Aziz Ansari: Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family

>Today, with the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and others like him spewing hate speech, prejudice is reaching new levels, it’s visceral, and scary, and it affects how people live, work and pray. It makes me afraid for my family. It also makes no sense.
>The overwhelming number of Muslim Americans have as much in common with that monster in Orlando as any white person has with any of the white terrorists who shoot up movie theaters or schools or abortion clinics.
>“DON’T go anywhere near a mosque,” I told my mother. “Do all your prayer at home. O.K.?”
> He has said that people in the American Muslim community “know who the bad ones are,” implying that millions of innocent people are somehow complicit in awful attacks.
>By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.

Trump absolutely BTFO

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>>By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.
I think you mean 'Jewish males'


>spewing hate speech, prejudice is reaching new levels, it’s visceral, and scary, and it affects how people live, work and pray.

I like him already.

what a piece of shit, I used to like him a couple years ago

I'm with aziz now

>Mud people cry about Trump saying their families are complicit
>Mud person commits act of terrorism
>Turns out his wife helped him scope the place out
>She fled soon after the attack
They can call Trump many things, but wrong is not one of them.


I don't even understand this logic. Trump doesn't make me hate Muslims. I hated Muslims way before Trump announced he was running for President.


from the article: The Times reported that the F.B.I. is investigating 1,000 potential “homegrown violent extremists,” a majority of whom are most likely connected in some way to the Islamic State. If everyone on that list is Muslim American, that is 0.03 percent of the Muslim American population. If you round that number, it is 0 percent.

See guys, don't think of it as "1000 evil terrorrists", because it's more like FUCKING ZERO. you racists need to think!

>I'm a fragile little nu-male
>stop scaring me
>why can't you just relax and let your country by islamized

Rather than point out that Islam breeds this hatred against it's most radical terrorists, let's just deflect that and say Trump is racist and it's equivalent to 'white terrorists'.

What a joke.

people hated muslims long before Trump started campaigning

His days are numbered.

If Aziz feels unsafe here as a result of white people voting in their best interest, surely he would feel more secure with his family in a largely-Islamic country. Oh, you mean to tell me that he is just cashing in on the manufactured hysteria to further his career?

Didnt the jews create the 08 crisis? Ban them along with muslims, im fine with that.

Muslims who don't know their own faith, the leftists that shout down any discussion and our retarded government who thinks a religion has been hijacked by radicals and does not in fact have scripture in the Koran they can actually point to and use piss me off more than a terrorist.

The terrorist tells me he wants to fucking kill me. I know that enemy.
That that enemy is just a symptom that could be cured were it not for the fucking cowards and traitors and leftists pisses me off more.

This kind of shit is what I mean.

>it's racist to lump muslims all in one category so I'll biased statistics from Mother Jones to lump all whites in one category with jews

Jesus Christ, really?

Is this supposed to be an underhanded endorsement for Trump?

Knowing that this faggot is flustered by Trump will just make people want to vote for him even more. The funny thing is he doesn't seem to realise this. He is so narcissistic and trapped in a liberal bubble that he honestly doesn't realise how he comes off to the average person.

Why are people going out of their way to demonize him for his rhetoric on Muslims? They're taking everything out of context.

Has Trump ever said anything against American Muslims? As far as l know, they're Americans first and Muslims second to him.

What he's talking about is the very legitimate threat of radical Islam and how easily it can be imported into the US, right?

It's astounding to me that liberals would rather vote for someone like Clinton, whose policies of "nation building" are one of the main reasons that Syria and Libya are hotbeds of Islamic terrorism, than Trump, who's probably the biggest proponent of non-interventionism in the past century.

I can understand why liberals might have some legitimate grievances against Trump's brand of conservatism, but taking a stand on this particular issue is just plain stupid.

I know this doesn't mean much coming from someone living in a third-world shithole, but l feel sorry for Americans if liberal ignorance wins in November.

>hurr muslims are a race
When will this meme die? Are there really that many people with subhuman IQ?

>>By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban (((white males)))

I agree with him there; we need to get off (((the Federal Reserve's)))'s Wild Ride.

White males founded this country you stupid camel jockey.

He said we should ban Muslims from entering the US which in their minds means he's opening extermination camps.

