Harry Potter

Why is these three in the wrong houses?

>Harry - clearly Slytherin
>Ron - Obviously hufflepuff
>Hermione - definitely Ravenclaw

also why is Hufflepuff best house?

>Griffindor -chads and normies
>Slytherin - edgelords
>Ravenclaw - fucking nerds
>Hufflepuff bros up for shake n bake

1. Because Rowling can't write and didn't actually write the series
2. Because you're a manchild

>ywn go to hogwarts and be put in hufflepuff
>ywn be best bros with cedric diggory and slay all the qt dopey hufflepuff gash together

dullest franchise, etc

Weasley's almost are always Gryff, Hermione has more bravery than smarts, and Harry straight up asked to not be in Slytherin. Sorting Hat takes your desires into account when sorting. I believe it took the hat five minutes to sort Minerva McGonagall into Gryffindor which was unprecedented at the time.

It's because the kids get to choose what house they go into you dumb fuck. Didn't you even read the book?

>Harry - clearly gryffindor based on his future heroics, good nature and familial ties
>Ron - clearly gryffindor based on his future courage, loyalty to friends and familial ties
>Hermione - probably could've been ravenclaw but also had many characteristics of a gryffindor

>Hufflepuff - the everyone else house with a variety of good and interesting people. cedric was a pretty ok guy (and a chad) and luna was a sexy little abnormal

do you reckon cedric popped luna's cherry before he voldemort'd?

The three wanted to be in one house so that they could together cope with the fact that they were in one of the dullest franchises in history. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Luna was Ravenclaw

he popped cho chang's while luna watched from the closet.



>no introduction at all
Don't meme if you're lazy

>Hufflepuff bros up for shake n bake

Hufflepuff was loser house. You only think this because you are yourself a loser. If you notice, lacking any other discerning or notable qualities, losers will always describe themselves using some vague and woolly term. They say that they are 'chill' when they actually mean 'boring fucking wasteman'.

because Rowling couldn't be bothered to write a way for them to interact properly, when the obvious way was to make Malfoy a QT grill.

Also, Hufflepuff was more the house where all the Chris Chans would end up, as well as all the dumbasses that convince themselves they're smart enough to coast their way through school and end up with a dead end job.

The movies are kino and your picture makes no fucking sense. Kill yourself, newfag.

I haven't read the books in so long.......whatever.

You tell em, familaliailailia
dat kino shit

>twitter: Gryffindor
>tumblr: Slytherin
>youtube: ravenclaw
>yfw you realise Sup Forums is the hufflepuff of the internet

Harry is arguably a griffindor. The original idea was probably to have one character belong to each house (with malfoy repping slytherin) but she couldn't think of a way to get them all together without meeting in the same house common room. That's why the other two houses are so irrelevant.

Because sorting really works this way:
>Gryffindor: Main Characters
>Slytherin: Antagonists
>Ravenclaw: Minor supporting characters
>Hufflepuff: Irrelevant characters

mfw it would have been super comfy if there was 4 of them and each coming from the same house.

Harry, the unyielding voice of gyffindor
Hermione, the brains of ravenclaw
Ron, the unexpected bravery of Hufflepuff
Mafloy, smug prick.

Harry would have spent one christmas in the Malfoy house with their luxurious shit then spend the next one with Ron's family and their hand me down briefs

Bongistan school system is so retarded

Hufflepuff is reddit.

>no effort to excel
>is nothing but a discount version of what other places do better
>claims to value getting along, but is actually a hugbox full of retards that go tribal at the smallest slight

Sup Forums Is dumbledore, because we dick people around and perform actions that make absolutely no fucking sense, yet somehow manage to cobble together a decent place to be, if only because everywhere else is worse.

haha this

epic sekirt club xD

Encyclopedia dramatica is no substitute for lurking.

>tumblr: Slytherin
How the fuck is racist elitist Slytherin anything like egalitarian tumblr?

If anything, Sup Forums is Slytherin: edgy and arrogant.

What house do these dubs belong to?

