You tell me, does he have a point, Sup Forums?

You tell me, does he have a point, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm extremely cynical.

The EU was never federalist.
It's basically a central power that bullies everyone that doesn't go along with what they want.
I'll take the example of the federalism in Switzerland, there's global rule that the different region must abide to (i.e all children must go to school), but everyone can do as they want, fix the holidays when they want, etc.
That's true federalism.
Stop calling the monstrosity that is the EU federalist, it's far from it, and the Brexit just proved it even more.


>race is now magic
wew lad



>fully support taking away people's rights of self determination
Code for (white) slavery.

>I always saw the EU as a first step to abandoning the concept of nations on a global scale
..Except it hasn't worked out well, has it now? People will always be tribal, and will want nations no matter what your arts professor says.

>I also fully support taking away people's rights of self-determination in favour of global governance
Wewwwwwww lad, these people surely love to be controlled while wanting 'equality' at the same time.

Sorry, I don't speak arabic.

I would actually be for a federalised europe.
Too bad our elites think importing non-europeans is anything but counter-productive.

If they make me choose between a federal europe and an european europe, well, it's a no brainer.

That many downvotes even on Reddit, you know this guy has problems.

>"Unfortunately, humanity is composed of idiots who think of themselves as better than others..."

Yeah, like the guy who wants to enslave the entire species because maybe somebody will make a computer that can do it better.

I believe that the individual should always come before the collective society.

You can't see the downvotes on his post yet, the number 11 is just the downvotes I have given him and that in that thread alone. You should see the shit he's spouting. But the more I read the more I think he's a troll.

He has a point.

His point is wrong.

He was born to be chattel. So let him be. Others however, should not have to subvert themselves to his desire to be a nothing all his life.

This is the voice of the slave who refuses to leave the plantation after emancipation.

No, apparently not.

Spain and Italy have been in the EU for almost two decades and i most certainly haven't noticed that having caused any cultural influence here in the Netherlands.

So his point on federalization to bring with it cultural enrichment is pretty much entirely bunk. Literally one only has to take an honest objective look at the pretty much completely unchanged cultures among the founding member states of the EU.

I also don't see how it would bring "tolerance" or why a country is suddenly no longer allowed to have sovereignty.

His stance on taking away people's rights and the blatant disdain for humanity reveals just another borderline capitalist asshole.

And these are people that a preaching diversity.

>it's in poor people's best interest to import immigrants suppressing wages
He is profoundly naieve.

Good Lord.

These people will be the deciding majority at some point.

Or blatantly lying

Humanity unified under a single government is a great thing and unavoidable distant future.
Humanity unified under the modern consumerism, capitalism, soros foundations, culture of fake multiculturalism and pseudo toleration and other bullshit is a bad thing.

>He's begging for elites and AI to take over global governance.

This is exactly what happens when you brainwash a generation into hating themselves.

I can't even hate these people, I just pity them.
For all their loyalty to their masters and belief that said loyalty will grant them power should their vision come to pass, they're genuinely unaware that they'd be the first ones culled.

>based on magic
>meme magic
Yes, Sup Forumslacks are best.

literal slave mentality, what a fucking joke

>race and nationality are magic

>taking the right to self determination
Every state that has tried to do that failed, mate.

No. In order to understand why the EU cannot be a federal state, one must understand the main reason Europe is divided: language. This means the only way to unify Europe (and the only way Europe has historically been unified) is through war and plunder.

You see that WOULD make sense if only the people who already run the EU and USA don't have their own agenda, which is pretty anti-normal people.

Also, hoping to hand over control to AI only proves how incompetent you are already. It's like Dindu pumping a girl and leaving her witha baby

This. Creating a single government while we are still stuck in delusions of egalitarianism is harmful to the world.

Any unification, or movement toward it should be kept at minimum until we have proper technological, cultural and financial foundations in place. Fuck the dreamers.

I mean, he's straight up wrong with the definition of federalism.

Not all of them. The ones that disarmed their people were pretty good at genociding the ones they deemed unfit to live.

there is no such thing as "human" races.

There are only PHENOTYPES, if youre gonna discrimnate might as well do it on culture not the DIFFERENT PHENOTYPE they have based off genetics.

