If UK won with a 2% margin in a country over 85% white...

If UK won with a 2% margin in a country over 85% white, then how will Trump pull it off when 1/3 of the population is non-white?

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whites are 72% of the population. not 66%.

Trump is doing better with blacks at a level much better than McCain and mittens

Probably because they faced a black opponent but still


Black Vote

the overall population breakdown is irrelevant
what matters is voter turnout

Trump has mobilized the white working class

Hispanic vote

Asian Vote

The silent majority is a real thing bro. Im hispanic and im voting for trump

Im hispanic, and im voting for trump, but i always say that im not whenever asked.

One of my coworkers got canned for creating a hostile work environment, cause he used to wear his maga shirt to work. After that i shut the fuck up, kept my down. I work with a lot of card carrying members of BLM. We outnumber them, but they know how to create enough ruckus to get us fired for our views.

I love my heritage, but im an American. Im sorry that Mexico is the way it is, and i worry for my family down there, but until the mexican government is willing to stand up and take charge i have to worry about our country.

the same way bush pulled it off.

>Silent Majority

The only candidate with the silent majority is Hillary.

Trump is doing pretty good with niggers and non Mexican spics.

He's also doing decently with chinks.

I think he has the highest numbers for any Republican since fucking Nixon.


It is liberal propaganda how hispanics are lumped together and all counted as non-white. Many identify as white. Even using this liberal propaganda, these projections never take into account people stop identifying as hispanic. If you don't speak Spanish, if your parents don't, if your grandparents don't, eventually you might stop saying you are hispanic.

How did they pass a law with only 2% majority? I thought non retarded countries required 60% majority before shit counted.

Spin it anyway you need to. Im counting on it, in fact. Me, my family, a lot of my coworkers will be there on november.

Hell, with all these numbers you're posting, you can rest easy and not even worry about it.

All you need to do is defeat trump in the election.

Shouldn't be that hard, right?

>Hurr durr Trump said he's doing well with niggers and beaners


watch the nbombs

>but im an American.
you're literally not

only germanics are american

Democrats usually get 95% of the black vote anyway, and probably always will.

I'm 38 and have never voted in my life. Will vote for Trump this year.

Holy fuck, 77% of blacks voted for Truman in 1948, even though he was in the KKK. Guess you can be in the Klan and win the black vote as long as you are for the gibsmedats.

Even Eisenhower the desegregationist only won 39%. I think it's quite clear the GOP needs to understand that black people don't give a fuck about principles.

If Trump wins Florida he is winning the election. He needs to put all his resources down there and pander to everyone. PA,Michigan,Wisconsin,Minnesota are all becoming more Republican. He just puts so many states in play. If he fucks up and loses Florida he loses. He needs to put everything into Florida.

this trend will be offset by the millions of white european refugees fleeing the muslim hoardes of 2033

That poll probably forced people to choose the race/ethnicity they most identify with. Whenever that happens, some white hispanics split off and poll as white, and basically all brown hispanics poll as hispanic. This creates a bias.

The numbers you see in the OP and the numbers you see on election polls don't add up, and aren't the same. In things like the US census, much more people identify as hispanic, because they don't have to identify as hispanic or white, as hispanic or mixed, etc... Political polls almost always force the choice. The reason is to promote identity politics. Liberals love saying that minorities are voting for them in droves, and fucking with people's ethnic identities is an effective way to do it. They love telling people they aren't white. They love pretending that the proportion of democrats in hispanics is higher than it is. It also allows them to lie about turnout numbers. It gives the false impression that hispanic turnout is lower than it really is.

You can't be that stupid lol, no one ever talks positivity about her or says they're voting for her.

See, there you go.
Sit back, enjoy a beer, or whatever you enjoy doing. Surely a trump presidency is completely impossible. Everything leading to this point has been a complete fluke. Im probably not even registered to vote republican.

Again, you just have to beat trump in the election. No need to worry, am i right?

Why would any black person vote Democrat? Seriously, if Obama a bi-racial president who promised them he would clean up the streets, and help blacks out, couldn't do it, how could Clinton? I mean Obama used blacks for their votes, and promised he would clean up Chicago,Detroit,Baltimore, but those cities are even more dangerous than when he came into office and are hurting even more. I'm not saying Trump will win 50% of the black vote. I'm saying for Clinton to win Virginia,PA,MIchigan, she needs 93% of the black vote. I think blacks will take a good look at Trump, and Clinton may not reach the 93% she needs in certain states. I'm bi-racial myself, and it always annoys me how blacks are slaves to the Democrats. I think Trump has a nice chance to pick up decent black vote.

