Lel wtf did Peru cuck him now?

Lel wtf did Peru cuck him now?

What are the standings now in Conmebol? Does Argentina still have a chance?

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Is more probable Paraguay qualifies than Argentina not choking in Quito.

Si, hay que tener en cuenta estas variables:

a1) Que Colombia y Perú empaten o que Perú le gane a Colombia con una diferencia de gol menor a la nuestra ante Ecuador.
a2) Que gane Colombia.
b) Que Brasil le gane a Chile.

Si se da a1 clasificamos directamente sin importar lo que pase con la variable b. Si se da a2 y b clasificamos directamente. De otro modo, pase lo que pase en los otros partidos, vamos al repechaje.


Si Argentina empata o pierde puede clasificar directo (solamente empate) o ir al repechaje de acuerdo a los otros resultados (incluso perdiendo contra Ecuador), pero ya con el empate es muy difícil y con la derrota son posibilidades casi remotas.

Empatando hay que tener en cuenta estas variables:

a) Que Paraguay no gane.
b) Que Colombia le gane a Perú o que Perú le gane a Colombia por dos o más goles (empate en ese partido o victoria de Perú por un gol no nos sirve).
c) Que Brasil le gane a Chile por dos o más goles.

Si se dan las tres variables a, b y c Argentina clasifica directamente al Mundial incluso empatando. Si se dan dos de las tres variables Argentina va al repechaje. Si se da solamente una variable o ninguna de ellas Argentina queda fuera del Mundial.

Perdiendo, por otro lado, Argentina no tiene posibilidad alguna de clasificar directamente. Solamente puede llegar al repechaje si Paraguay no gana y además Colombia le gana a Perú por una diferencia de gol mayor a la de la derrota de Argentina frente a Ecuador.

this is an English language board, maricon

Contra quien juega Paraguay?

Si ganais a Ecuador en Quito (que lo dudo kek), os clasificais pase lo que pase en otros partidos?

contra venezuela en paraguay

si, o en repechaje(contra nueva zelanda) dependiendo de otros resultados

Jeez, you can smell these posts.

>spot the brainlet

Fuck you stupid burguer. GTFO FROM HERE.

If you beat Ecuador you qualify automatically right?


Pues me parece a mi que estais bien jodidos como no ganeis a Ecuador.

Ecuador ya no tiene ninguna opción de clasificarse verdad? Tal vez eso os pueda salvar.


>Ecuador no tiene opcion de clasificarse
>pero aún tienen la opción de llevarse a argentina con ellos

El mejor placer de estar eliminados.

Bueno, pero no es lo mismo que saber que ganando te puedes clasificar. No se van a matar a correr.

Salvo que alguien les dé muchos dineros por ganar/empatar el partido...

>english board.

You sound like José Rodríguez working for the border patrol/migration office and refusing to speak Spanish to Mexicans




If Argentina ties they need Paraguay to lose and Peru to lose. Any other outcome with a tie and they are out.

>He can't understand Spanish
Just embarrassing

It's honestly scary how accurate you are.


whens the last time you took a shower

Welcome to "La Calculadora"

We used that for years.

>A la selección Bolivia lo premiaron de otros lados por ganarle a Chile

Que te hace pensar que a Ecuador no le va a pasar lo mismo?

Nice proxy faggot

>La calculadora


Ayyy el americANO

Who /trofeodelbarriodelasfarc/ here

a quién prefieren que clasifique?

How many matches are left? Can Argentina defeat Ecuador?

Yes, I'm dumb. Please explain me this, and for my fellow argentinian friends, tell me how is the society taking this.


Only one match left. Ecuador is already out and have lost their last 4 games, but Argentina has been terrible and clearly feeling the pressure, they have the second worst attack of the qualifiers and will have to score against a team that will play for their pride and on the dreaded altitude. Also, Argentina lost 2-0 to Ecuador at home in the beggining of the qualifiers.

Shit proxy faggot

uncalled for


the dream is over pal

Yes, these variables must be taken into account:

a1) That Colombia and Peru tie or that Peru will win to Colombia with a goal difference smaller than ours against Ecuador.
a2) May Colombia win.
b) Brazil wins Chile.

If it is given a1 directly, regardless of what happens to the variable b. If we give a2 and b we sort directly. Otherwise, no matter what happens in the other games, let's go to the repechage.


If Argentina ties or loses, they can qualify directly (only draw) or go to the playoffs according to the other results (even losing against Ecuador), but with the draw is very difficult and with defeat are almost remote possibilities.

By tying these variables must be taken into account:

a) That Paraguay does not win.
b) That Colombia wins to Peru or that Peru wins to Colombia by two or more goals (tie in that match or victory of Peru by a goal does not serve us).
c) That Brazil beat Chile for two or more goals.

If the three variables are given a, b and c, Argentina qualifies directly for the World Cup, even drawing. If two of the three variables are given, Argentina goes to the playoffs. If only one variable is given or none of them Argentina is out of the World Cup.

Losing, on the other hand, Argentina has no possibility of classifying directly. It can only reach the repechaje if Paraguay does not win and also Colombia wins to Peru by a goal difference greater than the defeat of Argentina against Ecuador.

>spanish board



I never thought I'd live to see Argentinians pulling out La Calculadora like this.

The absolute state of your country, mate.

>le 56%

>Also, Argentina lost 2-0 to Ecuador at home in the beggining of the qualifiers.

Christ they've had two years(?) to get out of this malaise and it's still there.

>Cataluña BTFO
>Argentina BTFO
>Pique exposed and BTFO
What a time to be alive.