Why were R1berians so swarthy, even in ancient times? Were they, dare I say it...

Why were R1berians so swarthy, even in ancient times? Were they, dare I say it, segregated from the R1a host population of blonde and blue eyed Aryans they culturally appropriated?

>comparing Yamnaya samples to later Indo-European samples that are literally thousands of years younger and represent an easterly expansion of the Indo-Europeans that occurred after the initial expansion into Europe
Kek how retarded. Also the more northern R1a peoples culturally appropriated R1b culture, not the other way around.

The Yamna horizon hasn't been excavated in full yet, it is obvious that the R1a dominant areas of it were blonde and blue eyed just like their descendants and that they gave the R1berians technology and culture, but segregated them due to their swarthoid looks so as to maintain the aR1an purity.

I'm glad another Finn explained your mental situation and history so I know that you're legitimately being unironic in your autistic fantasies. Shan't be giving you any more replies.

Rate me the fresh prince of Яккимa

Do I fit the Ar1an archetype? I am R1a

Who is this guy and why is he so popular among Finns here?

Definitely not OP

He is the rightful kang of all finno-ugric people

Who the fuck cares, we "subhuman" eenf were building aqueducts while you pure steppe niggers wuz in caves

He is the kang of all kangs

Balto-Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples must be united under the rule of the Kremlin to decrease the harmful influence of the swarthy R1berians

>Finnikang swarthgols are so ashamed of their past that they have to resort to LARPing as Proto-Indo-Iranians
fucking KEK

genghis khan was from iberia

good post

Majority of r1a had BROWN eyes.
Blue eyes were obtained when mixing with the western hunter gatherers

Where you get this map?

Just a jealous swarthoid subhuman who will never know how glorious it is to be a R1a haplogroup and on drugs 24/7 paid for by the Finnish welfare system

Indoaryan negroes burrowed everything they knew from superior EENF Cucuteni, the great Cucuteni, the first civilization, with our great symbol, the Axis mundi

to joke around a bit and ignore the fact that both r1a and r1b are found in the general russian area before the chalcolithic (along some other minor lineages that maybe died out in the long run), if we have to associate a specific haplogroup with PIE that'd be r1b for the time being

r1a almost looks like something from the forest steppe zone that infiltrated the steppe zone later on. most branches, aside from the latest diverging ones like Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic seem associated with R1b. yamnaya and poltavka are r1b then suddenly sintashta and andronova are r1a

makes u tink

t. Finnibey

My dog is more R1a than you

Send the dog my apologies

What are you talking about?

Stop pretending to be me, Savonians aren't R1a.

We are their closest heirs.