BREXIT now needs Trump in USA

Based on Trump's tweets he seems to have a real freedom boner over Brexit, I think the 'special relationship' could reach new heights if Trump wins the presidency

Under Hilary the UK could be at the 'back of the queue' but it seems Trump will be a good friend.

What is the feeling of BREXIT in USA?

Positive or negative?

the right supports Brexit 100%

NPR on the other hand was crying all day yesterday because they are faggots.

I honestly think leaving the EU is a great defining moment in the UK's history

We have to be able to vote on policy and remove Governments

It's incredibly ballsy, I just hope everything works out well, need the UK Gov to act quick

I'm happy for you but you need to realize that this is just a small step to recovering the sovereignty of your and my homelands. So stop patting yourselves on the back and get to work.

Americans love Brexit, something like 80% of Americans were pro-Brexit in a poll I saw. I'm sure that's changed since they've associated Trump with it, though, but they'd have wanted it otherwise for sure.

Thats great news

I just hope the UK will survive the SNP

My country tried to ban our greatest ally.

Just cuck me right now

I start my new job on Monday, feel like a sprinter at the blocks

people are determined to make this work on both sides

The right wing is celebrating brexit and the left wing is talking about how awful it is, probably basically the same thing as where you are.

the illuminati kicked you out

they had enough or your 3rd world country


Trump and much of the right supports Brexit.

Progressive faggots in the U.S. do not. Expect Hillary to continue to make a fool of herself on foreign policy.

Nice photoshop bruv
Good good, go Trump

The UK will realise that Trump will be a better ally I think nearer the time

He doesn't even knew what Brexit was, and only supports it for now because it benefits his son's golf course.

Manafort will turn Trump into a puppet once all of the Lendawoski people are purged from the campaign.

Pablo, please. The line starts back there.

Are you the Austrian poster I heard about that walked in on his mum being spit-roasted by two British tourists?

You're an idiot. He gave his opinion on Brexit back in March.

Western Civilization.... REGAINED

you have to go back

He'll be very good to you guys. He said so himself.

Trump supports you guys. You can't say the same about Hillary and Obama.

Topkek ameribro it's happening. Stay strong.

Many of us thank you Bongs for knocking Barry's ego down a peg at least. He should have stayed out of it even if Cameron did suck his dick for a favor.

Many don't like the stock market declines, but that's the price of freedom. I'd say the US generally supports the results.