That's it bros, I don't give a fuck

That's it bros, I don't give a fuck.

What the FUCK is happening with the polls? How is Hillary winning EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

This is just bullshit, keep screaming your damage controlling memes but how the FUCK is this even possible? When is Trump going to try to turn it around? He can't use his "muh polls" argument like he did in the primaries anymore!.

Other urls found in this thread:

Guess people arent as willing to jump of the ship of stability into an ocean of uncertainty as you thought.

The conventions happen next month so we're effectively in limbo right now. VP picks have to be announced as well. Anyway, 6 months ago Trump's polling was in the shittier as well against both Rubio and Jeb. Things changed once the campaign actually started on Feb 1st (Iowa).


It turns out a large portion of the American electorate find the things that won Trump the Republican Primary unpleasant and unacceptable out of a Commander in Chief. I know it's hard to believe, but that's how it is. Demographics, my friend.

>tfw it's too late to be a #cruzmissile

Not too late at all my friend.

Did you seriously think Hillary wouldn't steal the election like she stole the nomination?

I love that god damn bird. I want to pet it.

Because these polls over sample millennials who make up less than a quarter of the voting block.

>worrying about polls this eary
We haven't legitimately started with the actual race yet, and election day is far away, so I wouldn't worry.
Besides, I'm waiting for the first Presidential Debate.

How does trump go down but Hilary stay the same?

Don't forget to climb the mountain of conflict.

Brexit happened. I’m confident. America will rule the world again.

It's still early, and Shillary has that indictment hanging over her head.

The battle isn't over yet.

Who will you vote for?

I'm not too concerned. The "polls" worked out so well for Brexit, after all.

Hillary is just throwing a shitload of money at these "polls" as a psy op to get people to think Trump has no chance. Don't fall for it.


They got BTFO pretty hard on brexit

polls oversample Dems and undersample Repubs and to some extent independents

its not "damage control" when its a fact

>millennial faggot demands instant gratification
They haven't even had their first debate yet.

No they didn't. People were retarded and called brexit regardless what the polls said. Probably because of all the establishment pressure.

The Brexit polls steadily showed a Remain win, and look how that turned out.

Better yet, look at the polling for Obama.

sauce? genuinely hope thats true but i need proof

What the fuck are you talking about? All of Trump's polls are higher. He is BTFOing hillary right now. Stop shilling.

You. Putrid. Fucking.Imbeciles. Trump can't remain high on the polls. Hillary is going to look like she will win ON PAPER, but when the last week comes around, the elite will flip the switch and his favorability will sky rocket.

Screencap this post.

This is true. Look at the partisan sample size for the latest WP poll and you will see how they Jew the results.

Bradley effect + legitimate Trump gaffes + extreme media bias.

Trump will still win.


Hillary is the better candidate.

Trump really fucked up the Orlando thing. Things can change but it will take a massive fuck up by Hillary to lose this now.

The extreme right wing of the republicans always fucks up their chances nationally. (NEVER COMPRIMISE EVAH!)


get a load of this kid. you better lay your sword at the queen's feet now or you'll be one of the first against the wall ;)

>the whole primary turnouts are indicative of a general election turnout meme


Donald's been off the news lately.
Might explain it.

Remember when polls said #Brexit would fail? Polls don't mean shit wait for election results.

OP, if you want the crash course on it:


polls predicted both of obama's wins pretty well

but the elite want Hillary. She is the Wall Street candidate.

>tfw all these deluded Trumpettes still can't read the writing on the wall, actually believe a brain-dead race-baiting real-estate muppet is going to win the white house, even replubicans hate him and refuse to back him, something that hasn't happened in ages for a political party

He literally has 0 chance. I. Cannot. WAIT. For. November.

cant bruise the cruise?

Someone had to go down in the plane, brother. But he shall rise again through hellfire.


Why did you post that image?

People have wised up to the polling.

If Trump is made to look ahead in the polling then the elite will realise they have to step up a gear and play dirtier to stop him from winning the white house.

So what do people do, vote Hillary in the polling instead.

Six months ago, polls also claimed that Brexit would never happen


>This is just bullshit, keep screaming your damage controlling memes but how the FUCK is this even possible?

Trump is kind of a loud idiot, and the American people are starting to think he's a bit too loud and silly even for them.
>When is Trump going to try to turn it around? He can't use his "muh polls" argument like he did in the primaries anymore!.

Unless he becomes more political, he's not going to turn it around I think. You have to bear in mind that while we here at Sup Forums might not agree, most people LOVE establishment politics. That's how the establishment becomes established... Because people actually like it or care too little/are too afraid to actually choose something new and unknown.

>43 of the 44 previous POTUS have been white males

>the polls in late june are accurate in november meme

if that were true Dukakis would have beaten H.W. but he didn't

>Being this far below the worse dem candidate in a century-- killary at anypoint being good

>polls have always been right
>polls have never been riged before
>polls didn't portray trump as the loser in the primaries

Yeah keep believing the media jeew

Rigged, proven.

How do you expect him to become the Republican nominee with his numbers? The butthurt republican losers are going to cuck him because of these retarded polls, he's going to have to run as an independent and then the democrats will win because there's too much of a split between him, republicans, libertarians, and greens

It's simple. We know who caused it, and we know who needs to pay for it.

It's actually good to have her appear winning in the polls. This will make all her luke warm supporters stay home on election day.


Wow the meme candidate is not going to make it.
Who would have thought.

Keep an eye on Hillary's Twitter. She doesn't say anything about foreign policy or trade or any kind of serious policy. All she talks about is women, fags, and illegals. That's the core of her campaign: SJW issues.

Except one crucial one is missing. She never talks about blacks issues, police brutality, mass incarceration, income inequality, and all that shit. Blacks don't rate.

It's like I said a long time ago (pic related).

Because he hails the devil, as do all shills

Kek shocked us all with Brexit, he will deliver with Trump as well. Have faith.

Hillary is winning in the polls because we are at the point in the elections before the conventions and immediately after the primaries were decided. Support is based on democrat/republican lines at this point and Trump is not a typical republican so his numbers will be lower.

it looks like shes sucking an invisible penis