>whethere racists like it or not;ALL humans from ugly abos to perfect scandinavian women are 9.9999999999999999999999999999~ the same

if you want to see an example of genuine federalisation:

>i fully support taking away peoples' right of self-determination

The EU is an industrial scale price-fixing scheme.

>importing thousands of foreigners is good for the poor

>wants federalism
>tolerant society
>until AI can take over
>based on magic
Western Europe, you need to go back hitting nerds in school again. This is what happens when they get too much air. Hit them!

>let an AI calculate how to rule the world the most effectively
>it decides to kill all niggers

>rule by AI
Yes. One global nation, under Denton.

I picked the "fuck the world, stone age now" ending

Oh shit, I am now #phenotypist4farage

>I also support taking away people's rights

This is what EU supporters look like.

nationalists in goolag,
federation now.

Wouldn't that just set the stage for the same thing to happen? What was Tong's argument?

New chance for humanity to pick the right path, every other choice seemed wrong to me

Judging by race within the context of education, jobs and law IS retarded. It's incredibly inaccurate relative to individual testing and doesn't prove any causative biological factors. You'd know this if you took a stats class.

You'll have a remarkable appreciation of the statistical caveats involved when someone points out that Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest ethnicity.

Really makes you think

But JC can pick any path he wants.

Helios was perfect. He proved himself by running Hong Kong.

This guy needs to be shot.

Possibly the most nihilistic man in all of europe. He should just kill himself tbqh.

This guy is calling for a totalitarian government. We all know how bad totalitarian government were throughout history, so no. He is an idiot that doesn't know he is digging his own grave.

I actually did deliberate for a long time before choosing. Even though I knew I could reload and see them all, it felt like the first one I chose would be canon, like it mattered...

A Dark Age felt obviously wrong. It was a choice between blatant world dictatorship and secret world dictatorship. In the end I decided a computer could never be trusted to follow human interests, and that decided it.

Fucking beautiful game, that.

He is right that humans are essentially idiots that cling to ideas and myths about themselves. I mean, upon examination, almost all of these things we tell ourselves fall apart or we can think of plenty of counter-examples and different interpretations which would be legitimate.

Ultimately, however, his federalist, no countries and no borders dream just doesn't gel with human nature. Yes, people are idiots, and the stories they tell themselves don't really make sense, but that doesn't mean they don't have value. They provide meaning and community, spell out relations between people. You can't just have an entity like the EU slowly grow in influence and power and invalidate all the little myths people have by stealth. These stories have to dealt with either through excellent compromise, or stealth.

This is how most of our higher ups think anyway.

Yeah, i was really torn apart the first time i had to choose the ending

Yeah, but forced diversity via affirmative action is just race-based preselection, not "individual testing" like you say is superior. Everyone deserves a fair shake, but the problem is we've passed that and gone into the realm of hiding uncomfortable truths because they're "racist sexist and homophobic."

>muh best interest is free shit and welfare
I fucking hate those people. Same with bernie shitheads
>muh blacks are voting against their self interest
How much of a fucking elitist can you be, thinking you know what's best for everyone.

More like fedoralism am I right lads? Tip tip.

My reasoning exactly. Computers probably don't want money or women. It would never make the irrational decisions humans make, and has data processing that far exceeds a humans. Human minds can process so little relative to the size of the problem, ie an entire country, that any good decisions they make is just luck.

That and Morpheus's reasoning that governments are created as a god, a system to enforce justice upon themselves. Fundamentally everybody wants to be held up to a moral standard by a god. Everybody secretly wants to be watched.

>t. anthropology major

Old men, running the world.

Luckily my country never had any truck with affirmative action. It's ironic, our multiculturalism is so politicial yet practical. The government comes down like a ton of bricks for a Chinese woman saying Malay weddings are noisy and have high divorce rates on Facebook, but we have no policies benefitting minorities over other majorities.

Well, there's no solving BLM. Everyone likes to play the victim card.

A new age!

>That and Morpheus's reasoning that governments are created as a god, a system to enforce justice upon themselves. Fundamentally everybody wants to be held up to a moral standard by a god. Everybody secretly wants to be watched.

I disagree with this. I think people want to offload personal responsibility onto government.

He wants to be a slave, that's an impressive level of masochism.

Oh, and humans will never be happy with rational fact-based decisions. Just look how feminists explode about "mansplaining" because it ignores her feeeelings.