>because we dick people around and perform actions that make absolutely no fucking sense, yet somehow manage to cobble together a decent place to be, if only because everywhere else is worse.
Then why do you come off like the guy that would never make a thread, but will gleefully post in a thread so you don't get banned?

>egalitarian tumblr
Have you ever been there?
I'm not judging. In fact, I think more highly of you because you haven't.

Whats the point of Slytherin and Hufflepuff anyway?

Slytherin is just an autistic Ravenclaw full of cringe fucks

Hufflepuff is just an autistic Gryffindor full of retards

because you enjoy projecting?

Best HarryHermoinefic go

Ravenclaw is just super autistic

Gryffindor is "designated protagonist house"

they're all autistic

no, I'm going off the sjw-tumblr association, I know nothing about the site

Slytherin could have been explored in an interesting way. Its defining characteristic is supposedly ambition, which could manifest in a variety of different ways. However it's actually just dark wizard dickhead house. How were Crabbe and Goyle ambitious?

only reason i come to these threads

Explain how tumblr is slytherin you bumbing retard

I just got off a week ban for harassing the cunny spammer. What did you do other than post in a he will not divide us thread that you didn't even make?

yeah, why the fuck does that house even exists as a whole? theyre all a bunch of assholes.

Story would have been cool had the Slytherin house been abolished after Riddle's turn, then Harry comes in with the sorting hat, and gets sorted to Slytherin and everybody freaks out

who down with some hufflepuff kush

Because its a shit childrens series written by a hack

Slughorn was an interesting Slytherin, but he was the only one, and was around for just Half Blood Prince

Rampant tribalism.
Colossal racism.
Having a minority of talented people the majority leeches off.
being incredibly smug.
Everyone that knows them hates them if they can't use them..

Slytherin is where you dump the assholes so they won't corrupt the normal guys too much

Hufflepuff is where you stash all the rest that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw didn't want (the hat literally says this).

Are you ok, user?

Someone would tell you
>because they had the COURAGE to ask to be put in the same house!


>Ah yes, I sense the potential for great evil in this 11 year old boy. But with the right training and guidance he might be persuaded from that path
>Nah fuck that let's just dump him in twat house with all the other dark wizards and call it a day

>Ah, Albus, is it?
>Yes, sorry you had to suffer under that one too, but your father meant well, and I could hardly correct him from this portrait, could I?
>Did I ever tell you about your father, incidentally?
>Well he was part of my ultimate plan to stop Tom Riddle, a boy who became a sociopath due in part to his upbringing in a cold orphanage, where he had no friends to speak of and nobody to explain the implications of his emerging power
>So, knowing this, I sequestered your father in a home with his abusive aunt and uncle, where he was treated like an outright freak and punished for the magical outbursts he couldn't control or understand. Given that he even had a splinter of the most evil man who ever lived in him the whole time, it's amazing he came out as well as he did, come to think of it.

>And he was a good friend

Wow a pointless thread

You can literally pick your own house

Hermione researched beforehand and wanted to be in gryffindor she knew the most powerful wizard was a gryffindor and the headmaster that's incentive. Also the only house with a sword.

They are all true gryffindors they are brave

They were always going to be assholes, the point is putting them in one place where it's easy to watch them and letting everyone know to beware of them.

Slytherin-Sup Forums
prove me wrong you cant

This the films are legit kino. Glad you have taste user.

Gryffindor - Facebook
Slytherin - somethingawful
Hufflepuff - Reddit
Ravenclaw - Wikipedia

>deflecting criticism over sociopathic behaviour by accusing his accusers of bigotry
ingenious, I respect tumblr more now

Proved you wrong

4chen is a site made for art. harry potter isn't art so team snake would be deviant art or vampirefreaks(if its still a thing)

>his accusers
did you just assume xer gender?

Which one is Sup Forums

lol, always hilarious seeing TERFs attacking trannies

Sup Forums is Filch
Reddit is Mrs. Norris

They address this in the books as well as the movies. Dumbledore straight up says your choice matters. Also you see Harry get sorted and he's like "please no Slytherin" and the hat is like "really" and Harry is like "yes" so the hat puts him in Gryffindor.

