1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Do you use snus?

Can't wait based EU to ban it completely.

Thank god we're not a part of that shitshow ;^) Our snus will stay strong.

Is this one of those cheap tobacco products that kids love to use because their parents can't know they pretend to be edgy?

No, i just smoke my delicious Marlboro light (refuse to call it gold. I am not a fucking jew)

2)Tobacco is for fags,men prefer alcohol

No but I used to sell it in high school. It was a very profitable business.

I dip, close enough?

It's more to it than that. It helped me quit smoking, it's bad but definitely not as bad as cigarettes.

Teenagers these days smoke cigs anyways.


>Is this one of those cheap tobacco products that kids love to use because their parents can't know they pretend to be edgy?

Not around here. It is far cheaper than cigs, but it has a distinct smell and you can tell by looking at someone that they have a chaw in. It's just a different way to the same goal, which is the nicotine. As a whole, its safer than smoking, although it still has some nasty side effects. At least in american its seen more as a "rural" thing and you see a lot more of it the farther out you go.

snus got popular a few years ago, then died out almost as quick. a fleeting trend.

>snus got popular a few years ago
In what states? Or all over?

banned here, never tried it

>not crossing the bridge to Sweden to get some cheap and high quality snus

That's not snus though. What you're thinking of is dip which is different

Yes, it saved me from cigarettes. Truly our greatest invention.

What's your favorite?

Copenhagen tastes like crotch sweat though
Kodiak Master Race reporting

Quit permanently yesterday. Am now fantasizing about having sexual intercourse with snus.

Am I gonna make it?

Still haven't decided that. The ones I use the most are granit, LD and grov (I like the ones that just taste like tobacco and dont fag it up) but I dont really have a favorite, almost every brand imo is enjoyable in its own way so I vary what snus I buy a lot. How about you?

Yes, mostly Mustang but it's sometimes hard to come by if you don't buy it in stocks so then it's just plain General White.


Nus used to be a street name for speed amphetamine. Snus was the super speed, that or kaymak (dairy product) because it was the raw paste that dries and gets 'baptised', cut.
i loved the 00s. I was a nigger back then but i loved those times.
What is that shit anyway? Chewing tobacco?
Why is it in what seems like tea bags?

>ever quitting snus
Are you poor or what?

G.3, Ettan los and N&J.

Moist powder tobacco you put under your upper lip, either loose or in pouches. Very popular here in Scandinavia.

Used to do Bornholmersnus back when it was still produced.

You can get it in almost any kiosk or online in bulk.


Just quit here but mine (if we're talking Swedish snus) was ettan loose. Swedish match did loads of good ones like rapé loose, kronan loose, general loose. Only thing that came close not from swedish match would be granit loose.

I also did some american dip, and the only stuff I liked was desu cope extra long cut and that dark winter green forgot the brand.

So yeah I'm a flavour guy only doing loose so I went into chew too. Ain't nothing like a levi garret plug bite or better yet one of those fired smokey tar tasting yankee chews that they usually sell in twists/ropes. But only innawoods cause that stuff looks vile to everyone around you and you have to spit all the time.

Upper lip? I've never used any form of tobacco like this (former heavy smoker, though) but lower lip seems like it would be more comfortable.

To reduce dripping and tradition of course

That stuff is seriously, seriously disgusting.

t. smoker

>likes pure tobacco
>prefers grov over ettan
>not into yankee tobaccos

>tfw you never got to be a proper slav nigger and had to be a light version state regulated swedish nigger that just smoked some weed and only got into one knife fight

Fucks your gums, fucks your teeth, fucks your vascular health, most of all it fucks your reward pathways so when you're temporarily off you start obsessively fucking with other shit like vidya or drugs.

Also tolerance made it not that fun anymore. And I have a real dramatic effect from the kick, I get completely dazed and comfy but cold and tingly so I can't really function properly on it anyway and it's not worth incapacitating yourself four times a day to feed the addiction. Maybe I'll steal a pinch from someone else in the future to enjoy a proper kick once tolerance is down but I'll never buy a normal pack for personal consumption again it's just stupid. It would totally be worth it if you could keep it to one hit a day cause that way you got low tolerance and each hit is an experience but I can't if there's a full pack waiting in the fridge.

Nah, it's literally nonexistent here.

I do roll my own smokes tho

Lower lip is for yank dip cause it's weaker and needs more saliva to dissolve into mucous membranes properly. Swedish snus is more potent (burns a lot too) and a bit dryer so you can place it under your upper lip. That way it stays way more dry, you barely have to spit at all, and you still get the kick. Downside is it doesn't taste much unless you tongue fuck it and at that point you might as well go lower lip.

Always respect someone who knows how to properly roll

>because their parents can't know they pretend to be edgy?
it's because they can do it during class in school.

