Wtf, I hate abortion now

wtf, I hate abortion now

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Oh rude, rude.

its kinda mean, i mean, sure the bastard has downs, but everyones a retard at that age.

i commend this woman on her mission to raise her child.. its really something else.

Dont worry, he'll get back at them.

What goes up must come down's syndrome

>I know it's not because he's not fun...
No, it's because he's a fucking mongoloid retard you stupid bitch.

>everybody but me is the problem
Reminder: women should never be given the power to make any decisions

Oh Sup Forums, such compassion

>the other kids are talking about Call of Duty or Overwatch or whatever the fuck
>the retard keeps saying "I AM A POTATO LOOK!!!"

Yeah I could see why he'd kill the mood

poor fucker. I know this feel everyday.

ANZAC pride restored

Maybe the dumb bitch should not have had that child in her late 30s.

>implying theyre over 12 years of age

Be honest with yourself, they arent playing Cod or that other shitty game you mentioned by blizzard because theyre still developing simple motor functions.

easy there, tonto, she has 2 other perfectly normal kids.. i bet it was just a "fuck it why not" baby

>an open letter to the parent that thought it was ok to invite the entire class to their child's birthday exept for my son

Could have at least invited it and let the other children feed it bags of grain or something, what ever those things are into.

Women hate the fact that people have freedom of association. Fuck off cunts.

m8, I beat Super Mario Bros 3 when I was 4 years old. I'm sure the little turds these days can manage to play the casual fps's we got going on now even if they suck shit.

... how the fuck is that make any difference whatsoever?

Like the user said, the dumb bitch should not have had that child in her late 30s.

top kek

Why the fuck is a Down's Syndrome kid in the same class as the person who was having the birthday party?

>having kids when you arent financially stable just to reduce the chance of a retard by half of a percent

for some reason i think this is fucking hilarious how they are putting this on every major news outlet.

By 12 you have your motor skills fully figured out, it's puberty that fucks them again.

back in primary school we had a kid who was retarded due to lack of oxygen at birth, always gave him free penalties and stuff during football.

Jesus, she has the right to invite who she wants to her party. Perhaps she didn't want the hassle of needing to take extra care with another kid? Maybe her home isn't suitable for someone with special needs?

Who gives a fuck?

>not being financially stable by 30

Whatever you say, wagecuck

> financially stable
Hahaha nice one m8. If females truly wanted a family today they would marry in their early 20s to a financially stable late 20s/early 30s man.
But no they gotta live the "college experience" and waste time on a worthless degree and career.


Why is a downs kid in school at all? It doesnt matter how many resources you wast on it, it'll always be basically illiterate and unable to do basic math. The government should just place them in a daycare service instead of the classroom, that way they dont distract people who have actual potential and we spend less trying to teach trigonometry to a brick wall.

And the local priest

And to think he would grow up to be captain of England

The mom hosting the party probably didn't want to have to look after him the entire time. You basically need a tard wrangler on 24/7 supervision.

probably distracts the classroom on a daily basis
got so bad at my school the next year they had a full downy program set up for the lot

yeah when i was a kid i wouldnt want some fucking retard to ruin my birthday

dubs of truth

she should have aborted and tried again. this is why the world is going to shit. why the fuck are you raising a pet as a child? waste of resources and time.

Gosh, I'm literally shaking right now. Such a beautiful display of motherly love.
Thanks for posting that OP, my faith in humanity a tiny bit after that whole B**xit thing.




keked heartly, Fede.

The family with the birthday kid are jerks, but the mother of the Down child is no better for putting the on social media just to get attention.

That's disgusting what that mother done. The impact that child would have had on the party is far less than the impact she's had on his life.

Don't usually support mothers who choose to raise a disabled child rather then have it aborted during pregnancy but this really angered my soul

why is a retard in a class for normal kids?

German shitposters are really stepping their game up recently.

go to bed merkel

Did your mother sent letters to the other moms because they didnt invite her autistic child too?

what this bitch probably isn't saying his her downie child got invited to the party last year, had a fit, caused a massive headache for the hosts and ruined the party for all the other children.