Isn't he just a dude-bro comedy actor trying to redefine himself as a serious person?

fuck you OP - Hillary is a criminal and everyone knows it.

Trump 2016

>Being Muslim
>Supporting misogyny, pedophilia, homophobia, intolerance
>Surprised of being contested in the Free World

Go back to your islamic shit-hole then.

This is the same shitskin who got cocky and bragged out fucking white girls when he found out it bothered people. Hope his family gets sent back on a rusty boat with a torpedo locked on it.

I find it hard to believe anyone would fuck someone as repulsive and high pitched as him

Awesome!! I've always hated this scumy talentless fucking moslem, but now he is scared!! Yes!! Donald Trump is a great great man for causing this... Fuck you Aziz, you have to go back...

On a real note this dude is not funny at all. Hes such a bad comedian that he had to create that "RANDY" character that just says a bunch of retarded random shit to get noticed. If "Randos" and "Aye Weed LMFAO" was a comedian it would be him.

Too specific, meme magic may work sometimes but it's a dice roll really.

I also love how this unfunny cunt lands his own solo show on netflix or wherever after successful runs on other shows,and the new show is about how difficult it is for an indian-american to get a gig

When "racism" stops giving people victim status and thus the moral high ground and thus social and political power

>He has said that people in the American Muslim community “know who the bad ones are,”

Then report them to the FBI, you fucks.
Everyone knew that Omar Mateen was a psycho.

have you ever said out loud in public that you are antimuslim?

rip pol

long live hashtag-alt-right-tumblr-twitter-hugbox-pol-brought-to-you-by-reddit

>The overwhelming number of Muslim Americans have as much in common with that monster in Orlando as any white person has with any of the white terrorists who shoot up movie theaters or schools or abortion clinics.

Sure, but last time I checked there were no congregations of white terrorists that make international headlines and kill journalists/random foreigners.

There are SEVERAL of those for Muslims.

>who's probably the biggest proponent of non-interventionism in the past century.
He wasnt even the least interventionist in the GOP nomination,let alone of the whole century

Yeah his comedy declined, he got more preachy in every special

Yes, of course.

50 ppl get slaughtered and the first thing they worry about is themselves

>Aziz Ansari: Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family
Because he is going to target terrorists' families?

Protip: a great way to respond to this kind of argument (besides "that's not an arghment") is to simply state that the argument is a shallow one. It's an argument of moral indignation, nothing more.


>By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.

care to explain how poor people of all creeds signing shady contracts is the white man's fault?

Best thing ppl can do is show idiots what the Quran actually says

>buhuhuhu we are a victims

In the meantime that is not there blood on the floor and their nation which is replaced.
I have 0 sympathy for the muzzies, they can all die in a volcano for all I care.

This. It's what makes immigrants so unbearable

>Escape absolute shithole for better life
>Complain that isn't like home
>Start implementing (read: force) your stone age "laws" in your new country
>Be surprised that everything turns into the same shithole you were originally trying to escape
>Escape new shithole

They're an absolute fucking plague on humanity.

You know when people like this are getting scared that Trump is the man you want to vote for. Keep the Muslim tears coming.

It's hard to take that seriously when I imagine it in his affected, nasally voice.

>the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.
Good goy.

Integration into the west is discouraged because that would mean "imposing" anglosaxon culture onto them.

They complain about not "fitting in" and "being made to feel different" when fitting in is literally the only way to get ahead.

But the key to retaining part of your heritage is to augment the compatible parts to the new country. That's simply not the case anymore.

it will

unlike britain, we are only 60% white.
and half of them are traitors.
there is little option left.
blood for blood.

everyone in the gop wanted to nuke russia if they didnt get out of syria

That's my point.

Those are two completely different things. Temporarily banning certaing groups that pose a threat not just to national security, but the very way of life, is not unheard of.

He's not railing against people like Aziz Ansari or his family, he's talking about ragheads from the Middle East who actually want to do your country harm.

Rand and Ron Paul, or any of their ilk, don't really matter now. They didn't get the nomination so they're little more han a footnote in the electoral history. Trump did, and he's much bigger on non-interventionism than Clinton, Romney, McCain, Obama, Bush, you name it.

>But muh whitey did dis and dat!
I hate these politically correct apologists.

Underrated fact desu

It's a little hard to take a guy that shits in street seriously.

