You can only post in this thread if your country is an independent and sovereign state

You can only post in this thread if your country is an independent and sovereign state.

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fuck you i'll do whatever i want

Alright mate


Ship me some tea there, mate

>inb4 v& for propagating homosex material

You have been gone a while, good to see you back

Putin is actually mad at Britain. He wanted them in for some shady business.

Can we buy tea from you lads this time? I promise we wont throw it in the bay.

What's the beverage tonight then free peoples of Sup Forums?



You can fuck right off. How dare you tell me how to feel! I am an adult you half witted moron. I work for a company that does a lot of trade in the EU and has it's headquarters there. There is a real chance you have screwed up my future. I would not blame my company one bit for moving all of our production to Poland or Germany.

Yeah we've got great history and lots to be proud of how does leaving the EU change that! It's not going to let us go back in time and cherry pick the greatest moments of the last 50 years and let us all relive only the good bits.

I am ashamed right now of the selfish decision we've made (due to "proud" people like you) I am going to have to live with it. baby boomer by any chance, older? You've fucked my generation and the younger ones still to come over to many times.

It's not a socialist power trip. we get/ got lots of benefits and helped do a lot of good. Sure it could have been less wasteful and better. Any chance of us being part of making that better is gone. You'd rather run away from problems clearly you coward. Do you even have any European friends? I do and they are almost as upset and frustrated as I am.

Have faith? Fuck off mate I'd rather have a plan and be part of something greater then the sum of it's parts. Thanks to people like you were out of the EU and everything that is shit about England at the moment isn't going to get fixed. the EU has been made a scapegoat for some really not important problems and you've fucked us because of it.

Don't you go on about forefathers you stupid backward looking ass. I'm a bad person? You know fuck all about me, piss off.

Nah, he wants the EU dead so he can invade Ukraine.

Tfw you can't post in this thread

Your not out yet. 1 year minimum. Probably closer to 2 years.

Reporting. Yuropoors not welcome.

>implying it matters
Back to sucking that Mexicanadian cock, NAFTA.

so hows FREEDOM in bongland britbro?


Original EU-hater reporting in. We were not in EU before it was cool.

What did he mean by this?

Had fish and chips for me tea.

You mean the pants and hat we wear?

Nexit when? We're counting on you guys and Geert to help us topple the EU.

Well I'm in Scotland so everyones on suicide watch but I decided to take a piss on an EU flag I found outside my house.

ive watched a few hours of farrage om the youtube

dude is so based

waddup nigga

excited about Brekkie!?

Phrase it how you want, Hiscanuck.


We're all still globalist cucks.
The jews say "jump" and the world can't help but reply with "how high?"

Posting, we did it! We're free!

Don't tell Israel I'm here.

I wish that we were more independent and more free. But compared to you, we are in a very good place.


You fucking cuck.

Cry some fucking more.

he tried to warn us

You mean you'll do whatever the EU tells you to.

Have you opened your home to a family consisting of 5 middle eastern men in their 20s? They will need food and clothing.

Better snap to it.

Why didn't we get in the cuck shed?

I just want to warn you should any norwegian post here. They are lying! Norway is a socialist dictatorship. I hope Donald Trump invade us and make us into a state in the USA!!

I don't know if I can ever respect EU cucks as a independent and sovereign state that didn't even trigger the exit clause yet.

>Active 4 days ago

Hope he's okay

How do the Scots feel being eternally cucked by us?
I wonder how long its going to take before the realisation that a 2nd independence referendum will never be allowed to happen

does it count when my country rules the union?

The requirement for you to revote isn't out of the question.

We need a version of that where the exploding ship is marked as the EU, and the guy going down the stairs is Britain. Cut the scene 1 second earlier.

EU is going bankrupt. Question is who goes down with the ship.

Your country starts world wars and shouldn't rule shit.

the salty butthurt

He got AIDS..

over a million scots voted leave. Piss off with the scot and German hate

I'm guessing we'll be told the Scottish referendum will have to wait until we leave the EU. Hopefully by then everyone will have calmed down and be back to business as usual which is pretend to hate the English but ask for more money.

