"White Genocide"

Can we come up with another name for "White Genocide"?? White people aren't being murdered so it makes the right wing look stupid whenever the term is used.

>the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.

I was thinking we should call it Ethnic Cleansing or "White Replacement" something like that. Can you come up with a better term?

Ethnic Cleansing
>the mass expulsion or killing of members of one ethnic or religious group in an area by those of another

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Civilizational suicide

I agree its dumb but it is an amalgamation of both a system white people are born into and the people who perpetuate or placed that system on them thus anyone complicit in that system is the outside agresor advancing the genocide of whites. Also it is so dark and brutal that it places all the moral high ground on WNs.

Cultural enrichment.

dont even bother with describing words. just lay out the facts. immigrants are coming in and breeding at a replacement rate. it isnt a conspiracy theory, it isn't over exaggerated, there's sciences to back it up and its happening now every where. every western country is facing this travesty

Ethnic cleansing reminds people of Bosnia, Rwanda, etc

I don't really see anything comparable happening in any western country.

Keep on using the "white genocide" term because it makes you look like the loons that you are

Look up the what the UN constitutes as genocide

>White people aren't being murdered so it makes the right wing look stupid
Not knowing what genocide means makes YOU look stupid.


But white genocide sounds so much more urgent. Plus you're calling it what it is. White genocide. Using a euphemism for it downplays what's really going on and you would be playing into jew tricks by letting that happen

>Endgame - White Genocide

>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews push immigration to white nations
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev

Systemic Disenfranchisement?

Demographic replacement.

White suicide

Oh look...
>one fucking post by this ID


how about "cultural genocide", it's same term Tibetans use and we all know how much of a virtue signalling boner leftists have for MUH FREE TIBET.

White decline would be more accurate.

I'd say white enslavement or dis-empowerment, but leftist cucks would love that.

Cultural genocide

>social engineering that is not beneficial to the future of the country
I don't know, complex things don't fit into catchphrases

Wow, this is an obvious slide thread that OP has no intention of participating in.


More like christians genocide.

What if they look at you and go "good" ,like that lady in german parliament

Shen xar sayvareli

While it's most openly happening or only being reported about whites, it's actually happening to all Western/first world populations. Call it First World Genocide. Japanese are being shamed out of their nationalism because their liberal left using Korean minority the same way blacks/Mexicans/women are on us.

The Jews make Slavs fight and kill each other. How is it not a planned genocide and divide and conquer?

