This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration. Period! Both in person and around the globe

>This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration. Period! Both in person and around the globe

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Can liberals not speak english?

How can the press secretary claim that Trump's inauguration was the biggest in person crowd ever when that clearly is not the case?

you realize this is fake news right? How are you this much of a sheep you believe what CNN says?

If it's fake news and CNN is the king of fake news then why are trumpcucks citing a low angled image from CNN's website as proof that the media is lying?

Because it shows the truth, they can't edit it and it shows the crowd is full of people

And yet that crowd is still less than the full crowd at Obama's inauguration and there is clearly more empty space in Trump's crowd than Obama's. Why is that so difficult to accept?

this is honestly the dumbest fucking story yet

>hurr more people showed up at my party than at yours xD
>nuh uh you're lying!

americans are fucking children

Hello Rural American.


>this thread

It's the dumbest fucking story and it was started by Trump and his press-secretary trying to overcompensate by lying about how big the crowd was and saying it was the biggest ever in denial of all reality. That's what makes it extra fucking stupid.

Maybe he was talking about the average weight of the people who attended.

Hey here is another rural american - do you know ?

If you count the tv worldwide audience, it's probably accurate.

Why is President Donald Trump bragging to the CIA about how large his crowd was? Shouldn't he be talking about intelligence and stuff?

don't believe your own eyes

>people are really this fucking stupid

>having a fucking concert to celebrate an incoming president

why is america so tacky? why not go the whole hog and have a football game and a massive bbq

Unfalsifiable. The press secretary meant those two figures to stand separately. The in person crowd was clearly not the largest ever and the global audience is impossible to determine.

>If you count the tv worldwide audience, it's probably accurate.



>why not go the whole hog and have a football game and a massive bbq

Because that would be a little too close to literal bread and circuses for people to stomach.

It's pretty smart. Now we're not talking about the lack of a health care plan, relationships with Russia, provoking more terror in Israel by moving our embassy to Jerusalem, etc.


wait a 3rd rural american? pls take pic of your semi-rural surroundings pls

Trump's crowd was much larger! It was the first time they used white tarps to protect the grass, so it just looks smaller. I know for a FACT that Trump had a larger crowd than Obama.


Trump is creating his own alternate reality and whining about the media not adjusting to his story

he literally won the election doing shit like this

And you fucking liberals JUST DON'T GET IT YET

If it can get Trump the Presidency, can this tactic get me laid?

>reeee it's all lies, the journalists are lying

muh liberal lies

I always thought it was extremely funny how he reuses the same phrases over and over.

Fake it till you make it has been a meme for awhile and its success varies by the individual.

>Remember Jerry, it's not a lie if you believe it!
t. Costanza

>anyone who doesn't like Trump is a liberal


Look at Obama's crowd

Don't you feel inspired?