Holy shit

Holy shit

are you guys redpilling reddit?

this shits on the front page

my first time visiting in months. would not have expected this.

Fire can spread burning far and wide

>going on Reddit

Get out

settle your retarded autism

This is even after the admins put in a 'new algorithm' to curb the number of pro-Trump posts. A few weeks ago it got to the point where about 70 out of the 100 top posts on reddit at the time were pro-Trump memes/shitposts/articles and articles about how corrupt hillary is.

Reddit is becoming uncucked, but they still have to contend with the feminist liberal hellhole that is /r/shitredditsays, who actively wprk with the admins to brigade and take control of otger subreddits and communities to push their marxist narrative.

They destroyed the Occupy movement by turning it into a social justice movement instead of an economic one, and even tried to become mods of Sup Forums, which obviously failed. This is ironic considering how SomethingAwful created the subreddit to shitpost liberal memes ironically, and people actually believed it.

If there's one place on the web that needs to be dealt with, its /r/shitredditsays, not tumblr, because they aren't just an echo chamber, they actively brigade, attack and dox others into submission.

Stop this retarded shit, we're a politics board and plebbit is influential in a certain spectrum of society

The Pendulum is swinging back for the leftists.

People are fed up about being lied to in media with hundreds of thousands of fact checkers all over the internet calling the media on their bullshit. We're seeing the first steps of the left being utterly destroyed as people begin to mistrust the media more and more.

Redditt is the gateway drug and we're the krodile

Did we set up /r/the_donald or was that just reddit doing it itself?

Important to note that it isn't SomethingAwful doing this, ultra liberals took over the sub and now they're beginning to spread to other parts of reddit in what they call the 'SRS Fempire'.

Reddit crossposters are actively ridiculed on Sup Forums so I highly doubt it was any one of us here. More likely the users at /r/the_donald tend to lurk on Sup Forums for their memes. Despite the similar rhetoric we are very different communities.


The original old guard off SRS are cucks from SA my mane, trust me i've been dealing with them from their inception.

>They destroyed the Occupy movement
Psst, little secret matey: the Occupy "movement" was payed by Soros & co right from the beginning. It was the biggest astroturfing of the 21st century so far.

It's on the front page because you're subscribed to /r/the_donald, it won't appear by default you mong



They're redpilling nobody. Almost everyone has thedonald and sanders filtered out for months.


Unsub from the_donald and see how much it changes you fucking retard.

It's being actively censored and pushed out of the front page under /r/all or if you're unsubbed

Right now its filled with completely moronic remainer butthurt.

>hates britain
>buy my grumble clips though



I got banned from there after a single post.

The bullshit mods in that sub got so nuts that other subs like /r/Mr_Trump popped up.

>takes SJW things seriously, "muh mental healthz!!"
Oh my fucking god we've really sank so low. All of these whiney üntermensch must be exterminated with the shitskins if we want Europe to be a functioning continent again.

Do I trigger you?

Kill yourselves dumb faggots. It has never and will never be accepted

>get called a faggot
>reply 'y-you're just triggered'
This is why everyone thinks you're a faggot and tells you to fuck off.

So I'm guessing yes.

Sure thing fag. You said "triggered" so you won the "argument"

>wew lads
nope. still cancer

Damn you're so salty, that you belong on Reddit.

Salty is my second favorite reddit meme.

I found the perfect subreddit for you!

I'm not interested in your homepage.

This is my homepage senpai. Purty good shit.

>reee normies are starting to think like us
Hang yourself you stupid neet. If this is what it takes to influence GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW to normies everywhere then so fucking be it.

Shut the fuck up then kill yourself faggot.

The goal Sup Forums fixed itself for years now is to extend its influence on normies, having a real impact.
Now we finally manage to do it there are little pseudo-hipster shitstains like you who try to make it look like bad.