Will Last Jedi be any better than Rogue One?

Will Last Jedi be any better than Rogue One?


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Yes cause its actually by a guy whos done real sci fi films in the past

Will it have AT-STs AT-STs!!!!

I don't care

No one asked you, you fucking faggot. COMMIT SUICIDE.


Did you do this Sup Forums or was it that other site?


You just went a little too far in a few places


Rian Johnson directed both the worst episode of Breaking Bad (The Fly) and the best episode of Breaking Bad (Ozymandias)

So it's 50/50

Well, it'll have Luke in it at the very least.

So hopefully.

>Rey (a reincarnation of a girl who died a million years ago by a tree because a boy killed her there and then the dark side was created) uses magical mind powers to defeat Snoke and all the evil in the galaxy

Will it have Jenny?

The extensive praise of Ozymandias is incontrovertible proof of the mediocrity of Breaking Bad

Are you.... are you serious? Thats the plot?


Yes. I read it on Sup Forums so it's true.


I saw that picture too! How can it not be true now?!

Shopped. This is the real pic

this the show died after season 1

trumps iq will shock you