ITT "bad guys" who did literally nothing wrong

ITT "bad guys" who did literally nothing wrong.

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Nah he's a xenophobe who doesn't understand that most Christians are peaceful.

The Christians that uprised and killed thousands of their own based on the orders of foreigners don't represent all Christians.

He looks like a faggot

>tfw you will never live in a society where JUST hairstyles were actually in vogue

He was just protecting his country from foreign influence

>people who watched this movie and didn't realize that many Christian nations were using religion to divide the native nations and eventually conquer them

top lmao, they didn't give fuck about Japs, they didn't even teach them scripture properly, they adjusted it to their innate religious beliefs.

Portugese and Spanish both did this all the time.

>did nothing wrong

>country has been locked in brutal civil war
>Spanish pirates fresh from conquering Philippines, Incas and Aztecs arrive and sell weapons to rebels
>good wholesome protestant English and Dutch tell tales of the horrors of the inquisition and religious wars wrought by papistry
what would you do

but it represents the ones that were in his fucking country which is all he fucking care about. who gives a shit that you go on alternative spring break with your church when christians are fucking invading your country and destroying its culture

How do I become a samurai?


oh crap

hes Ichi

Did he say in the meeting with Evian Bottle that he wouldn't mind Christians if they just stopped trying to convert the locals, or did I get that wrong?


The movie literally addresses this.

>trusting Catholics in the 16th century

lel retards

I never got the impression that the film was trying to make him a "bad guy." He was there to present the theological argument of the film.

For the greater good.

It's Sup Forums culture to start a thread with a meme.

He wasn't a xenophobe, he had advice regarding Catholics from an English-Protestant advisor

I was gonna say, this isn't a valid critique of the film. Scorsese is pretty fair to both sides.

>He lost the point the poster was making about Muslims in present day Western countries.


>this Galaxy is in chaos, the most powerful faction is corrupt as hell, and a religious faction has insane power over the government and controls the army
>I better do whatever it takes to restore order. I, of course, will continue to allow a Senate to make sure my people are allowed representation. I'll also make several thousand jobs building space stations and create army positions, a "New Deal" you could call it.
>Fuck, nasty terrorists blew up my space stations, killing not only thousands of soldiers, but their families and civilian workers as well. They also destroyed and semblance of order in the galaxy, and they just brought back the old weak and corrupt government from before! Not only that, but they've created warring factions again't each other.
>If that wasn't bad enough, some faggot began following a space ghost and stole all of MY ideas.

missionaries are retarded and deserve what they get

especially the ones that go to mudslime countries

You have to be the Japanesiest


yeah we should stop sending missionaries to muslim countries and start sending crusaders.
i for one think that the kikes ruled the middle east long enough it is time for a christian rule.

LITERALLY did nothing wrong

No, he played Kakihara. Pic related is Ichi.