Why is Trump campaigning so retardedly?

He isn't spending any money on swing state ads, he took a nose dive in the polls, and he has hardly anyone working on his campaign. He has $4 billion that he isn't spending on making American great again. Why is he being this retarded? Or is this all jew propaganda and Trump has some kind of master plan in order to win?

Read moar: washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/19/the-brutal-numbers-behind-a-very-bad-month-for-donald-trump/

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he doesn't want to win. He ran as a joke and is realizing its gone too far. He and hillary are buds, so hes just passing it off to her.

fuck off

He's saving it for when. It really matters in the last two months

remember tk sage shill threads

You can't spend money you don't have. The infamous GOP war chest is giving Trump the cold shoulder and he isn't very happy about it. Sure he's got SOME of his own money to throw around, but he's not going to bank-roll an entire general election campaign that is also damaging his business brand.

He has 4 billion.

Not an argument

What, do you think he caries that money around in his suit pocket? That's his estimated net worth. It's tied up in all his business assets and payroll obligations. No sane person would keep $4 billion liquid.

Shillary Clinton is gonna win this election. She is funded by the Jewish elite.

Trump himself says hes worth over 10bil. From disclosures he has at least around $300 million in cash. He could sell a couple buildings and golf courses for a billion or two if he was really serious about making America great again.

He tried to "loan" his campaign $50 million, spend it on his own businesses, then pay himself back with GOP donations. People called him out on his transparent scam and he had to backtrack and forgive his "loan."

I think hes just treating his campaign as a sunk cost now and just waiting it out till November. If he sees any money to make maybe he'll make a move, I don't think he actually wants to spend four years busting his ass as president.

because he's smarter than us

Is wapo still mad about having its press pass revoked?

because he's only running to get his friend hillary elected

Then why is he even running for president in the first place?

He has a lot of money.
The reason he is raising money is because he's raising money for the GOP, not for himself.

The media has once again completely lied about Trump, and you fell for it like an idiot.

I think this too. I think he's probably on cruise control and has lost interest in the whole thing. Might even be intentionally tanking it to stick it the GOP.

Because he's a plant.

To make a quick buck while boosting his fame and ego? When he first ran in 2000 he said he wanted to be the first candidate to make money off running. Trump does all sorts of seemly complex schemes to make a few million for someone who is supposedly so rich, like ripping off a bunch of seniors for a couple million at Trump university. I'd think he thought he would make it this far.

Can't wait till November when you retarded shills stop getting your CTR money and all hang.

Because he's being lazy as fuck and will hopefully kick his ass into gear when the General starts.

Why hasn't Hillary Clinton had a press conference in over 200 days?

Really makes you think

Hes doing a Rmoney and is going to let Hillary win

The fun part is that it's only going to get more intense the closer we get.

>Why is he being this retarded? Or is this all jew propaganda and Trump has some kind of master plan in order to win?

He never intended to win the election, he's a fucking Hillary donor, for fuck's sake. His lan was to attract as much attention to himself as possible, because his businesses all run on his name being a magnet, and to help Hillary win. He's going to lay down for her once the GOP convention is over.

It's better to not waste money on TV ads when he gets all the free publicity from the MSM anyway. Keeps in theme with "Under budget, ahead of schedule"

0.003 rupees have been deposited to your account

Funny thing is he will win anyway
like BREXIT like clockworks
someone is mad

He's just waiting for the next happening to occur

Can anyone empirically support Trump's tax plan? I feel like all the economists that denounce him are globalists that dont want an anti-globalist to get elected

It's a protective tariff but done as a tax instead so that he has more direct control over it. It's the way this country was run up until the last 100 years or so when we got taken back over again by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Have you read, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffen? You're doing yourself a disservice if you have not.

Economies are unpredictable. Trump's tax plan donaldjtrump.com/positions/tax-reform sets the rules of the system to encourage American jobs, that's the bottom line most Americans care about

>Be trump
>could spend own money
>instead do shittily before the RNC scaring the GOP
>literally playing chiken with the race to see if the GOP blinks
>GOP will get scared, cave and pay for the campaign themselves
>keeps his fortune and gets to be president

He is playing 4D chess while you are all playing with legos

That might be a smart plan, except they want him to lose, you goddamn idiot.

Still hasn't released his tax returns so who knows if he's got that money or not.

So what makes you say that?

The top ((())) at the GOP might.
But do you really expect them to not cave in from the overwhelming pressure of a million fat trumptards jumping on their backs about not funding Trump?

Even if they still dont give in Trump can always yknow just pay for the campaign. One option is a better one for Trump, but he can always resort to the other one.
So just observe the worlds greatest 5D chess player.

He's playing chess over 9000D

We are reaching dimensions of chess that are impossible for our minds to grasp

Lmao sure, and when he looses in Nov. that's just a part of his complicated chess strat right?

> Why is Trump campaigning so retardedly?
because it works
being a complete utter retard has brought him half the country to vote for him
It doesnt matter he says horrible, completely false things and lies constantly, because rednecks and nu-alt righters will vote him

Jealous you can't Italeave?

dumb frogposter.
it literally has no effect on my life

He's waiting for it to start

you fucking twat

If he wins in November make a thread at 18:00 EST saying how that Italian was wrong. Trust me, he is going to win.