If you think Ozymandias was in the right, then you're a fucking faggot

If you think Ozymandias was in the right, then you're a fucking faggot.

He's obviously on the left, idiot


This is the last time they spoke as friends. Quentin is standing in the dark, Rorschach is standing in the light.

Ozy's costume in the movie is a reference to another comic book movie. This triggers me.

>killing millions
>to save billions

Was this an analogy to Hiroshima?

he was in the right, but did a lot of unnecessary things to get his way

The comic was very self-referential towards the cape comic industry, why shouldn't the film be the same way towards the cape flick industry?

No its not


It was undeniably meant as a Batman and Robin reference and you know it.

Watchmen is a difficult story because Ozymandias is completely morally justified from a utilitarian standpoint yet he's impossible to cheer on, not because he's committed mass murder, but just because he's such a fucking prick

Whereas Rorscach might be philosophically wrong about absolutely every thought he's ever had, yet he's immensely engaging and likable to the viewer/reader

Should've bombed california instead


>bomb California in 1985
>based Saint Reagan never becomes president
Haha sucks to be you asshole

F u. Grow up. What would you do? Can you honestly say you wouldn't do whatever you could to prevent all out war? It's sad that it had to come to that but extenuating circumstances and all that shit. For fuck sake there was a 3rd term president in the White House.

I think you have PTSD and/or paranoia.

This is probably the only good cape movie out there. I fucking loved it. It was so different to all the marvel flicks and shit I've seen over the years.

Zach Snyder is one of the most underrated directors in the industry, he's literally never made a bad movie.

And it went in the opposite direction of the comic it's based on. It took a huge shit on watchmen, yet it was enjoyable. The whole ending with Dr Manhattan was retarded, though.

That's because the source material is GOAT.

I know this is bait, but the movie is literally the novel with less content and some changes for the worst. Snyder can't direct for shit unless he has a literal panel to panel guide to follow.

And yet the naked blue man implies that Ozy's plan wasnt going to work in the comics just before he leaves for space.

What the fuck were they thinking with Ozy's outfit?

>Ozymandias is completely morally justified
No he isnt

Dr. Manhattan should've just wipe off snowniggers from the face of Earth. No more cold war, no more nuclear danger. Profit.
If Rorshach had his abilities, he'd probably do this. He hated all scum.
Instead faggot Ozymandias kills good people. Genious, right.