Whats some essential /bearkino/ ?

whats some essential /bearkino/ ?

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Jesus those things'll tear you to shreds.

oh yeah

What kind of animal is that?

that one with alec baldwin and anthony hopkins

Story or location?

The Revenant

grizzly man

just found it on google


Why was his pants down?

Did the bear blow him?

oh fuck i remember this

didnt the big bear take on 6 dogs at the end ?

Its from a movie called endangered

One of my favorite kinos as a kid, good one


What shoes r those?



"The Edge" with Hopkins and Baldwin

Look at that.
That bear must be what? 900 pounds?


Definitely not kino and the bear is mutated, but what the hell

Brother bear

Yea also it got high on shrooms

Grizzly Man (2005)
Herzog kino

Really good movie.

The Country Bears

I worked in Alaska for a while and saw a lot of bears, though never saw them being aggressive. A few locals told me that since bears are so disinterested in the amount of resistance a human can give them they will just eat you without bothering to kill you first. Holding you down and ripping your thighs apart without even an annoyance for all of your struggles.

Don't know if it's true but it's terrifying.

animals usually eat from the ass up

it´s easier to tear up the flesh if you have a opening

that also why lions always jump at their prey from behind

>2 hours of watching some whiny voiced loser dick around in the woods with bears until they finally kill him
Yeah... nah.

t. Didn't fucking get it

It's one of the funniest movies I've ever watched.

the grizzly man is a amazing movie

werner herzog really outdid himself with that on

>not wanting to hear a movie narrated by werner herzog

the guys form half in the bag were at one point really exited for a movie called into the grizzly maze

no idea if it was actually fun


Also I fucking LOVE this movie.

Is there any place you can legally hunt bears without having to fly all the way to Russia?

don't take it seriously, it's about a delusional faggot that gets himself killed.

romanian junkyards


Legends of the Fall is kino but only one bear scene

that's a fakey

Jesus those last screams are obviously stock sounds.

somebody needs to reupload this with some wilhelm screams thrown in

The wilhelm scream halfway in is an obvious giveaway.

There's no willhelm scream in the entire thing.


Damn, even the bear wouldn't suck his dick.

Fuck bears. I don't live on the same continent as them but fuck them, seriously.


What's it about?


>movie where a hippie type gets savaged by the animals he insists are so noble because he's every inch the retard hippies are taken for

i dont know why i like this movie. it's pretty bad


Literal 10/10 cinematografié coming through

This was all shot through a telescope lens from 2+ km away

it says right on the poster you goof

At least he did something with his life and lived for what he loved instead of taking the normie path

He may have been foolish but I respect him for that

Backcountry (2014)

aftermath of the gay blowjob

>holding anything dumb Alaskan bumblefucks who made Sarah Palin their governor as truth

>he did something with his life

Yeah he got himself and his girlfriend eaten by a fuckin bear

how about you go fuck yourself.

god damn this is a good movie, that poster tho...

"That was my cousin"

Why can't humans eat raw food?

We can eat raw foods, but it depends on our immune system.
Plus you need good teeth to chew through it. It has been theorized that by humans cooking food, this made it softer which allowed humans with weaker jaws to become dominate, which with weaker jaws allowed less constraints of muscle tissue in the skull which allowed for larger brains, thus our intelligence could be a direct result of eating softer foods.

We all die eventually.

He lived in the woods, fucked good-looking girls, befriended foxes and made bear kino.

He was way too idealistic and got careless, but he lived a pretty good life. Most people would settle a miserable existence with a shitty desk job, but not him.

He wasn't a sheep; his inner flame shined brightly. That's something to aspire to.

Hmm thanks for the knowledge

Oh shit, his abdomen hasn't been touched. He was alive through the whole thing.

>local eccentric gay man mauled to death by bear after attempting to sexually abuse neighbors boy

>be an avid wholesome outdoorsman with a family who loves hiking and has a passion for the natural world
>get fucking ravaged by a bear one day
>it partially strips you to get at your meat
>some photographer takes a pic of your desecrated remains
>your cock is in view
>picture makes its way online
>kids call you a faggot

>tfw strong masculine jaw

Superman Lives

But did he die?

thats fucked up

what's there to get? it was a retard pointlessly hanging out with wild bears. there was no larger narrative than that


>thus our intelligence could be a direct result of eating softer foods.
Or a result of cooking food since the bone marrow, rich in omega-3, now become accessible

that seal's reaction is comical as fuck, rip

>google bear attack victim

jesus christ

I'm never going near a wildlife forest

for you
>Russian construction workers play with cute baby bear
>momma bear shows up
>a few seconds later all workers and doggo are dead


>*record scratch*
>yup, that's me. you're probably wondering how I got here, huh? it's all started when I was a young little seal.
>it ain't me start playing



russian animals kill bear with truck ;_;

Hell yeah man

what kind of faggot piece of shit goes into the woods where there are wild animals without a gun?


No fuck you

does that bear even lift?

this what happen when bears do cocaine

The greatest bearkino of the 20XXs

Do you know who that guy was?



>Leave Bearkino to me

looks more like gaybearquipsterkino

who the fuck thinks owning a 200lb nigger is a god idea?

Why are you happy? He just said that makes you an idiot.

they are fine when they are young. the problem is when they mature. Michael Jackson knew this and moved his apes to sanctuaries when they started to get too aggressive.

because people want a cute little baby chimp wearing diapers running around the house

they don't realize they can literally rip your face off when its fully grown