Movies with twists you saw coming

movies with twists you saw coming

I really was surprised by how much I enjoyed that movie. Casey redeemed himself in my eyes.

what was the twist ?

He killed his daughters in a careless mistake.

Shutter Island.
>friend torrents it
>reluctantly watch it
>Leo pulling up to the place
>friend keeps hyping it up
>I turn to him
>"he's a patient himself, right?"
>friend with the biggest fuck you smile


The twist was a little obvious, don't feel proud of yourself

He let his house burn down with his daughters in it because he wanted to buy some beers because he's was an alcoholic

I really liked how he was an alcoholic but they never show him making an effort to change.

arrival, but it didn't matter that much

The part when he tries to kill himself in the police station was too real

that scene and the part where he and Rani are talking and they're all blubbering over each other were definitely my favorite parts.

This wasn't even a twist though. You find this out less than 40% through the movie.

It still qualifies as a twist because up to that point we don't know what the flashbacks were leading to.

Anyone else was expecting his wife to be getting Blacked when he was walking back from the convenience store.

I know it was obvious but the Ghost twist in Interstellar

This film is quite possibly the best film I've seen this decade

Are you kidding? Not only it isn't a twist but the movie wants you to figure it out before it's revealed. The movie makes it obvious that there is a reason why his wife left him, the kids aren't around anymore and the town hates him. It wasn't a twist. The movie leads us to that conclusion. You're not some genius 'cause you figured it out. That was intentional.

That's not a twist. They lead up to it by showing the rumors spreading around the town.

Purgatory porn.
