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This Belle Curve is Forking Shirt

didn't those demons have anything better to do

Really fun show, that finale man Danson's laugh creeped me the fuck out


Literally their job.

Besides, if you could spend eternity making fun of something you hate...wouldn't you?

>being mildly annoyed and inconvenienced in a picturesque suburb for all eternity is way worse than getting raped by barbed wire chains in a fiery chasm


I guess..

yeah he's doing them a favor

Damn, Kristen Bell's looking fiiiiiiiine

I thought it was clear that he was always doing it as an excuse to be human.

The others went along with it just to make fun of angels

While like Shawn said, he was skeptical of the experiment and for the most part it was working.

I'm actually curious about what truly GOOD people are like because Chidi and Tahani honestly weren't that bad, a bit selfish and annoying but THAT'S what got them sent to the bad place?

Also you know someone from the good place is going to come looking for Good Janet

>a bit selfish and annoying but THAT'S what got them sent to the bad place?

It had more to do with motivations and consequentialism.

Man I bet this is like how heaven and hell were shown in south park where Heaven has like 300 people and Hell's population is on speed dial..

It was a joke in the series, but ethics profs (and philosophy students) really are the fucking worst

Seriously, what a fucking reveal, the yogurt should have been a tipoff.

what was the twist?

For some reason, the whole manipulation/betrayal/imprisonment/psychological torture reveal still weren't enough to convince me this guy doesn't legitimately care about them.

At some level he's got to be "going native" or developing some Reverse Stockholm Syndrome of his own

I was even more glad because I like Ted Danson more as a sarcastic smartass (Becker)

I don't think he cares about them, but I do think he cares MORE about being human.

They've been in Hell all along and Michael is their tormentor, his mission is to torture them for all eternity by repeatedly ushering them into emotionally uncomfortable and awkward situations like the ones the entire series is full of

They handled this better than Mr. Robot ever could have.

Even if some audience members figured it out before the reveal, they managed to deceive at least 90% of the viewers so it's pretty impressive.

His frustration seemed real enough to me, this was supposed to be his big break and these goobers cocked it up. Plus I like evil Danson.

Probably because it's a comedy. I didn't really care about the "plot holes".

This is same joke as with Leslie and Ann in Parks&Rec (same creators). Pretty lame.

Never saw Parks and Rec.

also that clown door is HORRIFIC

Main character is straight but still has the hots for her best friend

not a big deal but still

Man I wanna be a demon!

what sort of reddit shithole thread is this? huh?