Just got back from seeing Silence. Thoughts?

Just got back from seeing Silence. Thoughts?

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Was pretty good. Deserved a nom for Best Picture.

Was this the work to absolve Judas, as Paradise Lost absolved Eve?

90% Dull
10% Kino

It definitely proved that Adam Driver is actually a good actor.

I know most of Sup Forums hasn't seen it, but he already proved that on "Girls." He actually made that show watchable for two full seasons, almost singlehandedly

Probably my favourite film of 2016. The voice of Christ scene was kino


pic related


why'd it get snubbed so hard?

I thought that was Patrick Stewart when I first heard it.


I'm a christian and I'm really sensitive to media direspecting God. I'm already nervous about seeing this because it has a jesuit in it. Do ya'll think I'll like it?

>voice of christ


I've been shilling this video a bit, but I think it's the best interpretation of the movie.

The film is about the Catholic Theology of the time and why the Japanese government rejected it. It is not insulting to religion but explores the colonial nature of the Jesuits at the time in a very fair manner.

You'll love it if you are not over sensitive.

Depends. Did you find Last Temptation to be offensive? Because this is more tame than that in terms of its theology.

I saw it with a pastor and he liked it and it's all he's had on his mind ever since. It asks a lot of questions Christians don't even know where to begin with answering.

I wouldn't say it "disrespects God," but it's a serious examination of faith, organized religion, and the relationship between the two. It's a movie that causes its characters to question their faith, which is basically the central conflict of the whole thing.

If you're thoughtful about your religion and you feel like your faith is strong enough to stand up to questioning, you'll love it. If you just need treacly, positive-reinforcement propaganda like "God's Not Dead," I'm sure you'll find a way to complain about it.

Scorsese believes in God, he believes in good and evil, that should be clear to you by now if you've seen a few of his films

6/10. Too repetitive and on the nose.

he proved it in Llewyn Davis and fucking Star Wars. So many fags here whine about ep 7 but Kylo Ren was fucking great.

Really good and unsettling. The almost 3 hour run length just coasts by.

Is the final shot legit or more of a metaphor?

Uh, I don't think Paradise Lost did that.

Of him holding the cross in the casket? His wife placed it in there with him while the guards weren't looking. A lot of people missed that for some reason.

The interpreter should have been nominated for an Oscar. He was great.

Yeah but did it really happen?

The guy who spams these unfunny videos in every thread discussing a new release on Sup Forums is named Andrew Simmons. He's 23-years-old and lives in Pompano Beach, Florida, in or near Coconut Creek. He uses the handle "Uridon" online.

Here's a vid uploaded to his channel with his face in it, save it before he sees this post and deletes it: youtube.com/watch?v=IGaNYTN2hvQ

Compare to pictures in his many online dating profiles (save before he deletes):




We know who you are loser, and even if you keep spamming your shitty videos under a different name people will know it's you. I suggest you fuck off back to your League of Legends discord and a lifetime of obscurity as an ugly nerd with a minimum wage job.

Cunt Destroyer

Is that really a question? It completely showed her reach into the casket and place it in his hands. It implies a few things, like maybe she was a Christian, maybe she just respected his personal beliefs, maybe he never really lost his faith even though he continued to perform the apostacy rituals, etc.

Here's one of Andrew Simmons' short films btw youtube.com/watch?v=4gbpNwsKMPs

Could he be the next Paul Latza?

Terrible analysis. Feels like the reviewer is a fedora wearing atheist thing.

Andrew? You guys don't even know how to dox
jesus christ it's like calling Trump a bigot, you people just validate me to post more


Silence anti-Japan !~
Hacksaw Ridge anti-Japan !~

Japan for Shinto !~
Japan for honor !~
Emperor thousand year !~

learn Japanese PIG !~
we are NOT Asian !!~
Asian monkey communist go HOME !~

keep your rape ape on base !~
Stupid Amerikajin !~
Stupid gaijin !~
P.I.G.S. !~
So fat !~ so harry !~
stink as SHIT !~

Thanks for derailing a decent thread, faggot.

No, I mean... did it happen in real life?

Did Scorsese add that to the story or do we know that the priest never totally gave up on Christianity?

please let me be the next paul latza
I want to work at disney too

my bad, his name is Alex Simmons. He's that memorable.

