What exactly is the issue here Sup Forums?

What exactly is the issue here Sup Forums?

It's catering to

It is supposed to be a swimming pool, but that would be facility-specifism?

Women are the shittiest toilet users, leaving behind a scene remniscent of friendly Indian neighbourhood.

I'm a dirty cunt that pisses on the seat and floor

it's a bathroom at vidcon, not sure if it's a single or multi though

Unisex toilets are nothing new, if they wanted one of those just put the male and female pictogram on there, and maybe the wheelchair one if there's a handicapped toilet as well.

0 need for this transgender pandering bullshit.


I'm sure pandering to a vocal minority will be totally worth it.

We'll see how tolerant feminists and shit are when creeps are taking videos in there

So being crippled is now a gender? We've come a long way!

The issue is that I don't want to share a toilet with fucking females

Women in general are the most disgusting toilet-users I've ever seen. Piss everywhere, bloody tampons, STINKING shits when they're on their periods, just vile

Men's toilets are a bastion of civility. No conversations, no drama. Proper spacing of urinal use to prevent fags checking you out. Quick cubicle use only when absolutely necessary. In and out as quickly as possible

I look forward to seeing feminists complaining about having to use urinals to piss because equality.

Are wheelies a gender now?

This x1000

This would confuse the fuck outta people. What does someone tell their kid?
>daddy what's the 3rd gender
It's not a third gender, it's...well....some people feel weird in their gender and feel they have a different gender
>how do they feel weird
They just...do.
>So they make another gender
Not exactly, sometimes they change their gender, sometimes they just say they are a different gender without changing anything, and sometimes they consider themselves gender less
>they cut off their weewee?
No. Sometimes doctors can turn their weewee into lady parts or the other way around
>Why would they do such a thing?
To make themselves feel better. But this is rare, a lot of the times they just dress up in the other gender's clothes.
>Where are they, I've never seen one?
Because there are very few of them.
>then why do they have their bathrooms and signs?
Because daddy was a fucking idiot who voted for Obama in 2012. Don't worry, son. Come 2016....I'm killing you and mommy and then turning the gun on myself.


Despite the pop culture meme that men are dirty, goofy apes, it's actually quite the opposite. We have a very established code of conduct for public bathrooms, and for the most part try not to make it too much of a mess.

I have had multiple women tell me that female restrooms are the most disgusting they have ever seen. Tampons lying on the floor, dirty toilet seats, the works.

Bleh. Disregard link

"Gender" applies only to words, you absolute fucking brainwashed retard

It's absurd to apply it to humans


>M F M/F
What is this the 70's?
Sexuality is not a one dimensional continuum SHITL@RD

We've had unisex bathrooms since outhouses. Complicating things by adding dumb shit is utterly pointless.

Why don't they just call it what it is, unisex bathroom? All the wordiness is pandering.

Usually it's a single though. Not very efficient in places with high traffic like a mall.

Meh these are everywhere in sweden

As expected, Sven

We generally have an established code of conduct for everything. The only time women clean up ANYTHING is when they are in the company of men. Go to a womans house any other day of the week, and its a fucking trainwreck. I'm far from clean and tidy, but girls have this bodily filth about them.


I wouldn't enter it. Time to go full pajeet and piss on the streets. After all streets are not gender restricted too.

On the second thought only women will feel uncomfortable in this situation. Why is she happy about it?

>being disabled is now a gender identity

Since when are disabled people lumped in with transexuals and other body image disorders?

Did this happen after gay men jumped the LGBTBBQ train and they needed some other group to latch on to?

i guess you have to be a man to understand that it isnt hard to make unisex bathrooms but it can get very hard dealing with the consequences.

By putting the handicapped symbol right next to the transgender symbol, they're implying that choosing your own gender is abnoraml.

No man, they're transabled

Can confirm having used both extensively.
Period blood and piss very often.

But m-muh feelings

>Can confirm having used both extensively.

>Can confirm having used both extensively.

why do lgbtqtxyz people want unisex restrooms? they already have one, there have always been 3 type of rooms, those for men, for women and for the disabled

Fuck off. Being crippled =/= being mental. I wouldn't share a bathroom with a medpack freak.

Part of the issue is excessive federalism. First of all you should ask yourself, is this trivial issue really worth all the hubbub? Then you should ask yourself, is it proper for Obama to try to force the hand of people over an issue that should be dealt with on a State level, if not a local level?

Federal overreach in general is a menace.

It's way bigger of a deal than it needed to be

Calling it all gender instead of the usual uni-sex bathroom.

Errr....why not just call it a toilette?


Holy fuck this.
>part of my job was cleaning bathrooms at a beach park
>clean out men's bathroom
>normal amount of dirt for a bathroom
>toilet never really clogged except when drunk hobo's would make a mess
>clean out women's bathroom
>toilet paper all over the floor
>at least 1 roll per stall per day even on slower days
>sand fucking everywhere
>many a time there was shit all over a toilet
>sink constantly overflowed because they didn't use the showers outside to clean off from being on the beach

You simply don't understand how our legislative system works. Everyone is allowed to propose laws (it's called a popular initiative). You collect signatures in a petition, and once you have collected enough it will be considered for a popular vote. To give you an idea, this particular proposition was first petitioned in 2012 (by some faggot cultural marxists, no doubt), it got the required number of signatures, was reviewed, etc.

It was finally submitted to be people for a vote and we voted unanimously against this proposition 3 weeks ago. 77% voted NO. Case closed.

Mark my words, what this will lead to is bathrooms with a unisex/all-gender sign at the main door, but then special cubicles for women and trannies inside, and surely more of those than there are for dudes. This will happen within the next 5 years

>cunt that pisses on the seat and floor
Maybe Sup Forums should identify itself into the female restrooms for a week and miss the target severely.

Men have an understood code of how and when to acknowledge each other. Every man knows the nod.

I might get confused and shit on the floor

Since when are gimps a new gender?

Beyond obvious arguments and opinions. The sign is Fucking crooked and its triggering me hard mang.

Normalization of mental illness

So disabled people are special gender.

It's a single-stall handicapped bathroom. Nobody cares about this. These bathrooms were always available for anyone to use. People care about large, multi-stall public bathrooms, like what you find at the mall, or the movie theater.

Women will take up all the toilets because they won't feel comfortable putting on their makup and pushing up their bra's with men in the same restroom.
Have fun going to the outside potty if you want a free toilet.

Why the third guy wearing half a dress?

maybe they meant the mentally ill?

Honestly dunno what women are like in bongland but I've never had this problem.

I live with my sister, and her friends sleep here all the time and I've never woken up to piss or bloody tampons everywhere.

Usually I'm the one who pisses on the toilet seat at night.

>Slap this sign on a generic single-stall restroom

At my uni they turned a mens bathroom with 2 urinals and one stall into a private bathroom with a lockable door.

Talk about inefficiency

how the hell are handicapped a gender

>unisex restrooms are a new thing
These people just want attention.

>Wheelchair is a gender

people behavior in public toilets is not the same when they are at home or at a friend's

No one gives a shit about the bathrooms, but the locker rooms are another story


When women use a public toilet they generally do not sit down on the seat. They hover above it and let their piss and shit spray all over. And if they see they made a huge mess they don't give a damn and let the next person worry about it. They might do this in their own home but you bet the farm she does it everywhere else. Truly disgusting.