Yfw Spotify removes the original versions of Low and Heroes and replaces them with 2017 remastered versions

>yfw Spotify removes the original versions of Low and Heroes and replaces them with 2017 remastered versions

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who give a fuck

>Using Spotify

>complaining because you get better quality of music

i had to delete spotify because everytime i open the app i can just smell the kosher bagels thru my screen desu

Dont even comment on music if you use spotify. This is your own fault

whats the difference ?

dumb spotify user


REEEE my scrobbles

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Spotify would be so good if they figured out how to organise a play queue for people who aren't mouth breathing playlist users, paid their artists more than 12 cents a year, gave the option of streaming lossless audio and filled in all the gaping holes in their catalog.

Then purchase the album you want instead of crying what dumb version is on the internet

What was your face when you realised that the Low and Heroes on Spotify were never the originals? Don't forget, EVERYTHING gets remastered when moving from vinyl to CD. In fact, modern remasters tend to be better than old CD remasters due in part to how far behind the technology used to be (case in point compare the original Beatles CDs to the 2009 remasters)

Oh and holy fuck, making it easier to select the tracks you want to listen to from an album would be nice. Rn the fastest way to do that in most cases on mobile involves manually going in and clicking each track to be removed. I just want a drag and drop option. That feels like it should be easy to do in 2018 but Spotify has a hard time implementing features most music players have had as standard for the last decade.
>did you wanna listen to this album? Surely you also want to hear the 12 special edition bonus tracks too, right?
>why would you wanna listen to just one pianos sonata in this cycle? That's silly, here I'll queue all 32 of them!

FYI labels determine this, not spotify. Same with all the metadata

>better quality
Very much a hit or miss situation.

What's wrong with this? The newer master is better

Not to be rude but this isn't the case with Bowie. The RCA CDs sound definitively better than any of the remasters

You can't tell me any of Thriller's reissues sound good either. Or anything the Smashing Pumpkins had remastered. There's plenty of instances where the remasters aren't good. The Beatles are a weird case

they are taking the PISS

they even ruined the cover art for lodger FFS


>a shitload of classical music from all periods and by many different performers
>quite a lot of obscure traditional music that you wouldn't expect like Scottish bagpipe songs, Slovenian Polka, Mande music etc.
>your shitty pop album not there as you would like it (remastered and differently tagged)

>Spotify would be good if it wasn't Spotify

You have to pay to select specific songs...

>Or anything the Smashing Pumpkins had remastered.
Yeah, they did. The remasters sound great.



>Paying for mass produced music with no soul
>Bragging about it

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What's so bad about them? I know my Rykodisc Scary Monsters sounds fine, as well as my EMI reissues from the late-90s/early-2000s. I'm not a huge Bowie nerd, but did RCA actually put out any of his CDs? I always see them put out by other labels.

And what's wrong with the Thriler reissues? The only CD of that I heard is the one with the Quincy Jones interview in the bonus tracks.

Also, I should point out that I'm talking about the CDs themselves. No MP3s, no FLACs, no streaming. I actually still buy CDs, and I count my lucky stars regarding how much they've plummeted in price over the last 10 years.


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Do you think there's gonna be a Boxset for 83-89 like there was for the rest of his career? Is there any demand for that?

Haha, le hipster thread xD

Who the hell would want to listen to that?

Completionists, more than likely. I'm sure there will be minor demand (very minor) since they remastered everything else.


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I can't even tell a difference for these two, what are some examples where the remaster ended up worse quality than the original? I know the Rust in Peace remaster was pretty bad because they rerecorded the vocals but that's the only one I can think of.

RCA did west Germany cd releases

It's free, retard.

>The RCA CDs sound definitively better than any of the remasters
It isn't this simple. Some RCA sounds better, some sound like shit. For example, the German RCA of Heroes sounds great, but the Japanese RCA sounds like shit.

Which is stupid in the first place, but I have. Even if you do pay though, the feature is poorly designed. There's no easy way to say, select 10 tracks off a release to queue on mobile.

>doesn't know what ads are


>Doesn't know what free is

I literally get no ads lmao try again and even if they were it's still free, retard.

>Yes I eat bags of shit
>It's free you retard

>actual arguments: 0

>bags of shit
You've got no real arguments, kid.


You've obviously never tried spotify, so your analogy is more like
>I see a guy eating from a bag
>I don't really know what's in the bag


Very underrated post.

>I know my Rykodisc Scary Monsters sounds fine
You must have really bad ears then because it's WAY too bright.

ads aren't free dummie