>because theyre still developing simple motor functions.

you can always pick out the underage because they think humans are mindless vegetables until they turn 14 and magically stop being vegetables overnight.

her "boy" in 15 years

Made me remember the case of some soccer mom and her child suffering from some illness that kept him from eating sugar or some shit.
Angry because her child couldn't eat any of the candy received on halloween she started bitching about hes little snowflake being excluded and demanded that the next year everyone on the neighborhood should give carrot sticks and other crap to the kids instead of candy. Literally fuck the other kids, my son is the only kid that matters.

Why women are the only creatures that can reach this level of self entitlement?

All that karma from her rejecting guys and treating them like shit has come back to haunt her,
In the form of her own son gettting the same treatment

I know I should disagree with this but I have a little girl. I know how much it kind of hurts to see if all the kids are in a big group together and yours is the one on the outside. I think she's just responding as any parent would to their child being left out. I know if my wife found out a kid in our daughter's class had everyone come over to their party except for ours I know she'd be furious. She wouldn't write a stupid fucking open letter about it on Facebook, but I know she'd be hurt. Stupid fucking shit, but I honestly can understand where she is coming from with this

lol you can't let a downy smoke! they don't know the risks! he'll be dead by 32

Potato kids are fucking disgusting. They smell like dried spit, piss, some type of aging vomit, unwashed shirt, week old underwear and seriously bad BO. They're constantly making bubbles with their mouth and moaning over nothing. Each one of them walk like zombies, and clear a goddamn hallway with how much room they take up just to take a step. They also stare at you, like, really really badly. It makes you feel uncomfortable and shit just being around them. Potato kids should just be put in a corner and forgotten.

Thank God this woman decided it would be better to be mean to this one retard than ruin her son's birthday.

I can picture it:

>I want to smash D.Va.

>Dude, Mercy is best girl.

>He he, talking monkey talks!

don't raise an autistic spaz then. teach them how to socialize you shit.

To this day I have a phobia about disabled people.
I feel so uncomfortable around them and have no idea how to act and I avoid them as hard as I can when I see one.

Is this called anything?

(inb4 being a faggot)

>our daughter
you mean
>my wifes daughter

>more votes for no than yes

wow pol really is full of autists

how is it not mandatory to abort these things.

Their loss. He's a hit at parties, does the fucking funniest thing with his eyes

Why are niggers?

Yeah well no shit faggot. I think there's a point in every kids life, where they are the new kid on a team or at a camp and they have to hang around on the outside for a little while until they make friends and adjust. Of course the kid will eventually mix in, but I'm pretty sure all parents know the feeling of having your kid left out even if it isn't a potato

You're so proud now aren't you, gallivanting around showing off your flag and what-not
Whoever thought shooting oneself in the foot would merit such high self esteem

Ableism? Though that my mean a more targetted discrimination.

>something bad happened to my son
>better make it about me in the way only a self righteous woman can

Parents just want their child to be accepted
Poem that expresses this

She might have been you, me, or some quaint blend:
Nature chose me so as to wrench and rend
Your heart and mine. At first we'd smile and say:
"All little girls are plump" or "Jim McVey
will cure that slight
Squint in not time." And later: "She'll be quite
Pretty, you know"; and trying to assuage The swelling torment: "That's the awkward age."
"She should take riding lessons," you would say
(Your eyes and mine not meeting). "She should play
Tennis, or badminton. Less starch, more fruit
She may not be a beauty, but she's cute."

It was no use, no use. The prizes won
In French and history, no doubt, were fun;
At Christmas parties games were rough, no doubt,
And one shy little guest might be left out;
But let's be fair: while children of her age
Were cast as elves and fairies on the stage
That she'd helped paint for the school pantomime,
My gentle girl appeared as Mother Time,
A bent charwoman with a slop pail and broom,
And like a fool I sobbed in the men's room.

Another winter was scraped-scropped away.
The Toothwart White haunted our woods in May.
Summer was power-mowed, and autumn, burned.
Alas, the dingy cygnet never turned
Into a wood duck. And again your voice:
"But this is prejudice You should rejoice
That she is innocent. Why overstress
The physical? She wants to look a mess.
Virgins have written some resplendent books.
Lovemaking is not everything. Good looks,
Are not that indispensable!" And still
Old Pan would call from every painted hill,
And still the demons of our pity spoke:
No lips would share the lipstick of her smoke;
The telephone that rang before a ball
Every two minutes in Sorosa Hall
For her would never ring; and, with a great
Screeching of tires on gravel, to the gate
Out of lacquered night, a white-scarfed beau
Would never come for her; she'd never go,
A dream of gauze and jasmine, to that dance.
We sent her, though, to a chateau in France.

