Why did Macready destroyed chess mashine?

why did Macready destroyed chess mashine?
wasn't it a company's property?

It cheated.

Was Childs a Thing at the end?

263 replies and 98 images omitted

came here to post this

No because he dies

frustration is amplified when you're drunk

Like a bitch.


beat me to it lad kys

fucken signed.


The Thing dies a bunch but it's still alive

In the face of the evidence there's no reason not to think Childs is a Thing at the end

>In the face of the evidence

>In the face of the evidence there's no reason not to think Childs is a Thing at the end

Except the fucking director and Kurt Russell saying otherwise.


What company did he work for you dense mother fucker?

>reaction image

Glad you agree with me.

Now quote someone who actually produced the movie.

>Now quote someone who actually produced the movie.

Can any of the same people who produced it confirm the gasoline theory?


Fuck off then, you worthless troll, final (You).

It's said in the video game from 2002 that Childs dies of hypothermia and MacReady finds a helicopter and helps out the player character at the end of the game. Both Russell and Carpenter confirmed that this is the canon ending to the story.

What were they even doing in Antarctica?

and both confirmed it non canon also , they ve been trolling everyone and contradicting themselves constantly for thirty five years, get your head out of your asshole

>tfw you realised the interaction between him and the computer was the same as his interaction with the thing

Once a director releases a movie they really don't get to decide things any more. It doesn't belong to them any more. The art can be interpreted any way.

death of the author is horseshit and ruined academic narrative analysis

>ruined academic narrative analysis
>wants answers given to them by the creators

hypocrite much?

You can't separate the creator from his creation and project your own bullshit onto it.

Yes you can. If you look at the Mona Lisa and see a smile that's up to you. Needing Da Vinci to explain it to you is just mental laziness.

>my approach to interpreting movies is the only correct one
get your head out of your ass

Seems more like you're making excuses to justify your own head canon. We should listen to the creators so we can analyze things without having multiple interpretations, cause looking at the work itself is horseshit.

Seems awfully cherry picked here.

What a dick, just because he sucked at the game doesn't mean he should take it away from everyone else.

source senpai

>niggers, white doctors analysing weather and a guy that fucks dogs

Be real man nobody else played that chess game. Maybe the old guy who built a warp 9 spacecraft in a day but that's it.

>paint a picture of a dog
>some fag says it's a cat
>tell him it's a dog
>he tells me I don't get to decide things anymore, it doesn't belong to me

>art is objective

>i get to decide what a piece of art is and if you disagree with me you are wrong

You can decide anything you like about any art you experience, my chum. You just have to be ready to be congratulated or called a retard dependant on your interpretation. That interpretation - no matter how idiotic - will always be yours. Unless you are weak minded and literally get memed easy.

Interpreting a piece of art doesn't actually change the piece itself.

>Interpreting a piece of art doesn't actually change the piece itself.

A song, a movie, a painting? Have to disagree with you there.

More like

>paint a picture of an animal
>guy buys it and owns it for 20 years
>go over to his place and see the painting
>says he loves the cat painting I made
>I look at it and say its a dog
>owner says "well for the last 20 years Ive called it a cat, it's a cat to me"
>painting continues to stay it owners home, friends and family all call it a cat
>artist BTFO

you literally dont get to decide, it DOES NOT belong to you anymore.

>paint a cat
>painter says it's a dog

>you literally dont get to decide

i'm in charge here.

they arent both things, because the things know each other.

neither one are the things because the thing would jump the other one instantly.

they both freeze to death, but the army finds some things cells that arent dead and blammo, world wide infection.


who cares the thing is a shit movie anyway