This show sucks. It's not subtle at all, every character somehow manages to be unlikeable...

This show sucks. It's not subtle at all, every character somehow manages to be unlikeable, and I'm convinced people comparing it to the Twilight Zone don't understand what made Twilight Zone so good.

I watched pic related and I agree, although it's the only episode I've watched.

Fuck you and your faggot thread user

like has anyone who loves this show ever seen or read any dystopian fiction in the past 50 years? jesus christ people are acting like this show is so deep and thoughtful but in reality it's just bland and uncreative.

Name 6 dystopian fiction novels you have read, other than 1984, Brave New World, We and A Childhood's End.

>It's not subtle at all

Yeah, neither was TTZ

How can you think this show isn't subtle and then immediately defend Twilight Zone?

Dude, this is the second Reddit filter. Ever seen Rick and Morty? That's the first. You see someone talk about either of these shows, tell them to go straight back to that cesspool they came from.

But the Twilight Zone never tried to make a big deal about it.
Black Mirror always tries to make an statement about how technology is bad, which is ok, but it's always presented with an insane amount of exposition.
Take for example pic related, every word that his brother said was an exposition device, it was so obvious it made me cringe.

Well, the whole point of that episode was to be as absurdly over the top as possible, white christmas doesn't have that excuse though.

>because people on leddit like rick and morty we're not allowed to!
Or maybe they like it because it's the best adult cartoon in a veeeeery long time.

I liked the Episode about the Military conditioning, and the hacker that fucked up some peoples lives by blackmailing them (except for the lack of a proper conclusion).


how to spot an artless autist

>Or maybe they like it because it's the best adult cartoon in a veeeeery long time.
its shit

What makes it shit? The fact that it's not underground enough for you?

Ballard alone wrote more dystopias than that list. Throw in Brunne, Dick and Gene Wolfe and you've got your dystopian reading for months on end

>Unironically listing Zamyatin

pretentious hipster faggot detected

san junipero is the best episode.

watch it and dislike it i dare you

It's not even top 5

I loved it OP

Lick my nuts :^)

I would say it's shit like the other guy, but don't try to deny that it dropped the ball in Season 2 apart from a couple of episodes.

I really hope they turn it around in Season 3, but for now it looks like Rick and Morty went the Venture Brothers route, only way faster.

Most of Season 3 is reddit tier shit. San Junipero being the biggest example.
>muh lesbians

I don't remember much of season 2, it wasn't as good a season 1, but I liked it, unlike the atrocious recent season of South Park.

Out of the 4 episodes I've watched, that was the only one I found fuckin' retarded.