That offensive failed abjectly. It was so bad that there were reports of BM-21's used in direct fire missions to save their own skin. It takes a massive fuckup for that to happen.

The right honorable gentleman reporting in

>mfw the only countries in the world I care about are all independent now

name one of them

Good going Britain.

Now go get some vassal states.

>EU is going bankrupt. Question is who goes down with the ship.

That should definitely be David Cameron's face on his body then.

In b4 they tax you for it

I thought that would be exited about all the new trade deals, controlled immigration, leaving the proto-EU superstate and gaining sovereignty. But by far the best result from the referendum was the rivers of lefty tears.

Only if we can keep it

Calm your tits bong, he's just telling you not to celebrate too hard before it's official


Failed States dont count, bong.

Annex us pls.

I'll join anyway. :)
Let's just act like I'm not part of Denmark.

Denmark is stupid anyway.


I don't think I've ever seen a more quintessentially British picture.

>baby boomer by any chance, older?

Kek you cunts are unbelievable, you realize the old people have given more to their countries then you whiny, self-hating cucks ever will.

I'm so sick of these over educated faggots thinking that because they sat in a room for 4 years and listened to some marxist jew spew his commie drivel, they now know better then people who have spent 3x the amount of time on Earth.

You liberal faggots are stuck in a echo chamber, the average person has had enough of your bullshit. so how do you react when 52% of the nation disagrees with you? Tell them how stupid they are, I'm sure that will get them back on your side.

Keep digging your hole mate, we will be happy to fill it.

Part of me says yes but on the other hand the last thing America needs is more leftist voters and poor brown people. However, there are some beautiful places in Mexico that I wouldn't mind owning.

Name one of what?

Over here we call them World War I and World War II.

Didn't even finish reading your post, fuck man stop being a bitch, get on with your shit and be done

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Wow it's fucking nothing.

Lemsip max, got a shitty cold.

Let's not get carried away. Hitler was based as fuck he just got a little carried way with his European Empire dream.

How close is a referendum in The Netherlands? And how is the general opinion of it over there?

we didn't start World War I

why don't we globaly agree to reset the economy to 0 the only people who will lose are dicks anyways.

this guy did and and they started a world war over it. but not before the greatest economic recovery of all time.

if we all do it at once there is no real reason that would push us into war, and if their is a coincidence right afterwards we know who did it.

>not secretly controlled by the USA which is controlled by Jews

A teen age serb started WWI with a .32


one union down

one left to go

That poor pupper.


It's the Aquafresherendum, damnit!

that why you invaded neutral belgium, luxembourg then france

>ever invading Poland

Literally why?

Looking back on it, it was inevitable we were going to be the first to leave. We’re a nation which has always taken the lead. We’re the first brick in the wall to be removed, allowing the light to shine hope unto the other nations. We’ll wade through the darkness and uncertainty to come; our burden will be to lead by example and to give you hope that, after we endure and overcome the worst of what’s to come, you’ll be able to confidently pull your brick out of the wall with much greater ease, and join us in the light.

This is how it is user, there are people that feel like having nothing to lose, you sholud know that just by looking at mood of this site. People who are against brexit are people who don't have anything to lose, your uneducated masses you despise, people whose life hasn't been given any granted meaning by family or society except grey reality, this is their revenge, this is their looking for connection with Almighty through sleeping spirit of nation on the quest for pride and dignity. Your horizons were too broad, you couldn't see them struggling in the world they didn't wished to be born on and now you see their rage.


Howsabout a good, traditional pint at the pub?


>Have you opened your home to a family consisting of 5 middle eastern men in their 20s? They will need food and clothing.

Send them to Molenbeek. It's "their" city now.

God bless, based Britain.

Hold up, Bong, you're not there yet! Wait at least 2 years past when you finally get around to invoking article 50, then you can make this thread

rotfl, UK is fucked up
Samsung leaving UK, china making fun of them...good luck will need it

to defeat france quick and then turn all forces to russia

God save the Queen.

Samsung is merely considering leaving, and that was yesterday when the pound had only just stopped plummeting. Everything is coming back to normal and they'll probably realise it's better to remain (kek) in the UK.

And the china things is BS.

>The Guardian

Looks more like a quart to me.