
If the aliens don't exist linearly in time shouldn't they already know English from the future?

Checkmate Villeneuve.

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Ok, I can see the appeal of placing ships in murrica and China. Why other 10?

shit movie

I'm a major time travel autist. Will this movie trigger me?

it's really just a simple twist on the grandfather paradox

there is no time travel in the movie

>Hey Professor, even though the CIA and Military have entire departments of translators, we're gonna hire you because you translated some farsi for us once.
>Ok Professor, here's our 3 tents full of untrained soldiers, with no psych evaluations and complete access to explosives, ready to go on the most important diplomatic mission of all time
>Ok team, go ahead and sterilize in this shower room before we pile into the back of a dirty pickup truck and drive across a montana mud flat, before climbing into a scissor lift from home depot and getting into a unidentified ship. Meanwhile we'll probably quote history, referencing how explorers killed natives with germs or something, who knows.

This is the foundation upon which the film is built.

Followed by greatest hits like a giant deus ex machina involving a dead chinese woman, Alex Jones convinces a hick soldier to start an intergalactic war, and hurr durr I'm gonna have this cancer baby, knowing that she'll die horribly then hurr durr I'm gonna tell my husband our cancer baby is a cancer baby, knowing he'll stop loving my cancer baby and leave me, but im a good person because life is just so damn beautiful

It's a bad movie.


It's lazy as fuck

You really reinvigorated my grey matter with this post

them knowing english wasnt going to help them.. the humans needed to know their language. not the other way around

>them knowing english wasnt going to help them.. the humans needed to know their language. not the other way around
they could have spoken to all the humans in their different languages.

Wouldnt Abbot know he was going to die?

confirmed for not having watched the movie
I'm glad people are finally starting to realize how bad this was.

I guess you could say things are coming...full circle?

That's not the point though.
Speaking to humans in our languages doesn't give them their language which is what's used to see through time, which is the entire point of their journey.

Their mouths can't properly replicate human speech.
Amy Adams is too nice to be Dan Halen.

It wouldn't matter if they knew English. Not only do they have no way of communicating in human languages, the whole point of the exchange was to get humans to learn the heptapod language, not the other way around.

Venezuela is a super power

Why do you think they know English in the future?

why wasnt forest whitaker immediately fired when he told the kangaroo story?

>Missing the entire plot of the movie
The entire point was to not speak in human languages, but to speak their own, in order to motivate humans to learn their language and through it perceive time as the aliens do.

There were constant hints throughout the movie about how the language that we speak has the power to shape the way we think and perceive things. The entire plot is basically that idea on steroids.

because humans bail them out in 3000 non linear years

>it's a Sup Forums starts discussing a movie months after its theatrical release but right around the time of dvd screener release episode

why did they need help when they should have known how to get the help before needing it?

eat shit gustavo

because aliens dont have free will like humans, so they cant change the future

Well, yes. You just described the movie.

but if they could see the future and the problem, why couldn't they see the solution to it too?

Because if the problem is something they physically can't solve, the next step is asking someone who can, hence the movie.

so rather than just look a bit further into the future to see the solution they didn't bother and went to earth instead?

>they physically can't solve
Read nigga. It's implied that they CAN'T solve it, not that they don't know the solution to it. Are you baiting, right now?

they dont exist non linearly, they just experience the world non linearly

I don't get it. why did they bother then?

agreed have the time i didnt get was going and the ending was as for most stupid "lefty" scifi anticlimactic

Check mate? More like queen sacrifice on your part OP, as this is a fantastic film. Best sci-fi film in recent memory.

The Arrival makes Interstellar look like Lost in Space.

I think it's more like they saw the solution and it was to ask humans for help. They can see in the future but they can't change it.

visions of the future do not equal actually physically traveling to that time.

confirmed for not having understood the movie whatsoever.

I guess grammar is too "lefty" too.