of the EU.

I hope nationalist Spain wins.
I'll send you some troops so they can get experience.


Doesn't matter if they don't join. They are not going to leech us anymore. They will starve to death when we close the fence.

and what future could be brighter than a socialist one

Cara al sol


The worst thing is that all of it it's truth.

If only Britain had some boats. Oh well.

sounds like Trudeau

Being Portuguese, I know how it is having a party spectrum totally shifted to the left.

>voting for general elections
>in Spain
>in 2016

Si es que no aprendeis muchachos. Va a votar LPM de del coletas.

I'm not defending our PM or anything, but that doesn't even compare to Trudeau. Its just a meme.

>t. delusional Spaniard
Sure pham.



I guess Catalans and Bascs will vote Podemos then
Visca Catalunya

Spain, if you don't vote in an anti-immigration and euroskeptic party I'll be extremely disappointed.

>he fell for the elections meme
Hopefully they can't form a government again and the army comes to put everything back in order.

You're retarded. What part of "when we close the fence" your little anglo brain couldn't process. You out, we can have borders. Inglés retrasado de los cojones.


Yeah nah mateys don't even bother. Go for a run/to the gym/to the range to do more usefull stuff and prep yourself

...do they really have that?

>Everyone in Europe seeing the light of european brotherhood, nationalism and fight against globalism.
>Except for Spain voting fucking Chavez supporters

What the fuck

As if you will have the cojones to close it, you will leave it open like your ass


Again, the only thing I care is that they won't jew us anymore. Their economy is 100% based on tax evasion and illegal tobacco traffic.

Gibraltar is "independent" from UK economically because of delocalization. They are alone.

They won't, they barely have refugees, all their famous parties are leftist as shit.

There none like that.


Is Guerilla raiding this thread?

Not even a meme

Exactly. In Spain we DESPERATELY need a military dictarorship, borders, and fix our shit. Questiong being, is our military command still uncucked enough?

God, I cannot wait until your people gets their independence and put a fence there too. A few decades of Sharia law will make you reconsider your beahaviour in the future.


t. Llanito, fucking stupido brit

They will desu. Spain gains nothing from open border.


Yeah, that's what's making me wonder.

>military dictarorship
Tbqh I think only the army could bring salvation to Western Yuro countries

>tfw catalan
>tfw no party I can vote is all in for STOPPING THE FUCKING ILLEGALS AND RAPEFUGEES

> He thinks they have a say in it.
No EU gov would want to cross the UK
Well, unless it's Podemos

He's full on commiecuck, tardeau is just an average bluepilled faggot that got nepotism'd hard.

> God, I cannot wait until your people gets their independence and put a fence there too. A few decades of Sharia law will make you reconsider your beahaviour in the future.

maybe, but at least we can laugh while Spains fail hard

For the international people around, truth is, not a single political party here is worth voting. None.

Spain will be in the EU until the EU falls apart as not a single party seek sovereignty, 'cause they don't know we've lost it in the first place. And that's the terrible fate of my country, this shithole of ignorance.

It's just fucking sad.

No Trudeau is a lying cunt who know all the things he is pushing are bullshit. He's just your average lying politician who cheats everybody. Have you ever noticed that the people pushing for the breakup of the family by promoting gay marriage and trandgenderism are exactly the ones who have a perfect family. They know whats good and whats bad

Yo estoy en C's, estoy bastante molesto con lo que entiende Rivera por regeneración, y de vez en cuando me descojono con Girauta, que parece que está todo el día de boda, sólo le falta una copa de champán. El caso, es que creo que voy a tratar de presentarme a las primarias par haber si echamos a Rivera. Es muy poco agresivo con Iglesias y vaciló demasiado con lo del PSOE. Creo que se está empezando a vender, sobre todo después de verlo yendo y viniendo de esas galas, y programas de TV.

g-guys i wanna move to spain.
what its like there

Vote pro independence parties, Spain says they will build the fence for us

>close the fence
>all the newly unemployed poorfags in La Linea chimp the fuck out

Soy el de antes, ¿alguien me puede decir por qué parece que estoy en Rusia, cuando estoy en Galicia? Me aparece la bandera de Rusia.


Sure I don't doubt that'll be all your joy, Catalanbro. But remember, at the end of the day, Castilla always wins.

Yeah probably, but what they're gonna do, join the UK too? Kek. They're here forever.

>EU gov
UK left the EU. Therefore the Spanish/Gib border decisions belong to Spain now. Like Ceuta and Melilla.

They flooded the country with 5 million sudacas and moros in two legislatures m8

Theres not a single political party worth voting for in this hellhole of a country.

>inb4 someone says vox


Podemos if you're retarded.

Tienes un troyano como una catedral.

Can any of you spain bros give me a short summary of the options you have available and their current popularity? Maybe some link?

Hope this is a joke.

Spain is and always was leftist-oriented

Only Franco was the change, and because of how shit he was he has cucked whole spanish right for a century

And that's not good.

Galicia es legítimamente tierra rusa.

Read the programs. educate yourselves. You will find options in extra-congressional parties.
Such as:

He knows first hand.

Qué asco dáis los emigrados votando en masa a la escoria Podemita, vosotros que no tendréis que sufrirlos. Si estáis trabajando en países como los Países Bajos, Alemania or Reino Unido no es porque sean países precisamente socialistas, putos ignorantes engañados.

Keep in mind something, the big 4 parties will down their knees at the EU

Have you seen the teeth on that motherfucker? Is like he has a pathological fear of the dentist

>Pablo Iglesias is the most similar thing we've had to a new José Antonio Primo de Rivera

Kill yourself. Primo de Rivera was a great man, intellectual, loved Spain and the spaniards. Pablemos is a swedish-tier cuck that actually hates Spain. Everytime he says something patriotic you can see in his face how is he lying.


>He felt for the jewish marxist propaganda
I thought you were smarter, Poland.

Podemos of course
to assure that the EU falls, we need to sacrifice one country. we will be martyrs my brothers
Wittiness me