Hello Rey. I am Luke Skywalker - The Last Jedi of Star Wars

>Hello Rey. I am Luke Skywalker - The Last Jedi of Star Wars.

oh, you devil

lol what a manlet

>Who are you?
>No, who are you?
>No, Rey, use the force, search your feelings
>You are The Last Jedi™

>Snoke stabs Luke
>"So that's it huh...I'm the..Last...Jedi..."


Hello Rey. I am Luke Skywalker - The Last Jedi of Star Wars. Estou muy Solo™ aquí

>Luke: "I sense something... seems like The Force Awakens™"
>Rey: "Luke Skywalker, I presume?"
>Luke: "Yes, The Last Jedi™"

Rey: if I pull that [hood] off, will you die?
Luke: it would be extremely painful
Rey: You're the last jedi
Luke: For you

>She is the last Jedi.
>No. There is another.

no you are liberal sjw cuck heh XD trump won bruuuuuh

So real talk, do you think the right director could reconcile Ray and Fin's completely shit characters into well rounded personalities with actual real flaws fort he second and third movies? Or is it just too late?

>Luke: [Explains how Kylo Ren massacred his Jedi school. Every Jedi except one]

>Luke: Rey, you are the boy who lived, The Last Jedi.

the right director, under the right conditions, could. that's not going to happen.

>snoke was once a normal looking white male until he tried to kill Rey
>it backfired on him and turned him into a hideous creature because "love"

johnson has never made a good film, so there's no precedent to go on or give us any hope. but all we can do is wait and see

but the answer is probably no

Hello ReyTM. I am Luke SkywalkerTM - The Last JediTM of Star WarsTM.

Roge One wasn't the worst thing ever but it suffered from too many cooks in that kitchen and Disney being Disney. It seems like the only good thing Disney did for that movie was cutting out some of the dialog.

Not sure how I would have liked the full on "War" move that Godzilla director wanted to make out of it but I would have been more interested to see it.

>johnson has never made a good film
Looper is great you naggot figger

>Rey: You're the last jedi
>Luke: lets make more

>>Hello Rey. I am Finn - The Last Nigger of the Star Wars series

Rey, did I ever tell you about that Slovenian philosopher you met on the island at the end of The Force Awakens? He was a good friend. He was also The Last Jedi.

I walked out of theater after he said that.

>Rey, did I ever tell you about tzzllat Slshhhovenian philosllshhhopher you met on the island at tzzllle end of Tzzzllle Force Awakensllshh? He wasllshh a good friend. He wasllshh also Tzllle Last Jedi.*snorts* *farts loudly*


Maybe it's not talking about Luke? He's probably dying of space cancer and he'll tell Rey about another old Jedi master he learned about who's living in seclusion. After Luke dies, Rey will have to find this other master to finish her training.

Uh, no. Obviously Rey's going to be the Last Jedi.