All I have to say is, Make America White Again!

Boys it's all over, Brexit has won! Time to Celebrate! Trump is next! Watch:


I keep thinking these people that are so scared of Trump are doing something illegal. Trump only wants to go after the actual law breaking nuts yet everyone is sweating bullets.

I have all the same thoughts and questions. Have no idea how it got to this point. I guess some combination of "people are stupid" and "it's complicated." :/

This cocksucking manlet shitskin should have kept his fucking mouth shut and stuck with the self-deprecating "humor".

>liberal cuck #247634 is scared of something
>this is news

If only Aziz knew how many white liberals actually believe in banning white male from anything other than manual labor and being breeders.

There is a reason they don't say those thoughts out loud though.

Want to know what that reason is?

Go down town every day with a mega phone and preach the enslavement of white males for at least one year.

Why one year? Because the conservatives are going to laugh at you for a long time.

Once they take you seriously you will have your answer as to why self hating white liberals don't say such stupid things out loud.


50 gay people get massacred. The real tragedy is that my mother and I are being inconvenienced

>white terrorists who shoot up schools
Terrorism has a definition you stupid sandnigger


He was kinda funny in the early seasons of parks and rec, he got his own show in netflix which is the definition of "beta male.

>pay female friend to come a weekend abroad with me, sleep in the same bed and not do anything
>female sleeps with me, omg thank u.

Exactly, its laughable that Liberals think its okay to elect Hillary who will intervene and bomb the shit out of Islamic Countries causing more chaos. But Trump, who is the peace candidate is way too out of line for not wanting to intervene and having a temporary ban on Muslims. Fucked in the head.

Boys it's all over, Brexit has won! Time to Celebrate! Trump is next! Watch:

I'm going to put .03 gallons of AIDS on your French toast. Eat up & enjoy!

Rand and Cruz didnt

>tfw you're deadnamed from beyond the grave

I didn't realize he was Muslim. Good to know.

Good old Aziz...

Bring him down, Kek.

You are not supposed to judge people based on what their contemporaries are doing, only what their ancestors did


Have some mercy on this confused man, show him the truth Kek! Just a warning shot!

>ban white men
>in a country created by white men

>caring about a comedians political opinion

If I interviewed a bum on the street with opposing views it'd be just as relevant.

It's really true. They yank out the race cards in full force because they're trying to divert people from the fact that, "hey, we're really NOT living in the country legally, we hopped the border and are using Obama's kuk provisions to live off welfare that we don't pay into. I sure hope that never stops. I'll vote Democrat in November, even though I'm not a citizen of the US."

I hate these faggots that are trying to go after Trump on the grounds that enforcing laws is somehow racist.

I didn't really consider rand a part of the gop but you're right also with cruz, my memory must have exaggerated his hostility to russia. It's pretty much the same old obama tier.

All praise be to Kek

>Is this supposed to be an underhaned endorsement for Trump?
Can't see him being that intelligent. Unless Trump came up with the idea and paid him, which is even less likely because he doesn't need to. The media and islamic programming does all the work to make useful gopniks like this guy.

>the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.

*ban jews

>OMG sex w/ white women! LOL

What I love about this faggot is even with all his wealth and success, he's still pathetically insecure and can't stop signalling how inferior he feels to white men.

If I was in his shoes I would absolutely not give a fuck. Sad.

You do know Trump is going to lose badly right? You're the only delusional fool in all of this.

>banning a whole race based on skin color alone
>temporary ban on religious individuals from a specific faith from a specific area known for overwhelming violent extremism against all of mankind
WEW do these people even listen to themselves talk

the majority of Muslim immigrants in USA are like the 1% of muslims who are not retarded and brainwashed by their religion.

The other 99% are ticking time bombs.

^no no jews are white
can't ban jews without banning whites!!!

To be fair, most normies can't tell the difference between whites and jews

Are you really this fucking stupid? You REALLY believe the ban will be temporary? LOL!

Based Aziz

Funny as hell comedian and actor

There is no difference. A religion is not a race.

Sooner the terror of ISIS ends the sooner the ban is lifted + 5 years after their defeat ;)

>By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.

You almost had a complete thought Azis, you simply confused jews with white males.

Honest mistake I'm sure, don't want your non-career to get flushed down the toilet, right?