Maybe the other mom thought the kid would be a real downer at the party.

>mfw one time when I was in highschool this rich Jewish girl had a birthday party and she didn't invite me
>lots of the people she invited were lame compared to me
>I still am bothered by it to this day

>talking about being a cuck
>the most faggoty European country with maybe the exception of France
Nigel please. Just because you won that referendum doesn't make you some based Slav-tier country

Maybe he and the kid just aren't friends.

mother thinks her snot-nosed crotchfruit is special and exception, news at 11

>>He he, talking monkey talks!
He sure does Sloth, he sure does

Downs Bond?

When shitposting goes right

Yeah I'm not in any position or something to block disabled people from achieving their goals.

All I know is that if I'm in the grocery store and see a crippled/retarded/cerebalpalsy/amputee ect in an aisle, I certainly am not going down that aisle and being close to them.

I looked online after I posted the question and saw
and it is just people yelling at the person calling them a bigot and stuff.

I hate niggers, muslims, fags, jews, and degenerates. That is a certain feeling when I see them of disgust and "I want them not to live" feeling of hatred and I accept that as part of my personality.

But when I see a disabled person I feel bad, anxious, and just "I want to be away from them right now" but don't want them to necessarily die.


There are tests that will determine if the child has genetic diseases with a high degree of accuracy. Most mothers who discover their child has serious illnesses will undergo an abortion. In Sweden, these tests are usually provided for free to mothers above a certain age, but even for younger mothers they are not expensive.

I'd give D.Va a 1-UP

How much do you want to be she's a single mother too

wish my mom had written an open letter to all the sluts in high school who fucked everyone else on the football team but me

>They smell like dried spit, piss, some type of aging vomit, unwashed shirt, week old underwear and seriously bad BO

You perfectly described my first rapist. I'm literally in tears right now.
I'm not mad at you, I knew beforehand Sup Forums didn't have trigger warnings and I honestly didn't feel vulnerable today. I thought I could handle. Just one good day, it's not too much to ask.

Sorry, I'm rambling I know

That's just your natural instincts kicking in, don't let it bother you.


what is your definition of this because id love to know how old you think i am. i need a good laff

>But when I see a disabled person I feel bad, anxious, and just "I want to be away from them right now" but don't want them to necessarily die.
I'm pretty sure everyone feels that way

age 32, so that so....

Parents oughtn't hang out on chinese cartoon bulletin boards.

Did he at least kiss you goodbye?

Cool story bro.

>literally shaking
>literally in tears

ffs how did the country that spawned the nazi party become such a clusterfuck of pussified numales and sjws??

did he hold your hand without consent? my 9th rapist did, it still triggers me to this day

Who fucking cares about your "bad day?" Keep that shit to yourself, and stop trying to shit on our parade. You know damn well you're the only person that can make your day "good" or "bad." Eat a dick.

It is our punishment for killing the Nazi's off.

>>be 11 years old
>>living in Fl.
>>have bday party
>>mom invites everyone but black kids
>>Black teacher tells mother she needs to invite blacks (her kids are in my class)
>>mother says no says money problems is why
>>Birthday Party Day! KIDSZONE!
hrs in awesome party
>>Blacks arrive
>>presents in hand
big fat women with like 12 kids
>>They all come over to table
>>say happy birthday and give presents
>>presents *dollar store shit
>>my mom keeps her cool and tells us to go play
>>black kids hit push run while we are all playing something else
>>ignore them
>>come back to table
>>my presents are open
>>the cake was cut
>>I see my mom arguing with black lady
>>black lady is eating my cake
>>her kids are eating cake
>>a kid has my gameboy mom got me
>>my mom comes over to me crying said sorry for cake blah blah
>>manager gets black lady to not be in our area because not par of the party
>>black lady starts yelling at my mom
>>blacks all leave
>>stole my gameboy
>>next day move to another school

Why is the tard in a normal class room?

"My kid is a constant distraction in class and a hinderence to all the other childrens learning. But thats not enough...I want the birthday parties too"

Yeah it's a survival instinct.

i dont understand some people, knowing your child is a tard and will have difficult life for everyone
and not abort it, thats pure madness
>knowing you have shit in your mouth

tards deserve to be brainwashed with lefty propoganda just like every other kid