I respect women as equals

I respect women as equals.

fite me virgin redpill faggots

Suh dude

Learn how to spell fight first

as a principal I don't fight the retarded

>fite me
You have already lost.

So do I, I just believe that women are better at men in some aspects, and men are better than women in others.


>I respect women as equals.
Nice fantasy

>women win
creating babies
having a womans body

>men win
literally everywhere else, including pleasing men, including raising those babies. women are fucking garbage but sadly man is slave to her beauty and dependent on her for the extension of his lineage

You are right to do it

>can't even find dyke suits that fit her properly
>that smug look
>"I'm holding a leather binder and this pen is about to fall out"
>*breathes through mouth*
Nah mang

Are you 14

Women in business casual turn me on tho

ask ur mom she knows :v)

Oh shit

Sameo. They deserve the same rights etc but obviously are not our equals in every respect. The sooner they accept that the better.

Why? They have every advantage in the world but still manage to not only fail to contribute to the world, but actively make things worse.

>basing your world view on how your peepee feels
You're not better than the average woman.

I do too, that is why I am a misogynist. I hate them as much as I hate anyone. I am a bigot after all.

>Falling for the vaginal Jew
>Current Year

Just watch some MGTOW videos



Let me guess, you think they should be more equal than men?

go home dad your're drunk