Texas secedes

>Texas secedes
>US is pissed
>Mexico is curious
>Texas invades Mexico
>All the hard working Mexicans living in Texas rebel against Texas
>US nukes Houston, Dallas, and Austin out of nowhere
>Greg Abbot is assassinated while having dinner
>US keeps Texas
>US gives Texas to Mexico as punishment

Fucking cucks, this will happen if you don't calm your shit down.

>muh yee-haw

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Fucking shit. I live in Austin.

Wat do?

why would texas invade mexico

Texas cannot legally secede, despite what the
>muh republic of texas
people think. This has been settled federally.

>Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1869) was a significant case argued before the United States Supreme Court in 1869
>In accepting original jurisdiction, the court ruled that, legally speaking, Texas had remained a United States state ever since it first joined the Union, despite its joining the Confederate States of America and its being under military rule at the time of the decision in the case. In deciding the merits of the bond issue, the court further held that the Constitution did not permit states to unilaterally secede from the United States, and that the ordinances of secession, and all the acts of the legislatures within seceding states intended to give effect to such ordinances, were "absolutely null"

>muh oil
>muh gulf of mexico

>Texas invades Mexico
oi 8/8 there m80

>nuking dallas


>muh oil
texas has a whole lot of natural gas
>muh gulf of mexico
i don't understand

>Texas cannot legally secede

And illegal aliens can't legally stay in the country. Yet here we are.

gulf of mexico would also link up with the same reasoning for the pacific. access to different waterways, plus gulf of mexico holds a lot of strategic value

Texas has a long coast along the gulf of mexico already

>Texas cannot legally secede, despite what the
whatcha gonna do if we do?

>Texas invades Mexico
why? literally nothing to gain

>texas invades mexico
thats gotta be some new kind of jenkem right?

it would be flanked by two nations, though

>Texas secedes
>Invades Mexico
>US does nothing
>Texas wins
>kicks out Mexicans
>takes back land rebels lost to Santa Anna
>renters the US with huge amount of new land
>it was all an elaborate ruse

I still don't understand why that's a problem, especially a problem that could be solved by declaring war on mexico.


>Rio Grande Republic becomes first new state
>get to use their bitchin flag again

>settled federally

Uh, about that...

breh, gas yourself

you know, that could legally work..

>I was just pretending to be retarded

The answer would be like any other illegal secession: war. Texas deciding to pull the plug with trade/import impacts would not come before long periods of struggle, at which point all the nukes would be rendered inert, etc, we bomb you and call lit a day to scare the other 49 states into submission unless you surrender. Guns don't do much good against drones, nukes, tanks, etc.

>b-b-but all my reserve capacity in texas
Would be moved or disabled long before secession

>what if texas snapped and did it without consulting the citizens
Then more reason to drop nukes immediately and hope for the best.

Texans are crazy, a year in Houston was MORE than enough for me.

>stealing my favorite trick like a nigger

We are already independent

But hey, let's assume no nukes and Texas secedes and the US is too pussy for war.

>1% of the population is federal government; all jobless
>huge amounts of water come from outside the state, this would no longer be provided and the infrastructure would need to be built in the state to handle
>taxes are low while bonds at good interest rates are fairly high; combine with the unemployment, reduced trade and the deficit widens even further, Texas could not get money
>without other states to carry the load the new Texas dollar wouold widely inflate, Mexico & US want to back off, unemployment continues to rise, agro exports cannot go to the US
>texas in ruins
The brexit is real on national identity but TX is more dependent on the US in many ways than the UK is dependent on the EU (Although Britain has a lot of services based economy that will make the brexit very difficult).

First off you fucking cowboy poser, you are staying in our Union for ever. Second, it's better just to fucking annex Mexico than to build a wall. The same with Canada. We can grind out 20 new states from Mexico and 30 new states from Canada. Can you fucking imagine this? One hundred states- one hundred stars- and here you are, wanting to be just one star. Our 100 star flag will be the envy of the world.

T. United States Empire

yeah, sure. Dumbass

I have a house in Texas. I would like to move there when everything goes sour. Please wait until the rest of the south decides their done with yankee bullshit before you decide to pull out.

Texas goes, most of Dixie goes, and the midwest, and the west, and 80 percent of the military.

Eat shit Yankee.

We wouldn't invade Mexico immediately after seceding.
We'd shore up defenses before anything.
Depending on the situation, we may not invade anybody.
Also, don't forget how easily we could get Russia or someone else to help us. Texas has connections.

>let's assume no nukes
Only a moron would assume nukes in a succession scenario.

Why would a government nuke their own citizens?

If the government did nuke a secessionist-held city, all of a sudden, the government becomes hostis humani generis, and everyone stops dealing with the US government and begins invading to stop the crimes against humanity.

yeah that sounds like a good idea. Heck why not just have one world government? Then everybody could be as awesome as us

>nuking Austin

implying this is a bad thing


>OP wakes up with a cock in his ass

Let's say Texas does leave. Why would the US bomb it? If the US does eventually win, it would still have to rebuild all the shit it destroyed. Then there is public opinion. There is a big difference between bombing sandniggers on the other side of the world, and people you might be related to.

>supreme court meaning anything
Andrew Jackson would like a word with you

Finally, it happened. Finally, I discovered someone else on this board who agrees that the US should just annex the entire world. 1000 states - 1000 Stars and Stripes. Forever.

But first things first- we need to focus our energies on Mexico and Canada.

Canada first because they are really weak, and probably deep down want us to take them...

Mexico comes next- then those fucking clowns in Central America.

Rate my new purchase, Sup Forums

We can turn Denmark into 5 states. A solid five states. In fact we can dedicate one state just for making strudels and Danishes.