If I travel somewhere else (especially Europe and Britain)...

If I travel somewhere else (especially Europe and Britain), should I lie about not being german so people actually talk to me?

yes, swedes especially hate germans

Do Swedes hate Americans too? :DDDDDD

not really but don't get offended if someone makes a nazi joke and salutes you

I was in Sweden and they were all very nice

nah, we love americans
people even go around with huge american flags on their clothes

>europe AND britain
pretend to be austrian if you're paranoid but no one will dislike you for being german apart from maybe a bit of banter

really doubt that.
I see german hate everywhere on the Internet, especially right now, hence why I made this thread

the internet isn't real life, brits aren't very popular on this board either but it means nothing

it's not just this board tho.
And I mean if 90% of the people on the Internet already have a negative view then I can be sure that this view exists also irl

stay in germany for the rest of your life crying then if you can't handle banter
little bitch

I have nothing against banter and jokes but I think when someone says he hates us or that we are subhuman then it's not just banter

i hate you and you are subhuman fuck off


don't bully

fuck off nazi enabler

People would recognize pigskin G*rmans no matter what. You'd better stay in your own country, or else

nice try kiddo, but I don't wear sandals.

Your accent would give it away

Your disgusting pale complexion that turns red as soon as exposed to sunlight, hay colored hair and stagnant water eyes will betray you

don't have one. If I had one this thread would be pointless.

I have brown eyes and my skin is so pale that it doesn't even turn red (most of the time), try again

>my skin is so pale that it doesn't even turn red (most of the time)
That will definitely show that you are a pigskin, that and the obvious fact that you don't speak Italian