B-b-but Ben Carson.

Honestly, though, I think some black people are waking up to the idea that we need a massive shift, and would vote Trump.

Liberals are too stupid or lazy to actually go out and vote.

I would have to image the silent majority is a real thing, because nearly 14 million voted for him in the primaries. If the gop put their differences aside to defeat Clinton, I think Trump would win huge. 1984 like, but of course, some gop voters are babies who will stay at home instead of voting.

Black people are retarded

have you ever lived in a ghetto before? Ghettos aren't shitholes because they're full of future rocket scientists who just "never got a chance"


>Democrats usually get 95% of the black vote anyway, and probably always will.

No, they usually get 88%. Trump will get it back to 99.99%.

Republicans will have to have a major turnout to win this thing. That means every single Republican needs to get off their asses and vote Trump.


Whites vote overwhelmingly, disproportionately more than other races.
Blacks also fucking hate Mexicans, which is why Trump is polling so high with them. Higher than any Republican in decades.

>Only whites vote for trump

>Only whites vote for trump


These people are only white in police reports so they can say that there exists white offenders

Yea. My mom is black, and grew up in an area like that. I just want black people to use their brains for once, and realize that Clinton has nothing to offer them. I would go as far as saying that Clinton has proven herself as a racist by her actions and hot sauce comment.

Britain is not 85percent white.
More like 70percent. British have 1.6 babies per couple. Whites are not even replacing themselves.
Muslims however number 6 or 7 children per couple.
Ever seen planet of the apes?

> then how will Trump pull it off

For the same reason America doesn't have Universal health care or any other socialist policies.

The white vote has been becoming a monolithic homogenous voting block for 20 years this is the Turning point

I think you're right. This election will be decided by college educated whites. Hopefully that come to there senses and realize Clinton is a bad idea.

The most common name for newborn boys in britain is mohammed. But the media lie about the facts

The least likely to go to university of any ethnic group in britain is the white british.

Is Britian really that flooded with Muslims? I always thought you guys made it sound worse than it actually is? I understand that of course the cities will have Muslims, but what about non cities? Rural towns? I'm sure you can go days without seeing a Muslim right?

The above facts speak for themselves.
Churches and pubs are being bought by muslims who all chip in 10percent of their earnings to the mosque.
30 years ago muslims ownex nothing in the u.k now they buy everything leftover from the destruction of white society.
White people used to all chip in for one another. Now they get bombarded with adverts and subliminal messages to cheat, get divorced and have abortions. We are doomed. They destroyed the family, now we must wake up

Man, I had so much fun with Perfect Dark.

So what you are saying is race war now?

In the uk we eere made to feel racist, they even brought in laws so white people couldnt tell people to stay away from the groomers and gang rapers. They took infants to mosques, they prayed in mosques. The children diddnt know about getting married at 10 year olds. They only showed them a clean mosque which they take their shoes off.

Sounds disturbing.

Disturbing is the best term you can describe it as.
Its soul destroying

Only the good people can be made to feel guilty
Only bad people try to make you feel guilty
Taking advantage of good peoples
Goodness is wrong

Rise up to liberals.

The blacks do realize that if it wasn't for republicans, they all would still be picking cotton.

You make a very good point.

Blacks are never going to vote for Republicans, no matter how much "outreach" they perform.

If Trump loses then there will have to be a military coup or America disintegrates. I'm fucking tired of foreigners interfering in my way of life. They can fuck right off as far as I'm concerned. They shouldn't even have the vote. The Obama presidency is an act of war against Americans because he is a foreign saboteur elected by foreigners and a Hillary Clinton presidency is doubling down on it. Obama isn't a traitor because he isn't an American he is a foreign Kenyan mohammedan agent.

If these people think they can come to our country and vote themselves free shit, vote to ban our guns and vote to undermine our way of life and raise taxes on us to pay for their shit they've got another thing coming.

>no one ever TALKS positivity about her or SAYS they're voting for her
that's literally being silent