"The Democratic National Committee’s platform committee voted down the $15 minimum wage hike that Bernie Sanders has been fighting for throughout his left-wing populist campaign.
The platform’s inability to add the minimum wage hike could dampen Clinton’s chances to unify her party. Sanders is technically still running for president ahead of Philadelphia’s Democratic convention. Sanders has not endorsed Clinton, but said Friday that he will probably vote for Clinton. It is unclear whether Sanders still has a shot to win the Democratic nomination at a contested convention."



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$12 seems more plausible. that's why I am shilling for Hillary

Nice goalpost moving.
Next it will be 10$


why so low? why not 100$? why do you hate poor people?

Holy shit if Sanders runs, that would be simply ebin. I'd actually have some respect for the cuck.

>ywn tell the Fuhrer a moderately funny joke and make him chuckle

Why even live lads

>be considered liberal party
>supposed to believe in fiscal liberalism
>vote down the ONE thing that can save the US from further inequality

Well done democrats.

How was that unexpected?

Hillary has had ads about the 15 dollar min wage since day 1. wtf are these retards talking about?

All of you in this thread are dumb too, this was her center economic change

Can you see how this is EXACTLY like how the Leave Campaign promised it would put the EU contributions into the NHS after leaving only to then admit it will never happen?
>Sup Forums will deny this

>admit it would never happen
>Farage said he he couldn't promise it and never made the claim in the first place

Nothing can save the US from inequality. Capitalism and free market thrive on inequality. The most powerful and wealthy people will never allow equality.

Leave Campaign were spokespeople for a movement, not politicians running for office


>This damage control.

Im ready

Equality implies everyone is equal and willing and able to contribute the same.

in a world that looks at crime/arrest rates and finds simply having different rates as a sign of inequality I doubt the majority of people who believe this concept actually know what it really means

You sound just like all those idiotic bible thumpers when you talk about 'ending inequality'.

Come back to reality before you completely lose your mind to fanaticism.

Good. I'm surprised but glad.

Just ask the Gov of California why he opposed it and retards and useful idiots still voted in it.

>By the way that applies to state employees.
>Also, the increase is planned to go all the way up the ladder.
>first 50 cent jump will increase state governments costs by 6 million alone.
>That's from 10 to 10.50

California will be the true State Employee Upper Class 90% Tax Rate Socialist State it always wanted to be.

Raising the min to 15 will not solve "inequality". Poor people are poor for a reason. They make bad decisions and don't know how to handle money. Yes, all of them--I come from a poor background and know this first hand. Giving a poor person more money is like putting water in a colander and wondering why it doesn't fill up.

The fact is they don't have useful skills anyone is willing to pay for, not even in general "willing to work hard" or "willing to learn" or "willing to listen to directions." They're lazy, arrogant pieces of shit. They don't deserve 15. If you raised the min, businesses would just fire most of them.

You know what would help the poor? Kicking out the illegals who drive down the value of labor (aka wages.) And instead of an artificially mandated government min, the min wage would climb on its own now that we don't have an underclass of mehicans working $3/hr.

>Just keep donating! I'll keep fighting for you! We may not be able to win the Presidency, but I will fight until our campaign's platform becomes part of the Democratic platform!
>DNC: lol never

Isn't it obvious Hillary will literally call for fucking anything at this point?

>mandatory rape for white girls under 3 by BLM activists
>all men enrolling in college automatically convicted of rape before classes begin
>Christians bakers to undergo forcible sex change surgery and then be made to work at GLAAD head office cafeteria until death
>everyone with ancestors on mayflower declared illegal immigrant and forced to bus tables in Mexican restaurants
>pedophiles in combat roles in military with government issued small boy in pack

You think she cares?!

>jewfag neocons leading the #nevertrump parade of lesser goys are still voting Hillary
>black people still voting Hillary
>single mothers still voting Hillary
>anchor babies still voting Hillary
> SJWs still voting Hillary
>mostof normies still voting Hillary because "ha ha Jimmy Kimmel made a joke about his hair, could this guy be president? Get real?!? OMFG reality TV!?"

There's nothing Hillary can say or do (including actually being indicted and going to prison) that will put off much of her core constituency.

America is so demographically fucked. Trump might still win because there are more nonfags out there than the media knows about.

Why not a billion dollars an hour and then minimum wage workers can donate like a days work to Africa and make everyone there not be starving by next week.

Then they can donate the next week's work and we can use it to but a thousand rocket ships and all fly and colonize Mars.

Liberals need to be more creative with their assumptions