It's based on a fictional book and the scene did happen in it. The only characters who existed in real life were Liam Neeson's character and any named Japanese Officials.

Fun fact, the Inquisitor was gay in real life. Definitely explains the mannerisms.

he is mad I get more views on youtube then him, just ignore him.

Here let's get this back to multi track drifting - do you feel silence got snubbed? I'm surprised it even got a cinematography nod, as well as hacksaw getting 6 including BP/best director given the year

>I don't like him
>So I'll give him TONS of attention!!

Says the guy who spent his own sweet time trying to dox me
and is so butthurt he cries every time I post something

"Was she God that her thou didst obey before His voice, or was she made thy guide, superior, or but equal, that to her thou did'st resign thy manhood, and the place wherin God set thee above her made of thee, and for thee?"

She as absolved in the confirmation of her inferiority, and by Jesus, who rose despite the fatal bruise.


>religion is stoopid

>religion is dum

>the fact that you die and there is no 72 virgins or whatever your religion says you will get is very depressing. but that's not cuz atheists are suicidal weirdos, its becuz life sucks for mankind

balding, glasses, nasally voice, gracile little boy body... yep, he's a fedora.

Silence snubbed itself by being 3 hours long and the trailers not doing much to actually explain what the movie is about. Most trailers just made it look like some adventure movie about finding Liam Neeson.

Also, anyone who looks at the R rating and finds out that it's because of torture scenes might be put off. Torture scenes are difficult to watch for a lot of people and that makes up like half of Silence.

I'm 6 ft 180 pounds u manlet

>I'm sensitive to media disrespecting God
>browses Sup Forums
You're either, fucking moron, a shitposting cunt, or a cherrypicking asshole.

>"Says the guy who spent his own sweet time trying to dox me and is so butthurt he cries every time I post something!"

you see how nothing you say really has much sting to it when we know this is the person posting right

I keep seeing reviews say that Driver and Garfield should have switched roles. Do those who have seen it agree?

Every other year there's a movie about slavery or an American POW where they get tortured and those get lots of nominations

it's the truth, I don't have to try and throw insults like you. You think I'd delete the video because I'm embarrassed of how I look? This is why you are pathetic, you think I'd do what you would do in this situation because you are a self-conscious loser. If I didn't want people to see my fivehead, I wouldn't have made the video

Absolutely. Driver is a more skilled actor than Garfield. Andrew's accent was also very below average. If anything, his over acting in the first scene he's in is proof that he wasn't really made for this movie.

He did fine, but the whole movie I just wanted more Driver, which wouldn't happen since they kept separating and his death scene happened completely from a distance with no closure on his arc. I thought that was really well done actually, you really felt the way Rodriguez would have felt watching helplessly from a distance.

It's not really an Oscar-friendly film. It's too long, too willfully unpleasant/punishing, and it doesn't wrap up in an unambiguous positive "message." And they basically already gave Scorsese his "lifetime achievement award" for The Departed, so they don't feel like they owe him anything.

I thought it'd be a major awards contender before I saw it. It was a much better film than I expected, and it was immediately clear that it wasn't gonna make much money or win many awards.

even kundun got 4 noms somehow tho. Like Last Temptation, this only got one.
You think it's because they didn't campaign well for it or because it's specifically about christfaggotry which triggers hollywood libs and fundamentalists as well? I'd say the latter

That's always shit like whippings and beatings. Even Passion of the Christ was just gory beatings.

Silence has people being nicked in the neck and hung upside down underground and people being stacked up and burned alive. The torture here was brutal. The only guy who got off easy was the one who was randomly beheaded out of nowhere. They was no suffering there, he was just chit chatting with a guard before that samurai teleported behind him.

Last Temptation only received one nomination too? I'd say that might be due to the controversy it had at the time.

You're probably right about the anti-christfaggotry of the Academy. Christian films aren't really for everyone because for some reason someone can't get something out of a film just because the characters practice a religion they don't.

>"This is why you are pathetic, you think I'd do what you would do in this situation because you are a self-conscious loser."

I guess i wasn't seperating the degrees of torture i was just thinking torture was torture.

nah if passion of the christ can be the no. 1 R rated domestic grossing movie til this day, it's not because of the torture. If anything that would attract more people, I don't think anyone heard shit about silence