Whole thing is about how people aren't born to be good or bad, but rather it is your choices that matter. Again, Dumbledore spells this out plain as day. This is a kid's book/movie. It's all pretty straight-forward.

None really, Rowling is too much of a christfag to conceive of something like 4chins.

Hufflepuff was a house for mediocrity


user was clearly speaking in a meta sense.
You can generally justify anything in a book with magic, but it doesn't mean it's a great idea.

The issue with most houses being superfluous was mostly due to Rowling writing on the fly for the first three books, and only getting things together by book 4, by which time she'd already dug most of her holes.

JKR was going to have the man characters in different houses but couldn't make it work and stuck them all in Gryffindor.

luna was repeatedly raped by her father since she was 9 years old, constant memory erasures fucked up her mind

a-user.... why?

Hufflepuff is basically you're too retarded to resemble something but gassing mages is illegal, so whatever - the House. Joining hufflepuff voluntarily is the same as being proud of going into class for special kids in school. If you graduated from Hufflepuff, you're disgrace to your family and to whole mage community.

Because you're on Sup Forums.


This isn't Final Fantasy you dumb fucking weeb, it's called a wizard.

The book and movie explains how the Sorting Hat works when choosing houses and why they're in the houses (specifically: because they wanted to be in them and the Sorting Hat decided to put them where they wanted to be in this case).

I genuinely don't get your complaint here. You thought it worked one way but it doesn't, and the books and movies straight out say as much. The end.

>You thought it worked one way
That's where you're getting confused.
Everyone knows how it works. It's just that many think the story would be better if they were in different houses and thus didn't need the patch job to explain why they aren't.

Sorting Hat takes where you want to go into consideration.

Harry could have really fit in any of the four houses. Ron could have made a good Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Hermione could have made a good Ravenclaw, Slytherin (because not all of them are purebloods), or Gryffindor.

With Harry and Ron, it's clear that they wanted to be in Gryffindor, and the Sorting Hat took this into consideration and decided to put them in there. Keep in mind that it doesn't always put you into the house you want to be in, but your choice does play into it.

As for Hermione, consider she says this in the first book:

>“Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery and — oh Harry — be careful!”“Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery and — oh Harry — be careful!”

Sounds more like a Gryffindor to me.

Post sorting results my fellow witches and wizards :DDDD

>Everyone knows how it works.
Yes, and it doesn't work the way you think it does. It works the way the book says it does.

If you're 10 the movies are great indeed


>"the three courageous heroes don't belong in courage house"

>Yes, and it doesn't work the way you think it does.
You're making very little sense.

Big shock, the guy that doesn't understand a simple children's book doesn't understand my reply.

Is English your second language?

>Sup Forumsacks actually uses Sup Forums to define and identify themselves

Ah, so you deliberately misunderstand posts in order to make smug replies when people point our you're being a retard.
I see now.

>"no you don't understand"
Good comeback. Those ESL lessons were money well spent.

gib link :DDDDD

what's this?

One last try.

Everyone knows people choose houses.
People point out that their personalities suit other houses better, and that it would suit the books message of integration if they mixed.
I await your next shitpost with baited breath

It's basically a random house/wand generator. I did the test several times and it always came with vastly different results.


Their personalities could work in a couple different houses but the Sorting Hat put them into Gryffindor because it doesn't put a person into two or more houses at the same time and their choices matter.

I don't know why you couldn't understand this before but I'm glad I could help you out. Any other children's books you need help with? Need me to explain why the Grinch stole Christmas or are you good?

The hat is fucking useless and pointless.


Pottermore is pretty random. Try doing it more than once on different computers and from different IPs. I got different results.

Well played.
You got more (you)s than most, but you blew it here and won't get any more.
next time, I advise dropping the line once the mark is onto you and moving onto another one.
The person responding might start to believe you really are retarded.


>gets beat

Cry more.