>I have a real dramatic effect from the kick, I get completely dazed and comfy but cold and tingly so I can't really function properly on it
What the fuck, dude? Not even the first time I tried it at 14 did I experience anything remotely similar to that

I find it strange that Nords like this shit so much. You guys are supposed to be healthy and classy and shit, and tobacco in any form is plebian as fuck.

only the jonnes do

Well okay I don't get dazed and I don't get tingly what I mean is the enhanced sensitivity to certain stimuli makes me unwilling to move around like normal cause everything feels a bit cold and touching stuff feels a bit too much like touching stuff so I get the good effects from sitting still but I don't want to move around too much. And I don't get all that comfy mostly satisfied. It's also a bit of a stimulant but not so much.

And if I take too much (barely can these days due to tolerance) the cold moves into cold sweat and the comfortable spinning that is comparable to alcohol turns into nausea just like with alcohol. This is what most people feel right?

m8, there's no special scandi high civilization, the way they do it is
>have rad amounts of ores and resources during the industrial revolution
>not place themselves in the middle global ideological battles
>surrender, remain neutral or align themselves with other powers in a way where their infrastructure doesn't get demolished in global wars
that's literally it

My friends does. But one of them swede.

>But one of them swede.
Of course. Is it legal in Russia?

ohhhh wtfff dont know

Sounds weird as fuck desu mate if that happens regularly. I have gotten nauseous when I make a giant fucking lös prilla, eventually I had to go spit it out, felt like I was gonna puke. But that would never happen with a normal portion.

That's for lightweights. Try makla. Only oral tobacco strong enough to be worth using.

No it isn't. The basis was that there was a lot of farmland per capita which made the peasants very powerful, which lead to a form of democracy based in physical power and force rather than ethics and philosophy like in ancient greece. In short, the king feared the peasants and needed their support. There was no feudal power at all. This trend continued as a cultural practice and caused a relatively high lowest point for the working class. Estonians still call the Swedish era 'the good old swedish days', and statistically, seen on a per capita basis, the swedish and danish empires outperformed everything ever on earth simply because the average filthy peasant was wealthy, well educated, and owned land. We never had a population surplus and thus no people to exploit. And nowadays, when we measure things in per capita wealth rather than national power, indeed the trend continues. Sweden didn't have a lower class until recently.

Sadly the trend will end now due to globalism and migration being comme il faut for swedecucks, but we had a good run. So yeah to summarize thousands of years of subjects being nearly as powerful as their kings lead to a societal structure of equality and justice that was maintained until the 1960's, and that's the key to norse success. Along with the belief in Odin, AKA the worship of knowledge and wit over physical strength.

You should try this then

I never snus portion it's for women, addicts and children. I usually take a 'live' unbaked prilla to get more taste. It's the only real 'experience' where I feel it's actually enjoyable and not just feeding an addiction. Like I said I don't get nauseous anymore ever but I still get major vascular constriction, AKA I get cold which I suspect is the main culprit to feeling a bit weird. Nicotine has a major vascular impact so it's no surprise. It also constricts your dick blood flow. Another reason why I quit quit. Not that I'm having trouble but I kind of miss the random boners in public.

Interesting, you are the first person Ive heard with such experiences from snus. Guess its not for everyone then.

I went to a high school that was right next to a state prison, and that's the only place I've seen people dip/snuff. Seems like it's just for try-hard hicks. Not sure about snus.

Tried it. Not as strong as the strongest Swedish but pretty nasty. It's all about tolerance and bragging that you can pretend to like more vasoconstriction and nausea than other people like is a sign of a small afro-french penis trying to compensate. Even the algerian I got it from agreed it's shit.

What? You never heard of anyone getting vasoconstriction symptoms from snus, a potent vasoconstrictor? Everyone gets a bit cold from snus.

I've been using about a tin a day for the past twenty years.

I've never heard anyone complain about getting cold when using snus, no.

You still get a kick? Or is the addiction just a bit worse. I found I had to step up about once every month in strength to get a kick and at the end I didn't feel much at all from extreme stuff anyway. Now one day into withdrawal I feel surprisingly fine.

Vasoconstriction is basically the number one side mate. I've heard a lot of people mention it. But I guess you're just not sensitive to it which probably means you don't get much vascular stress either so it damages you a lot less than it did me congrats

Can you buy snus in Finland?

No kick. Definitely helps me with staying thin and coping with stress, though. I just start packing first thing in the morning and spit the last one before going to bed.

It's illegal to sell in the EU with the exception of Sweden.

Illegal in Europe except in Sweden and Norway afaik

How do I get snus then lad

Buy online

Order online, are you incapable of using google?

Leave the EU

The benefits are negligible after a while relative to a long term non-user. You'd have serious issues with stress and weight for a few months but after that you'd be back to basically current levels but without the negative health effects. The human body is great at adapting to nicotine amides.

Order online. Customs are goofs barely ever snatch anything. I ordered U.S. tax free dip/chew for years. And I'm not sure but I think a certain amount is legal to order from Sweden anyway. Don't start if ur a nicotine virgin but if you're currently smoking then order loads of different cans of loose and pouches see what you like it's much healthier

Fuck off you blonde cunt

Nah lad it's smooth, Ive done snus before in scandiwegia l. Cheers for the help

I didn't even know what that was before Scandi's brought it up on Sup Forums.

of course. extra strong skruf for life

Not really, people are more into pipes.

People just smoke the much cheaper leaf tobacco.